Five Doves, Bruce Baber(28 Oct 2024) "Look at Hanukkah 2024"
Look at December 14-22 Hanukkah 2024 and see what I wrote 12 years ago.
Bruce Baber (5 Dec 2012) “The 2 Witnesses Turn the 7 Branched Menorah Into a 9 Branched Hanukkah Menorah”
The seven branched menorah is replaced with a nine branched menorah for Hanukkah. Scripture (Old and New Testament) shows a seven branched lampstand change into a nine branched lampstand. The two witnesses make it so!
In Zechariah and in Revelations two visions are given showing how the seven branches become nine by the addition of the two witnesses who stand on either side of the traditional 7 branched menorah. In fact the two witness are described as lampstands in Revelations.
Zechariah 4:
11 Then I asked the angel, “What are these two olive trees on the right and the left of the lampstand?”
12 Again I asked him, “What are these two olive branches beside the two gold pipes that pour out golden oil?”
13 He replied, “Do you not know what these are?”
“No, my lord,” I said.
14 So he said, “These are the two who are anointed to[b] serve the Lord of all the earth.”
Revelation 11:
3 And I will appoint my two witnesses, and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, clothed in sackcloth.”
4 They are “the two olive trees” and the two lampstands, and “they stand before the Lord of the earth.”
Notice that the two witnesses are called LAMPSTANDS.
Zechariah says they stand on either side of the 7 branched menorah. The addition of the 2 witnesses (lampstands) makes a 9 branched menorah! The 9 branched menorah is ONLY used during Hanukkah!
IF we go up at Hanukkah, then that must be when the 2 witnesses come down because they are presently standing before the Lord. Immediately after they come down, they will have 1,260 days to complete their mission.
There is something interesting with Nov 6th and 7th.
153 x 17 = 2601; 153 we all know from John 21. Number 17 is associated with Christ and overcoming the enemy and complete victory. Looking at the 2 days around the Rev. 12 woman sign:
Lesson till 29:00, then he talks about their hurricane relief efforts.
4:48 "For those who are antsy to know what my guess is." During the time of the flood. November 11 everyone went into the ark. November 18 the flood started. Rapture guess = sometime from November 11 through November 18.
@terry At the 7:50 mark, Dr. Barry is suggesting that Trump could be the guy who facilitates peace with Israel and its enemies. In my opinion, I prefer the King Charles theory as the AC. In the Bible, the AC is called a prince, like prince Charles. It has been thought that the AC comes from the old Roman Empire. In the past, King Charles has praised the Muslim religion and some think he is a practicing muslim. Also, Revelation 18 is the fall of the great Babylon, often thought to be the fall/destruction of the USA.
@davedave Yeah, I thought that was pretty rude. And unfounded. So Trump is not pastor-in-chief. That's not his job. He is a staunch Christian, and will reinstate the faith office next to the oval office when he gets in. IF we're all still here then.
And I had read that the section in the Abraham Accords about dividing the land was a kind of trick. There were clauses and conditions put in there for when the time comes that they knew the muslims would never agree to or participate in, and therefore it would never happen.
@terry But, I do like Dr. Barry's rapture time of Nov. 11-18. That is only a week or more away. I would think someone other than Trump must already be working on the peace treaty. Trump was too busy campaigning.
Five Doves, Mike Plunkett(3 Nov2024) "Re: Steve C's Post : Leave Instructions for Those LEFT BEHIND...(No One Teaches This!) | Buddy Brown""
Buddy Brown makes a good point regarding loss of electricity, the internet, etc for a period of time. In fact, when the internet comes back on line it will probably be scrubbed clean of any reference to Christian Truths (including
Here's the Youtube address:
[5 and 1/2 minutes]
So, it's probably best to print out the Salvation Message as well as other facts concerning the Tribulation, and leave the hard copy in a conspicuous place.
Today we will know who will be the next person to be our president or tomorrow but God help us listen to your word and obey. Christians should be for the unborn, family, safe borders, health and God's word to be number one for our freedom. God is watching and the world is watching! The God of Israel is watching! He reigns supreme! Do not underestimate Him! "He who sits in the heavens shall laugh; The Lord shall hold them in derision. Then He shall speak to them in His wrath, And distress them in His deep displeasure: 'Yet I have set My King On My holy hill of Zion.'" (Psalm 2:4-6)
Can’t wait to see you all in person! I like it when people share “High Watch Dates,” even if they come and go. Keeping hopeful is so important. By the way, any word on Geri?
@erby Well, if you like 11-11, here's another one. When we watched we thought, Listen to yourself, Bill, Hanukkah! But maybe, hopefully, he's onto something. Nobody wants to wait till Hannukah anyway. Haven't heard from Geri.
I don’t mean to be a debbie downer! This is 14 minutes and I’m with her! Is this God’s extended grace and mercy on our nation? Or is this creating a false sense of peace and safety and then sudden destruction?? Eyes on Jesus!!!
@tiffanys Consider the source. That's the gal who spread Hal Turner's [bleep] about the politicians running to their bunkers the one and (I think) only time I watched.
The left also made many threats, like not certifying Trump, or using the 25th amendment against him and even civil war, so I doubt it's over yet. Maybe create WW3 and not allow him to take office.
@perhapstoday They could find some excuse for martial law and prevent the inauguration. And those lame ducks can do a lot of damage in the meantime. Iran wants to assassinate him. And Iran needs to attack Israel before he gets in because he won't stand for it.
@davedave I certainly hope so. By the way, Bob got a text message today that said it was from Chuck Shumer wanting him to sign a petition to remove Trump's immunity from prosecution for anything he did when he was in office. No. That computer is dialing the wrong number. Those AIs aren't all that I.