Rules for Posting on RITA Now
The rules for Rapture In The Air Now are simple:
1. Please treat others the way you would want to be treated, with a spirit of love and edification.
2. Please do not try to name the Anti-Christ .
3. Please do not write any posts that have “Thus sayeth the Lord” statements, meaning those people that claim to speak for the Lord.
4. Please do not post advertisements, especially those selling merchandise. And please do not post “Go Fund Me” pages or posts asking for donations.
5. This is a Pre-tribulation Rapture group and will not allow other beliefs such as Post-trib or Pre-Wrath views.
6. This group believes in once saved always saved salvation. We believe salvation alone qualifies you for the Rapture of the Church. Any posts which do not follow those guidelines are subject to removal, and those who persist may lose the privilege of posting.
7. Please post only in English. Since our moderators are English-speaking, they will not be able to moderate any other language, and all foreign-language posts will be deleted.
8. This is not a conspiracy theory site. Please do your homework on anything you post to make sure it is factual.
9. Please do not write in all capitals. It is difficult to read and gives other members the impression that you are yelling at them. Thank you.
Thank you all
We do not allow your email, blogsite, Twitter or FaceBook address to be posted on the open forum. Any exception to this must be approved by the Administration and Moderators of RN in expressed written form.
All the Mods have spent many, many hours in discussion, researching and considering what to do with the increasing numbers of videos that are being posted on RITA.
We do not have enough time to review all of them to see if they are safe for viewing and meet our standard for posting on RITA which is Rule # 1.
Therefore, we are hereby giving notice that each of you are responsible for what you post OR watch, and, we can not and will not be held responsible for the occasional improper content of a video. It was either we do that or we allow NONE.
We strongly suggest that each of you let the Holy Spirit be your guide in what you post or watch.
Any video that we do monitor and find to not meet our stated purpose statement will be DELETED and no explanation given to the one who posted it. If it was your video, then just understand that it did not meet, in our opinion, the requirement of RULE # 1. If someone consistently post improper videos, they will be called out and warned of the consequences.
The purpose of RITA is to focus on two things. The pre-tribulation return of Jesus Christ for His Bride and to have fellowship with each other while we watch and wait. That means that we do not major on conspiracy theories, false religions, false teachers and prophets, or false doctrines. Subject like this will be edited or removed entirely.
The purpose of RITA is to focus on two things. The pre-tribulation return of Jesus Christ for His Bride and to have fellowship with each other while we watch and wait. That means that we do not support major on conspiracy theories, false religions, false teachers and prophets, or false doctrines. Subject like this will be edited or removed entirely.
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