I always have trouble posting links :unsure: my link above is Eric Stecklebeck and Rabbi Jason Sobel on the Ezekiel 38 war. Also I forgot to add that my point is the importance of Ezekiel 38 and the possible timing of the rapture being so close. Gary Hamrick is in agreement... Thank you for your thoughts, Yohanan! Like I mentioned, we can always agree to disagree and I certainly don't mean to go against RITAN rules :negative... Hi all! It's been a while since I logged on so there are a lot of new faces :bye: (that's meant to be a "Hi" wave and not a "Bye" wave 🙂
... I think this is wonderful! I was a bit disappointed in Lisa B's (Watchwoman 65) take on it. She did not think it was a good thing. It looks like she s... THanks, Yohanan! 🙂 How do you share so that it shows the video? :scratch: It is my favorite as well - those are beautiful. I will add to the collection. This is not the style that I normally am particular to but this woman i... Paul R - I love that information!
I also had something come to my heart one morning recently. It was so strong that I realized that I had act... Prayers for you Boulder!! Please keep us updated on the surgery and your progress. It looks like that video was made in 2020 🙁 And, Yohanan - a BIG 100% YES for hoping it's a moot point! :flyup: Kolleen and Yohanan - you parroted my thoughts exactly. Love what he did for this country but it creates too much divide. And if DeSantis runs - I wil... Anyone have any thoughts on Trump's announcement? Just curious 🙂 Would it be too farfetched to wonder if someone else who wanted WWIII dropped those bombs and not Russia? Does that make me a conspiracy theorist to t... Geri9 - thanx for that info - it is very interesting. I have not done a deep dive into Moses death and his body but will one day and this is good info... Right! Let's all believe in today! :yahoo: I wonder all the time how much more we will see. I never in my wildest dreams thought we would see what we're seeing now. But I know we won't see thin... I listened to one full (loooong) video interview and part of another with this guy and the titles of the interviews are very deceiving. Jesus or God d... Prayers for you both! :prayer-hands: Prayers and deepest felt hugs! :prayer-hands: :rose: – Fair Use –
I don't know how to insert it so that it shows the video here 🙂 This is Erick Stakelbeck on the collapse of the Israel government.
... Trying to post again - if you see several of the same post from me, that means the ones that disappeared finally came back :mdrmdr:
Thanks fo... TR - not only can we have snow in heaven and not be cold but we will get to ski without breaking a leg! :yahoo: We're having typical Dallas area Texas weather here - in the 20's last week, mid 70's today and back in the 20's tomorrow :whistle: I am loving seeing everyone's faces as well :bye:
I haven't read the whole article yet - I skipped to the replies to get the bottom line (I ... I still say we have until at least May for the Fig Tree Generation to still hold true (then I'll count on the 1948 calculation 🙂 ). A spring rapture... I tried editing my previous post but I kept getting the spinning wheel 🙂 so Ill just add another post 🙂
Whit - I've been thinking that mys... Thanks for posting Churchgal. I didn't finish all of it but your right - it's a well made video. Sometimes my head starts spinning when these videos s...