Now fear is the top topic of satan for everyone, even for us, as God's children, so we must put our faith, FIRST. I don't know what's going to happen with America, but I can see God has plans, even though, it's not in God's word for America. America has turned against God and let other gods take His place. We are looking at judgment for this country, so many still reject Jesus, prayer for others is all we have to save our families, so no matter what you hear and see, lies will keep coming, but we are going to remain faithful to the end, Jesus, Come Jesus Come, Joshua 24:20, “If you forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods, then He will turn and do you harm and consume you after He has done good to you.” There's no question that God has done good to our nation; but He will consume this nation if we stay on the path it's on! Prayer, tells our Father in Heaven, we repent of our sins and will turn back to Him. Will America do that or is to late? But, we know what God is about to do, our stay here is about to come to a end. So stay ready, our hand will reach Jesus, as the storm is in full blast, love you all. From Amir Tsarfati's e-mail newsletter: Galatians 4 says, "But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His son, born of a woman born under the law." He was a Jew of the tribe of Judah to redeem those who were under the law, that we... Say we. We. That we might receive the adoption as sons. We're all adopted. You understand that in the rabbinical writings, adoption is even stronger than being born of your own mother and father? Do you know that being born to your own mother and father could be a planned thing or accident? Hello? Something happened. There is no accidental adoption. You don't live your life and accidentally you have adopted someone. To adopt someone is to choose someone as he is and to say, "I want him." That's the adoption that we all have. We often hear in defense of lifestyle choices and immoral actions that, “We are all God’s children,” which is not true. John 1:12 God’s children are those who have received Him as Savior and Lord. They alone have the right to “become” His children. If you must through belief in His name “become” His child, it reveals that prior to that decision, you were not His child. We are all born in sin and alienated from God (Colossians 1:21). But through Christ, we are adopted as sons and daughters of the Most High. At the time of Jesus, the Roman practice of adoption was very common and significant as it was customary for a father to leave his wealth to his son(s). If a suitable heir was not among them, then a young man who could manage the father’s wealth was sought out and adopted. All of his debts were forgiven and he would be given all the rights and benefits of a son. An adoption was irreversible. This is what happened with us. Through Christ, our sin debt was forgiven, we became sons and daughters of God, and we now have all the rights and benefits as His children. It was also true in Roman culture that a father could disown his son, but an adopted son’s status could not be reversed. We have been adopted by God. And we, as born-again believers, can say with assurance that we are children of God - and nothing can change that. Nothing can separate us from His love and no one can snatch us from His hand. That’s the best news we’ll hear all day! Amir Tsarfati: Accepting God's Timing: [Short, less than two-minute video.] In the Book of Esther, Esther receives her crown in the 10th month of the 7th year. The pregnant woman(9/23/2017) will be pregnant in the 10th month of the 7th year, between 6/23/2024 and 7/23/2024. Also, in Proverbs 7:19,20, the full moon is when the "husband" or "godman", a type of Jesus, is expected to return. He returns at the end of the month, or in Hebrew, at the full moon. The next full moon is on 7/20 or 7/21/2024. Possibly soon, we will see. I've been watching teachings by Youtuber Dave Kull. This latest one is one of his shortest. I am happy to leave any time beforehand, but this guy is sold on a Feast of Trumpets rapture. He is another one convinced that this is the year, so that is encouraging. -Fair Use- Dr. Barry Awe has a new video, but I haven't had time to watch! "Steve Fletcher 222" has been putting out many videos on you tube(especially lately). He likes this full moon of July 20/21. I like that his videos are usually under 10 minutes. He has interesting information. Some things don't resonate with me, but most of the time he makes good points. “Revelation” — country music star John Rich’s new single that takes its inspiration from the final book of the New Testament — has soared to the top of Apple’s iTunes country chart on its first week of release. It has also reached the No. 2 spot for all songs. “Revelation” takes passages directly from the final book of the New Testament — specifically, the prophecies of Saint John — and sets them to a revivalist-inspired country melody that serves both a warning and a celebration. John Rich recently spoke to Breitbart News Daily on Sirius XM Patriot 125 about his new song and how he found inspiration from the Book of Revelation. “I wanted this song to come out now in the middle of 2024 as I believe a lot of people are starting to turn back to the Book, to the pages of the Bible to try to find some type of answer, some type of real truth,” he told Breitbart News Daily host Mike Slater. “It is the only perfect truth — what’s written in those pages. It’s not what you say, not what I say, not what the press says, it’s not what your preacher says. It’s what the Book says. So this song is what the Book says.” “I think we’re all guilty of being sidetracked with the circus that is going on and missing the real point — which is there is a spiritual battle going on, right now, and it manifests itself in the physical which is what we’re seeing today.” [Hear the song at the link.]
Daniel 3:14-25 tells the story of King Nebuchadnezzar commanding his people to worship a gold idol and threatening to throw anyone who refuses, to be put into a furnace. But no matter how hot it gets to try to make us worship any other gods, we will walk into the fire with faith, jesus will be with us to the end.
But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name.John Rich’s Bible-Inspired Anthem ‘Revelation’ Soars to Top of iTunes Country Music Chart, No. 2 for All Songs: