Have you seen this one yet ? Wondering if this drill will go live. Looks like the situation could explode any second now.
This was put up by Hal a couple of days ago but still hasn't been confirmed as true H.T's latest...
And here's something from the bottom of the above article...
***** FLASH *****
4:40 PM EST --
Employees of the Federal Emergency M... Yes. Perhaps. But probably not. But God definitely used him to speed things up prophetically not slow them down as J.D. pointed out also. And here's the comment of the day about it...
Foreign-funded left-wing eco-terrorist just committed more violence in one day than 100,000 truckers ha... 5G was my first thought churchgal. We haven't really talked about it too much on here but it could be the ultimate doomsday weapon and "their" ultimat... Here's what J.D was talking about when he started talking about Trump at around the 108:00 mark in that first longer link. This is how D.H's sees things as of right now. Definitely had to post it on this thread. Right now it's 55 by me and feels like 70 Getting wind gusts up to 50 mph Tomorrow we are suppose to get 1 - 2 inches of rain then it's suppose to go ... Glad I don't live in Japan right now. Sorry. And I feel the same way about the internet as a whole. I keep getting upset and telling myself I don't even want to turn on my computer for at ... Pray for all of the unvaccinated in Canada !!! That's who they're really going for ! It's all lies and deception at this point.
This guy makes some good points about that. I think it's safe to say that this trucker thing was not organic and all of the innocent people caught up in it are going to unjustly pay a price for ... For me the best proof was the first proof I ever heard when I was going through a study on the Book of Revelation. It was pointed out that the 7 churc... I don't have any words for this video. It speaks for itself. Overall I like J.D. and his prophecy updates a lot. Especially during these past couple of years.
The only time he ever rubbed me the wrong way was a... Here's part of it. And here it is ! At this point I'd be more surprised if an invasion of Ukraine by Russia does not occur this week.
People are saying it's going to happen this Wednesd... Latest bad news on this... I agree that every saved person should be reading and studying the Bible and that's another thing J.D. was pointing out is that most Christians don't ... That's what he said and he meant it because he was basically saying that modern day Christians are pathetic and have no discernment whatsoever when i... I thoroughly enjoyed this message by J.D. So glad I listened to it while that satanic toilet bowl thing is going on.
M.A.'s Emergency Update on this. 108 professional soccer players so far... More looks like it really is going to happen any day now info. You have to wonder if this trucker thing is organic or pre planned by the powers that be to serve their evil purposes.
Here's an excerpt from Hal's article...
The Punchline
The punchline to this is simple: A whole slew of people all over the world, recently took the...