An update from our friend in Ukraine — He asks for Prayer to be strong, no safe place to go in Ukraine per him … they are hiding and praying, speaking Gods Word to everyone who will listen. Please pray for Pavils, his family, and believers in Ukraine. An update from our friend in Belarus, — He says believers need prayer for strength to stand the course. Pray for Peter as he leads his flock and he asks prayer for another friend of ours, Oleg, as he is not standing in the faith. Belarus has a very long history of being in the way of invading armies. Pray for the believers in Taiwan as it is going to be at war as well. :prayer-hands: Order Out Of Chaos: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/ Good Analysis by Brandon Smith from ALT-MARKET.US I hope this posts. It's from Facebook, a Ukrainian Christian song: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: Yep … no surprise really they both participate in the same clubhouse … reminds me of that meeting waaay back in 2012 …. “When President Obama met with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Seoul on March, 26, a live microphone picked up whispered conversation in which Obama told Medvedev to tell Putin that Obama would "have more flexibility" after his re-election. Well … since Trump got in … it delayed things 4 yrs and many feel Obama is pulling the strings once more behind this current administration. Question here … Blue clued me on this … anybody know why they picked Michael the Arch Angel on their flag? I saw a post that said something like they have a motto.....it all starts in Kyiv. How did they know? I saw it on Brother Chooch's channel. Articles like these makes me think things could escalate (by design) rather quickly https://www.yahoo.com/gma/russia-ukraine-live-updates-ukrainian-195800395.html And here's a little bit more info on NATO countries sending military aid to Ukraine. I think that this activity from Germany and other Nations is Europe will have consequences! War consequences in my opinion! Just like the Corona virus and the world wide reset are being in place! In my opinion, there is no peace achieved now anymore… :flyup: :flyup: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: and Russia and Co. are on a war path! Jesus said, when all of those things are happening, to look towards heaven, to look up, because our redemption is near! I believe we are at this time!Keeping brothers and sisters lifted and those who are not saved, may they call out to Jesus in their distress