Just As The Bible Prophesied, Russia Has Chosen Its Side: (Warsaw, Poland) — As a Polish citizen whose wife is from the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, I have a unique perspective on the Russia-Ukraine war. I saw the panic in Poland when Russian troops entered Ukraine. Some stockpiled supplies and fuel. Others prepared to leave the country, anticipating that Poland would be invaded next. Despite unresolved trauma from the 1943—1944 Volhynia Massacre in which Ukrainian nationalists killed tens of thousands of Polish people, Poland opened its borders to more than 1 million Ukrainian refugees escaping the war. After all, Poland remembers Russian forces invading and ruling Polish lands.... The Western public has grown indifferent to and tired of the war in Ukraine, but on August 6, we witnessed something unseen since World War II. Russia, the world’s largest country, lost territory to the much smaller and weaker Ukraine, which invaded Russia’s Kursk region. During the Soviet Union’s collapse, Israel saw one of its most significant aliyot (Jewish immigration) from former Soviet countries. Between 1989 and 2018, about 1.7 million Soviet Jews and their relatives left for Israel, transforming parts of Jewish cities into Russian neighborhoods. People spoke Russian, had Russian stores selling kielbasa, and watched Russian television. Many Israeli citizens felt a connection to these lands where they or their parents were born. When the war in Ukraine started, Israel carefully supported Ukraine. Israel understood the pain of a foreign power’s rocket attacks but could not underestimate Russia’s influence in the Middle East.... The war in Ukraine exposed that Russia must obtain weapons from Iran. Russia understood this would be unacceptable in Israel, clearly indicating that Putin is not afraid to antagonize the two states completely. Although Israel is hesitant to enter full-blown conflict with Russia, Russia has chosen its side, evidenced by its invitation of Hamas leaders to Moscow on October 26, 2023. Israel and Russia’s conflict may be linked to biblical prophecy. The prophet Ezekiel described the confederation of nations led by “Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal” (v. 2). ... The main attack will come from a remote nation in the North (Ezekiel 38:6; 39:2, 15). There is no more remote nation north of Israel than Russia. It is unknown if Russia and Ukraine’s conflict will lead to this giant attack on Israel from the land of Rosh, but we know God is regathering His people, Israel, in the land. Ezekiel 37 was fulfilled when the State of Israel was born “in one day” (Isaiah 66:8). Ezekiel 38 and 39 come next. We may imagine giant armies from Russia, Iran, Turkey, and many Arab nations, but Israel’s assurance of victory is in the God of Israel. He will destroy its enemies (38:19–22), beginning a new era when Christ will return with His church to rule for 1,000 years in Jerusalem (Revelation 20). https://harbingersdaily.com/just-as-the-bible-prophecied-russia-has-chosen-its-side/
September 22-23 is the same time as the United Nations General Assembly's Pact for the Future aimed at strengthening global governance. Maybe they sign something that will change the world forever? Will this be a covenant with many? Hopefully we are snatched out of here sometime before! Here is what Craig Bong posted about it on his Facebook page August 11, 2024: Amir used to teach rapture on Feast of Trumpets, too, until he changed his mind for some reason. What's up with that? Another eclipse coming. This one at the start of Feast of Trumpets. These are snippets from a Michael Snyder email I subscribe to. There's no link to a website. The second solar eclipse of 2024 will take place on October 2nd. When it occurs, the sun will have just gone down in Israel and the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have just started. Is it just a coincidence that the first solar eclipse of 2024 just happened to fall on the very first day of the very first month on the Hebrew calendar, and the second solar eclipse of 2024 just happens to fall on the day that is celebrated as “the Jewish New Year”? If that is just a coincidence, it is a really, really bizarre one. Could it be possible that someone is trying to get our attention? Could it be possible that this year is being “marked” for some reason? So exactly what is an “annular solar eclipse”? It is when the moon crosses the face of the sun but does not completely block it out. When the moon is centered directly in front of the sun, a ring of sunlight is still visible around the moon, and that is why such an event is often called a “ring of fire” eclipse. The eclipse on October 2nd will not be visible in the continental United States. UpTime Community Church [Starts at about the 2-minute mark. Lasts 2 hours, but you can speed up the time.] Another one about Sept 23: -Fair Use- The Rev 12 sign actually manifested in the heavens in 2017 on 9/23 on Rosh Hashanah... coming up for 7 years ago. The Bible calls it a great sign. Also, the door of Noah's ark was open for 7 days before God closed it. All of the above is true. No speculation involved. Hence, 9/23 and Rosh Hashanah (2-3/10) have to be prime target dates to watch out for. I don't think the annular eclipse is necessarily relevant - it's only visible in a remote area of South America. I will be in Japan on Sept. 23. Well, if the rapture happens then, I guess it will be even more of a witness for the Japanese people, especially the ones we plan on visiting.Timothy Rabinek is a Field Representative in Poland for The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
The Mystery of Lawlessness Revealed:
September 2, 2024 1:11 am
September 2, 2024 10:04 am
Revelation 21:4
"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away". This verse promises that pain, grief, and loss have a purpose, and that God will provide peace and eternity to his followers.
A lot of pain is happening now in the world, so much crying for what the world is in. I'm watching the funeral of the people who were killed in the Gaza by Hamas. We are watching the suffering of the Jewish people, but we know God has a purpose, please pray for Israel, we know it won't get better, but God says pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we want Jesus to return soon. I love you all and don't turn ever back to this world for it's about go into the tribulation and we are moving up soon to our NEW home till it's over with, stay in love with Jesus, He is our first love and it will be forever. Come Jesus Come, Flying soon!
September 2, 2024 10:16 am
September 2, 2024 8:34 pm
The world is about to take on a task of taking concrete actions against God.
To be held September 22-23, the summit will indeed provide a platform for the international community to discuss ways to strengthen and enhance global governance.
Can the global powers be sincere in acting together for a permanent environment of peace and stability on a global scale?
The "Pact for the Future" is at the heart of the U.N.'s "Summit of the Future". The said pact is a challenging topic for 40 leading economies and 193 U.N. member states. To what extent is it possible in a world where global and regional geopolitical and geoeconomic threats and challenges divide countries from each other to such an extent? To what extent is it possible to bring countries together on sustainable development, protecting the earth and climate, lasting peace and stability, a better world for future generations, cooperation in science and technology, to bring them together on common objectives, values and steps to be taken in restructuring the global governance system? Considering the increasing turmoil in the global economic-political system, it does not seem easy.
The Summit focuses on seven themes:
Global Economic and Financial Architecture
Human Rights and Participation
Sustainable Development Goals
Global Digital Compact
Effective Environmental Governance
Peace and Security
UN and Global Governance Innovation.
The overarching purpose of the Summit and the Pact for the Future is to:
Reaffirm the UN Charter
Reinvigorate multilateralism
Boost implementation of existing commitments.
The revised draft of the Pact outlines 52 actions related to:
Sustainable development and financing
International peace and security
Science, technology, and innovation (STI) and digital cooperation
Youth and future generations
Transforming global governance.
This September, world leaders will convene at the United Nations to adopt the Pact for the Future, which will also include a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations.
-Fair Use-
September 3, 2024 11:19 am
September 3, 2024 5:25 pm
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