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Rick Jones
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Today May 10, 8 days from the end of the warning, gave us a huge sign. The 18th will be remembered. Revelation 18:1-24 describes for us what will happen on the 18th. At 18:4 there is a pause in the narrative that says ""Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues;" then the narrative continues. The rapture occurs while mystery Babylon falls. The number 18 shouldn't be a mystery for us. The 19th is Pentecost and will be our time to go. Like Noah in the ark for 7 days, we will be 7 days from the Rapture on May 12, 2 days from now.

Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

The Generation That Shall Not Pass Away:

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I went over and read a few conversations on Craig Bong’s FB page - subject is a combo of things … the red heifer, what is King Charlie up to and when are we leaving here.  
These conversations were about 2 weeks ago
Per Craig Bong’s opinion
The man (the AC) has already been made known to believers through scripture. It is King Charles, coming as the 8th King Charles of the revived Holy Roman Empire. His revealing to the world comes after the restrainer is removed. He leads the way to confirm a covenant for seven years and as for the day and hour, scripture reveals it to be a day of trumpets and at the last trump as per the next appointed time to be fulfilled and that time comes as the season is changing to winter as per Leviticus 23:39 which describes in detail the seventh month.
The rapture is appointed. It can not happen any moment. On the other hand, we are to watch and we will know the hour as the opposite is true to those who don’t watch in Revelation 3:3. II Thessalonians 2:3 states clearly that a revelation shall have been made known prior to the gathering of the saints to whom the title of AC will be. This is why it is important to do a word study as the meaning of a word is often lost in translation. The AC comes at a time of peace. The AC does not have an injury to his head but one of his heads, indicating a prior political injury. No person has seven heads, right? Apostasy has but one meaning and it is a state of rebellion and any synonym that connects to it such as departure. Redefining rebellion or departure, both synonyms working together, as being the rapture is squeezing something out of the passage that is not there, nor has ever been there. The rapture is on verse 1..the gathering of the saints and two things must occur prior to the rapture. The rebellion which is clearly connected to the bow mentioned in Revelation 6:2 and commonly used today as part of or connected to Agenda 2030 and a revelation shall have been made known to whom the title of Antichrist will be.
Regarding the red heifer 
The temporary structure has already been built outside Eilat. Anything can happen but...It is fairly clear they will not do the sacrifice the heifer until their king Mashiach is revealed and that time is not yet.
IMG 4548
Some one asked
And where is King Chuck the Third at the moment?  Is he really resting or up to somehting?
Craig’s response
He is very busy actually behind the scenes and recently merged his plan with that of the pope’s plan to save the world from climate change. 
Hey Craig Bong, think we will being going home in 2024
Craigs response
If the calendar is off by three months as it appears to be as per Leviticus 23:39 and the eyewitness account by Josephus, the Day of Trumpets  would be December 31st/January 1st on the day planned for Global Governance 2025. It is too early to tell what may transpire in the months ahead but watch until the end.
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Okay well .. I’m not too thrilled on being here for Mail 234 or 235 more days Negative .  But I guess we have to keep that thought filed in the back of our minds … if the current high watch dates don’t materialized.  I sure like Rick’s 40 day Jonah warning /Pentecost timeframe and Aaron has a few all the way up to July 13??  What gets me if the tribulation doesn’t start until 2025 then it would make the ending 2032 …  but accordingly to Aarons calculations if we leave in 2024 on the dates he has … then the ending is in 2031 and he has either the midpoint AOD occurring on Christmas/Hanukkah 2027 or the other date would have the mid point falling on a Passover.  

So just wondering your thoughts to Craig’s opinion and timeline?  

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Rick Jones
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@geri9 Thank you Geri for all your efforts here on ritan. My opinion is that I like all the members of ritan. Yes

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Maybe Craig should have a conversation with Andy Woods.  He apparently hasn't read his book.

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Yep someone said to Craig,  Andy Woods believes the falling away is departure/rapture … it’s in the Geneva Bible but Craig is only following the King James.  

I recall reading and posting an article that the falling away means both … departure rapture event and the falling away from the faith. And I think there hast to be a little gap period between the rapture and when the tribulation kicks in.

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10:09 - 13:45 Advertisement

Jonah Timeline Almost Complete! How to Properly Watch for the Rapture!

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The "devil comet", comet 12P is in our skies and will be closest to earth on June 2, 2024.  Makes me lean toward June 1 or 2 for a rapture date

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Per Keegan 
Keeping my eye on Israel as we've got some big things converging this week.

Tonight, the Israeli Home Front Command suddenly published this leaflet entitled “Important Equipment in Emergency Situations” where Israel is warning its citizens to have bottled water on hand, as well as non perishable food that doesn't require refrigeration. 

(In other words, Israel is expecting their power stations to get hit with the coming Hezbollah rocket attacks that Israel is preparing for.)

The Rafah operation is set to begin in Jabalia, northern Gaza after civilians have returned back into this area in northern Gaza. This area Israel abandoned after having taken care of Hamas there at the time. Well, HAMAS has regrouped there like cockroaches coming out of the woodwork. 

We've got the Arab Summit coming up May 14-16. 

We've got Israel's Independence Day coming up May 14-15th. Hamas and Hezbollah and others are expected to increase their attacks on Israel’s 76th anniversary date. 

Could be a big week coming up.

We've got Israel's Independence Day coming up May 15th
The 'State Of Palestine' is to be declared on 21st May! 
Hamas, The Houthis, Hezbollah are ready to launch a unified attack (The Psalm 83 War)! 
Pentecost is on 19th May! A possible Pentecost Rapture..
Anonymous Poll
Yes …. 77% vote rapture could happen on Pentecost
No ….. 23%
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12:04 -  17:22  Advertisement

Global Hatred Stage Set for Tribulation! May 18th Warning Pattern Continues!

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I hope May 18th is the date! There are some people I am ready to meet! Yes  

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@yohanan Or the 19th.  40 day warning and then go.  As the song says, Somebody give me a cheeseburger!

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Think about this, from all the people on earth He has chosen to make you His own! This is how we Know God loves us, and no one and no thing can ever separate us from that love. It is secure, it is eternal, and it is without condition. Romans 8:29-30 WE know we're loved, as the world shakes, we are hugged with words from God, saying, I picked you!  So God gave us His Spirit to tell others of His love for them, Jew or Gentile. So as we watch & wait for Jesus return, His work keeps going forward till we fly.

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Paul R
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@flyaway-com Yes! Romans 8 is such a great passage: it's starts with the gift of no condemnation and ends with Father God's promise of eternal, unshakeable love for those who are in Christ.

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