I think we have a possible Lisa's Vision day on Nov. 19th. Lisa's Vision 11192 could be without the 4. This could be on 11/19/24 The left seems too quiet. Are they planning to block Trump from being sworn in to office? @terry But, I do like Dr. Barry's rapture time of Nov. 11-18. That is only a week or more away. I would think someone other than Trump must alread... @terry At the 7:50 mark, Dr. Barry is suggesting that Trump could be the guy who facilitates peace with Israel and its enemies. In my opinion, I pre... @terry Yes, Iran wants him dead, absolutely. Most likely, we will be outa here before the craziness gets more crazy. There is something interesting with Nov 6th and 7th.
153 x 17 = 2601; 153 we all know from John 21. Number 17 is associated with Christ and overc... With the Bible and the help of the Dead sea scrolls and the book of Jubilees, they can figure out the date the flood occurred. The theory is that the... Today is All Saints day, but many celebrate it on the first Sunday of November(Nov. 3rd this year). All Saints day is the oldest Christian celebratio... @blue November 1 is 11/1, similar to Lisa's Vision of 11192. Update on the comet. They are saying the comet is breaking apart, which happens often when it gets close to the sun. They are now calling it the "he... @perhapstoday I always wondered if there will be holes left in the ground where those in their graves have been raised. For those left behind, it wi... Comet C 2024 S1 was just discovered on 9/27/24. It is now in the constellation of Virgo(woman), will u-turn around the Sun on 10/28 and 10/29 and exi... Video from SteveFletcher. We now have 2 comets in the sky. Comets have tails, just like the red dragon standing in front of the woman (Rev 12:3-4) I believe that the 8th day of Tabernacles, also called Shemini Atzeret, begins at sundown on October 23rd in Israel. In the US, that would be someti... Like Daniel Larimer, this video likes the 8th of Tabernacles. However, he is using the current Hebrew calendar, so his 8th of Tabernacles/Rapture dat... @blue Thanks for sharing that. I just watched Repoman 64's recent video. I am a novice with calendars, but I followed along and Repoman says a lot ... @blue The part that gets tricky is that some say Tabernacles started on October 2nd. It depends on which calendar people are looking at. This is a video from Steve Fletcher. High watch date for the full moon on October 17th. Perhaps this Oct 9th lineup of planets is a sign/warning or a countdown of days? Daniel Larimer has a new video up at "Blow the Shofar" on you tube(a... I have watched the videos of October 9th rapture here on the prior pages. And I have watched several videos of Daniel Larimer and October 9th. While... I enjoyed the possible Rapture videos for Oct 2 and Oct 9th that were posted here. There is a guy named Daniel Larimer that goes into great detail ab... @blue I am locking stuff up too, but I am not sure why. I think it will all be destroyed. Matthew 24:21-22 In Daniel 9:27: "the ruler makes a treaty with the people for a period of 7 years". I believe this is the AC making a peace treaty with Israel and it... @paulr The correlation of 7's is significant. 7 days (ark) and 7 years(Rev 12 sign). For God, a year is like a day. @blue In Back to the Future 2, I like when Marty McFly receives the letter from Doc, who is in 1885. The date of the letter is September 1, 1885. A... @patrician I agree. Paul says that satan is the ruler of this world (2 Corinth 4:4) and Jesus says the same John 12:31. But God has the power over ... September 22 stands out to me as a high watch potential Rapture day. 9/22 is the autumnal equinox, with 12 hours of daylight and 12 hours of darkness... @patrician Wow. That is amazing that the light is over 2,000 years old. I like September 22 for a high Rapture watch date. I will put up a post ex... @terry Yes, it's a compliment. Ripe tomatoes came to mind, so I went with it. I could have used any kind of fruit or vegetable. The Rapture is kn... Today, Russia threatens the West with WW3. At what other time in history would this be "back page" news? Russia has the world's largest supply of nu...
Last seen: March 3, 2025 4:34 am