-Fair Use- Trump does not fit the New WEF. Did you know on Sept 21st, the United States became part of the Global Agenda. We signed away our sovereignty to the United Nations. We are now under their control. The coming days will be very interesting. May God help us.......... I can't believe what we are hearing in this generation, God wants us to be listening and watching, we are so close to leaving this world with Jesus. Russia, China, Iran, North Korea are working to bring about chilling events to the world. We are listening from God's Voice, stay alert, everything He has told us, is starting to appear, in wars, people turning away from God and hate for others. Biden said today, people are, garbage, who are not from where he is from and who votes for Trump. Now, this is words from satan himself, we can see the Antichrist is about to come out into the world. Come Jesus Come UpTime Gang, Surviving the Encounter: With Gary Gates: [just over 2 hours] Five Doves, Donna Danna (27 Oct 2024) A replica of the Ark of the Covenant, painstakingly constructed, its creators say, to the Torah specifications of the sacred vessel that was the First Temple’s central fixture, was displayed in Jerusalem on Sunday evening, during the intermediate days of the Sukkot holiday. The ark described in the Torah, which housed the Ten Commandments tablets among other holy objects, was hidden after the destruction of the First Temple, per rabbinic tradition. At Jerusalem’s King David Hotel, the replica shown in the hotel’s sukkah contained a refurbished Torah scroll, which survived the Holocaust, from Thessaloniki, Greece. It took 17 volunteers, who live in several countries, three-and-a-half years to build the replica ark, which is made out of donated gold and some three tons of Egyptian Acacia, according to “Jake” the project’s chief architect, who prefers to remain anonymous, and Lewis Topper, its principal financier. Illustrations of four biblical stages of the Exodus from Egypt are displayed on the exterior of the ark replica: Moses’s prophecy at the burning bush, the parting of the Red Sea, the clouds and pillar of fire that protected and guided the Jews in the desert and the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mount Sinai. “The ark by itself is a book,” Jake said at the event. “It’s a book that tells the story of the Exodus. It’s the ultimate manifestation and illustration of our Exodus and our relationship to God.” Since Egyptians didn’t know what mechanical fasteners were, the ark replica has no screws or nails. "...the Egyptians used very specific techniques when they created the wooden joints.” They also used a fastening technique called mortise and tenon “that can practically last forever,” Jake said. “We went with the highest purity of gold available to the Egyptians,” Jake said at the event. “The purity used for royal artifacts is around 23.75 carats, so we went with 23.75.” The crown jewel atop the golden box, which required painstaking detail, is the pair of male and female cherubs—winged angels with child-like features that face each other. “Scripture tells us that God spoke to Moses in between the cherubs,” he said. “The purpose of the Ark was to have a communication channel between Moses and God, so it’s the communication device. “Now we can see with our own eyes something which we have missed for 2,000 years,” he said. “We have never seen such things. We heard about them. We learned about them. We see pictures, but we have never seen them in real life.” Wackadoodle is excited about this meeting coming up on November 28: -Fair Use- I have seen others talking about a meeting on November 11 also: -Fair Use- Today is All Saints day, but many celebrate it on the first Sunday of November(Nov. 3rd this year). All Saints day is the oldest Christian celebration and originated when Christians commemorated the many martyrs who died at the hands of the Roman soldiers. Christianity was legalized throughout the Roman Empire in 313 and the violent persecutions came to an end. Thanks. I didn't know that. I thought it was somehow related to Halloween. With the Bible and the help of the Dead sea scrolls and the book of Jubilees, they can figure out the date the flood occurred. The theory is that the Rapture will occur on the anniversary of the flood date. They also look at various Bible translations (mainly the Septuagint and Masoretic text) to interpret the time and days related to the flood date. This video is from "Blow the Shofar", who gives a date of Nov. 13th, same date from Ribvideos.com. At the 14 minute mark of this video, he also shows a possible Nov. 3rd date.
"Ark Replica Shown In King David Hotel's Sukkah In Jerusalem"