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BAD NEWS Like it or Not v.4

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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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Here's an entertaining video with possibly a demon inhabiting a woman and spilling the beans about what we've been talking about for over a year on here.

MOD EDIT: CAUTION!!!!! We have decided to allow this video with this disclaimer. At the end there are two men trying to say that if you took the vaccine then you are not redeemable. This is utter NONSENSE! Also, this vaccine is NOT the Mark of the Beast! Simple logic dictates that it cannot be because the Mark is given midway through the Great Tribulation, which obviously has not yet begun to happen! The Church will be raptured out of this world BEFORE the Great Tribulation begins. It is crucial to understand this concept and is why the two men at the end are flat WRONG! If this kind of information is troubling to you, if you are sensitive to ideas like this, or are sensitive to demonically possessed people then DO NOT watch this video.

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Those demon possessed people summed up the situation pretty accurately.

I would only disagree with the comments at the end that the pharmakeia is the mark of the beast.

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Here’s an entertaining video with possibly a demon inhabiting a woman and spilling the beans about what we’ve been talking about for over a year on here.

This video by both men speaking is saying if a christian gets the vax, you are no longer redeemable. You have taken the mark of the beast! For that reason I'm putting it in to moderation.


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Good call!


Patricia N.
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Corn and Soybean Farmer to Americans: Your Grocery Bill Is Going to Go Up $1,000 a Month:

A farmer joined Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show to warn that Joe Biden’s failed economic policies and the war in Ukraine are going to cause the costs of food to skyrocket in the coming months.  If you think the high cost of gasoline is a problem now, wait until summer when your grocery bill soars.

During his March 2 broadcast, Carlson informed his audience that Russia is a leading producer of the fertilizers and additives that American farmers use to help grow the crops that subsequently supply our grocery store shelves with food.  Ben Riensche, the owner of Blue Diamond Farming Company in Iowa and a farmer of 16,000 acres in that state, told Carlson that the sanctions will have a far-reaching impact on our food supplies in the very near future.

“Soaring fertilizer prices are likely to bring spiked food prices,” Riensche said. “If you’re upset that gas is up a dollar or two a gallon, wait until your grocery bill is up $1,000 a month, and it might not just manifest itself in terms of price. It could be quantity as well. Empty-shelf syndrome may be starting.”

Riensche went on to point out that costs to raise his crops have already gone up 40 percent because the cost of nitrogen is three times higher than last year. Phosphorus and potassium fertilizer prices have doubled, he added.

The farming expert also warned that these skyrocketing production costs cannot be changed in the near term. The costs are already set for now.  “The planting season in the northern hemisphere is just weeks away,” Riensche explained. “There is no miracle technology that can cut that in half or a third. It’s a pretty fixed formula. For me to grow an acre of corn on my farm, I need 200 pounds of nitrogen, 200 pounds of phosphorus, and 100 pounds of potash. We just — it’s going to be hard how this plays out.

Failed Biden energy policies and leftist climate-change policies are also wrecking havoc.  Riensche added that, “what’s really affecting us are things that could have been prevented. The ESG things (Environmental, Social, and Governance policies). This could kind of be described as the food crisis of the Green New Deal.”

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As someone intimately acquainted with the price of grain, as well as cattle, I also keep an eye on the price of fertilizer and it is way, way up. Farmers have a tough enough time battling unpredictable weather.

This looks to me like an engineered famine. Like it's all planned. In fact...maybe they are faking the four horsemen of the apocalypse (Revelation Chapter 6) but in kind of all jumbled up? ?

First you have the coronafraud for pestilence. Then you have artificial scarity. Then a big war with a lot of death. Maybe the 1/4 of the earth's population will occur at the Rapture when countless children, babies and unborn children are taken to heaven?

Then the Antichrist shows up on a white horse and claims to be the real messiah. He'll claim all the suffering and war is over and he is here to bring in the new golden age of peace, love and joy. (ie the fake millenium)

Anything that doesn't quite fit, they'll just lie and say it is allegorical. Anything to fool the christians in name only.


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Here's a video speculating on the link above

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Hal Turner is known for his sensationalism. I’ll believe it when I see it.

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