Yes Tammie, true! It is finished and in that we rejoice, and imagine the joy of seeing the Lord soon, each other, and all those who have gone before u... Nothing is impossible with God! {monalisa}:bible: What general area is this in Terry? Charley Kirk reveals what she really is all about. In listening to a broadcast this morning, there is a company called "squatterhunters.com. He goes to the squatters and tells them what all future cons... Spring is in the Air! Heartfelt sympathy!Reunion is on it's way! Sighhh......their lie's never stop!
*per Patricia's "Hoax Alert"... Is the Upcoming Total-Eclipse a Prophetic Sign? - Troy Brewer @yohanan That's the best point I've heard all day!! You're right!! {ritan-emojis}:rotfl: Reviving from our previous Site.*Replaces Coronavirus News Reviving this Thread from our previous Site. When we moved to this new site, we lost a lot of the original Frugal Times thread posts. In case there is interest in continuing it... {ritan-emojis}... Boulder, is it possible the Lord has brought you to this place for you to know the truth that ultimately sets you free? Is it likely God has shown you...
Last seen: August 5, 2024 11:39 pm