Thanks, I'll be there with my tall glass of sweet ice tea and several dozens fresh beignets Wagner troops are in Belarus causing some problems with Poland's airspace. Amir is thinking they are going to attack Poland, A NATO member. I guess it... we are righteous which makes us justified by Jesus Blood.
Pastor JD says God sees Jesus and not our sin. How Awesome is that....that just blows my li... hey y'all there is a huge picture that seems to be coming into focus rapidly in Israel. The upheaval is setting up a platform for their false messiah,... Praying for Bibi, praying for Israel.
Looks like the times of the Gentiles is up for us. :bye: :flyup:
Sad for Israel's upcoming troubles but then a... Amen Lord, Amen! :prayer-hands: ‘Leave No One Behind'”.
You are right satan is their(UN) leader and this slogan is straight from his mouth. I can see that satan will use this motto... Ah, great minds.... I began decorating Sat. I got down some pretty Christmas decorations & I bought 2 beautiful pots of silk poinsettia's at our ... Happy 4th of July. Y'all! I'm sure they would like to get rid of the Bible altogether But God... I have entrusted my life to Christ to save and keep me, I have also put my trust in Him to keep my animals. And I liken my pets to myself as Jesus tel... Oh my, this hurts but my home is heaven. Still... so sad to watch the agonizing death of America.
Please Father, please send Your Son to get us quick... We will see him soon! :flyup: This sounds devastating. Praying :prayer-hands: I 2nd that, Kent. I'm sick and tired of watching the descent and eating :popcorn. Please Lord Jesus can we go now?!? :thankyou But we are leaving soon. :heart: Perhaps not when we think it will happen but seeing that we could be just a few weeks before Tribulation events comme... We've always had a large Embassy in Lebanon. There was a big reduction during the Lebanon civil war. Now they are rebuilding a new one.
Yes we have b... Ok y'all looks like the war with Hezbollah/Iran is at the threshold. Let's keep Israel lifted in prayer even as we take our last breath here before go... In 1970 I was 17 and a Jesus Freak. Both Pastors Wilkerson and Smith had a profound effect on me. God used these men mightily. Will be thrilled to mee... Mike and I both celebrate Mother's Day. Although he of course did not give birth, he mothered and fathered 4 young children after Mikes (first wife( h... :thankyou Thank you and a very blessed Mother's Day to all who mother :rose: I am in such awe of watching the Lord arranging the final pieces in place in the last moments of human history. Such a sobering time but then an emot... Father please open each lost soul's heart that can be reached to hear the Gospel and respond before the delusion takes them over. In Jesus' merciful a... ANY day is just fine with me...just Come Lord Jesus, come for Your anxious chillins :heart: Kent, 1971 was when prophecy began making sense to me...well actually the Lord opened my eyes and ears. I was saved as a young child but I was 18 when... I don't have a fig tree but they are fruiting (baby figs) here in the deep South. Our spring flowers came up over a month ago and now our summer flowe... I do believe 2023 is The Year! We can see signs that the Trib is about to commence...we gotta get outta here pronto! Sometimes I feel very bold and adventurous when I think of my wonderful future and then I feel trepidation of what is coming to this world and I almo... A beautiful image. He is so Wonderful!
And today I am meditating on this
"Beloved, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been ... Hallelujah, a new sister and a child of God! Woo hoo! Thank You Lord!