August 22, 2024
= 15th of Av plus 3 days (153)
= 8 sets of 40 days after start of Israel war
= 40 days after Trump assassination attempt
= 252... The pregnant woman sign, September 24, 2017 plus 2500 days is today, July 29,2024. 2500 is 50 squared. It could be a nice waiting period/completion ... On July 5th, Joe Biden said that he would not quit the race, unless the Lord came down and told him to quit. I guess the Lord must be in the area or ... "Steve Fletcher 222" has been putting out many videos on you tube(especially lately). He likes this full moon of July 20/21. I like that his videos... Also, the Great American eclipse of October 14, 2023 plus 40 weeks(280 days) is July 20,2024. This eclipse crossed the Americas (North and South). 40... In the Book of Esther, Esther receives her crown in the 10th month of the 7th year. The pregnant woman(9/23/2017) will be pregnant in the 10th month ... @patrician Biden is a dictator. He only wants to satisfy his lust for power and control @patrician As a result, gas prices were lowered just 2 cents a gallon. Another band aid for a serious inflation problem. @terry Thank you. Steve Fletcher also has a few other videos making a case for June 2, 2024. Also, there was a guy that really made a strong case f... The Iranian president died 40 days after the April 8th solar eclipse. I need to learn how to attach videos, but take a look on you tube for Steve Fle... When the Jews fled Egypt, they were allowed to take their material possessions. At the rapture, I believe that we take our spiritual possessions, whi... Here today, gone tomorrow? The "devil comet", comet 12P is in our skies and will be closest to earth on June 2, 2024. Makes me lean toward June 1 or 2 for a rapture date In the Simpson's episode, "Thank God, it's doomsday", Homer predicts the rapture to be May 18th at 3:15pm, but he doesn't give a year. I don't watch ... Lisa Leenie's vision (11192). 111th day of the year and 92 years after Hitler rose to power in 1932 takes us to: April 20, 2024 Putin recently threatened the US with nukes, but the media barely covers it. Interesting that no one is taking this seriously @geri9 You make a good point that if the wedding celebration begins, those that come out of Tribulation will be late to the wedding party. I know th... @terry Ya, I think it's like the story of Lot. Because the purpose of the rapture is to remove the Christian believers, just before all the bad stuf... @terry I wouldn't think there is a 6 month gap between rapture and trib. Once we are raptured out, God's wrath begins. One of these days, someone will be correct with their rapture date. I don't know if it means anything, but I have noticed that from the pregnant woma... There are some videos online about a rapture at the Jewish holiday of Purim. This year, it is March 23 to March 25. The holiday of Purim goes back t... Just a tid bit. We, the believers, are snatched up before the really bad stuff begins. One reason is that we are the body of Christ and Jesus is the... @boulder95 Jesus died for everyone, but you gotta get that grace. Read 1Corinthians 15:3-4 and memorize it. Pray to God and Jesus and tell them th... Boulder- My prayers are with you. We don't know everything from the Bible, but it is a fascinating Bible. Study the Bible, not just reading. I thin... In Genesis 8, Noah releases the dove, it comes back, then he waits 7 days and then another 7 days, and finally the dove does not come back. The woman... @erby Yes, that was my post about the red dragon sign pointing to a rapture around Feb 9-11. The number 2331 is 777x3 and also 333x7. The pregnant w... Some have said that the most accurate date for the pregnant woman sign is not Sep. 23, but Sep. 24, 2017. Using the 2331 days that I mentioned in pre... Yes, the armies of Heaven return with Jesus on white horses to destroy the earth's remaining armies and leaders. Count me in as well. For anyone interested, I think this is an excellent Bible study at lesfeldick.org In Acts 23, some Jews wanted Paul, the prisoner, dead and had a secret plan to trick the commander and kill Paul. The commander got word of it and go...
Last seen: March 3, 2025 4:34 am