Evil grows while the Holy Spirit seems to focus on individual hearts rather than world news and events! TR Indeed wars and rumors of wars. The Ezekiel 38 war, Isiah 17 war, WWIII, and all the players that we are familiar with! We can't and shouldn't prev... All of the "old" gods are coming back! Rebellion raised in religion! TR Indeed we are all watching the end of the world as we have known it for six thousand years coming to an end literally and figuratively! As per the op... Will the lies ever end?! Not while serving the "father of lies"! TR We're ready Lord! Short of seeing the "Tribulation period" we really don't need to see the nuts and bolts of satanic strategies play out Lord?! The ... We share God’s creative heart! TR One more week in Feb!!! TR Check out Ed P post on 5 Doves, "Looks definitive to me" the real sign of Christ and his return. TR Indeed worldwide or large scale revivals are not promised in the scriptures for this time, that said the Spirit of God is still moving on hearts. The... So happy for you and her!!! God is good! TR Sadly as well there is a growing brazeness whether displayed by the common street criminal or world leaders in the commission of sin and evil! The se... Agree!!! But when the Lord does make His move it will be conclusive! Justice mixed with grace for now! TR Again, the year of the cross, the culmination of God's plans as He fashions and secures a bride! TR The Holy Spirit's final ingathering! His will is being done! As like a final exploding star with brilliance then darkness and an empty void! TR When I contemplate the possible nearness of our departure I get misty eyed! There will just be too many feelings hitting me simultaneously when we ar... About time! TR There is no turning back for all nations! God is simply gathering the last of harvest in individuals, before being stored away! TR First the cry/command of an Arch-Angel then the trumpet of God authorizing the end of our days! All part of God's early warning system. Now that's w... Let it be so Lord Jesus! TR Except for those in this final generation the saints of just a few years back would be flabbergasted to see world affairs and the political climate of... I agree! Suffice to say that the Jewish people are just as likely to follow in the sins of men like others! They were made peculiar by God and chose... Beautiful and appropriate prayer! TR God is aware of evil and the plans of men throughout time, this is no secret! The validity of this post wouldn't surprise me in the least! That said... I can just hear the Lord say: I love it when a plan comes together! TR Absence indeed makes the heart grow fonder! So it is with us and Christ! How marvelous is a brides heart, and so it is with us! For He has captured... The second hand of time seems to grow ever louder as the seconds are counted down! As time counts down we see time being replaced with eternity, we e... That city is a hotbed of evil and immorality! TR