On his 'Generation2434' channel, Tyler has released a video with himself and Dr Barry Awe called 'New Wine with Jesus'. It's just over two hours long, if you have the time, and it joins all the dots regarding the Feast of New Wine. They make a compelling argument for around August 12/13, if the rapture is scheduled for this year. The pregnant woman sign, September 24, 2017 plus 2500 days is today, July 29,2024. 2500 is 50 squared. It could be a nice waiting period/completion date. this evening might be the busiest and most dangerous for Israel since Iran attacked them several months back. We are always one day closer to His return Praying for His protection over Israel tonight! Don’t Miss Out On The Blessing Of Watching Bible Prophecy Come To Fruition: Living in the last days has its challenges, to be sure. We see wickedness, lawlessness, and deception increasing at an exponential clip. As violence erupts all around us, I pray daily for the safety of our children and their spouses, as well as for all our grandchildren. On the other hand, we live at a time like no other. I recently read Matthew chapters 12 and 13, and as I did, a couple of verses reminded me of the wonder of being alive at such a time as this: “But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear. For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” Many in previous generations had longed to be alive at the time their Messiah walked among them. As believers, we have a valid expectation of being alive at the time of the Rapture. As events point to the rapid approach of the Tribulation, we know that the time of meeting Jesus in the air is ever so close. When Paul penned the letters to Thessalonians, he expressed the hope, the possibility, that he might take part in this momentous event before his death. Notice his words in 1 Thessalonians 4:17: “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord” (emphasis added). At the end of his ministry, the apostle recognized that he would die before the Rapture. Regardless, he wrote of the reward that Jesus would give to him because of his love for Jesus’ appearing (2 Timothy 4:8). In the early 1900s, C.I. Scofield wrote about the time when an alliance led by Russia would invade Israel. People scoffed at such an idea because, at the time, Israel didn’t exist and Russia was a Christian nation. Today’s headlines verify his insights into Bible prophecy. We live at a time when the Gog/Magog War of Ezekiel 38 seems likely to happen in the near future. Russia is firmly aligned with all the players that will someday invade Israel. It’s often said that we live in biblical times, and I heartedly agree. We have the great privilege of watching the unfolding of biblical prophecy that would have amazed Bible students a hundred years ago. I’m amazed by what I see today compared with just ten years ago. Through the astounding advances in technology, we not only understand how the antichrist will be able to control all the buying and selling worldwide, but we also watch as all the pieces come together to make this a future reality. Everywhere we look, we see precursors to what the Bible tells us will happen during the Tribulation. I believe the Lord is allowing us as believers to see a miniaturized version of the judgments chronicled in Revelation chapter 6 so we might know we live in the last days and watch. For others, it’s a warning of what’s to come. Just like the Pharisees who failed to recognize the presence of the Messiah, many church leaders today fail to link the perils of our day to the fulfillment of Bible prophecy (see Matthew 16:1-4). They read the same passages that we do but remain blind to the evidences of Jesus’ soon return. They miss the blessing of watching Bible prophecy come to fruition. Just as Jesus said, those who witnessed his earthly ministry were “blessed.” At the same time, I can’t help but think that it’s also wonderful to watch Bible prophecy unfold before our eyes. Although we don’t know what the future holds, let alone the next day (James 4:13-17), the fact that we are ever so close to the start of the seven-year Tribulation tells us that the moment of the Rapture is as close as we dare imagine. We have a reasonable expectation of being alive at Jesus’ appearing to take us home to glory. Similar to those who rejoiced at the fulfillment of Scripture when Jesus first appeared, we also have the wonder of witnessing as the pieces fall into place for God’s sovereign plan of the ages to overthrow Satan’s rule and replace it with the righteous reign of His Son over the nations! Matthew 24:13 "But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved" Without God's word we are wondering in the world, with no hope. But God with His Spirit is working in us, to know the times now are real, showing us Jesus is coming soon. We who have His Spirit, say, we won't turn back to live for this world, but only for Jesus. We know this scripture says, God's Spirit lives in us to help us endure to the end, we laugh in satan's face he has no hold on us anymore, it's Jesus now! Stay ready, we'll fly and be in paradise with Jesus at any second. If we don't have God's Spirit, you won't be able to endure! Praise the Lord we are His! -
Lead us on Haven’t said much lately. Been dealing with a sick dog. She is better. She had to have emergency surgery due to an infection in her uterus. She is almost 100 percent. Anyway, it seems like the stage is set. What are we waiting for?! Let’s go! I pray that it’s this month. I am cutting down on the news. It gets crazier by the day. Hang in there family. This place getting less and less our home for sure. What’s going on gives added meaning to “Come out from among them...” By taking out terrorist leaders, it sure looks like Israel has set the stage for Gog Magog. The love of a dog, is a gift from God, they love forever, even not knowing what the day may bring. Like a little angel from Heaven. I have 2 little friends, so happy to hear your dog is better! Another vote for 9th of Av. Six minutes with pretty music. Acts 17:25 This God is the One who gives life, breath, and everything else to people. Feel the direction the world is going, the lies that make people reject Jesus, satan is moving all around the world to keep many believing all will be fine, we just vote the right people in who cares about us. Really, is that all, the world is turning against God, with His words of life, to every child He creates, He gives His breath, but we turn from Him with satan's death warrant on unborn children and turning boys into girls or girls into boys, America & all who do this, will reap it's sowing, but God in His love keeps saving people, to find that life is all about HIM alone! Pray many find Jesus soon, as God is bringing the last moments together for Jesus return. Israel is moving forward into what God has told us would be the last days before the AntiChrist steps out. Come Jesus Come we know ITS TIME!
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