We know that the Lord can come at any time, and we are all sooo ready. I don't think a single one of us would want to wait until a set "high watch day" if the Lord decided to come today.....sometimes it is fun to have some encouragement on the calendar while we wait and watch..... so according to the sky and star watching video that Blue posted the other day titled Informed Christians....the star aligning watch period is a set number of days between Feb 24 through March 15th. Purim is on March 17th On the Gregorian calendar Palm Sunday is April 10th (less than 6 weeks) Good Friday is on April 15th Resurrection Sunday is on April 17th. On the Hebrew calendar Nisan 10 is on April 12nd Passover begins on the sunset of Friday April 15th and goes through sunset April 22nd. In my mind I always liked Passover for a rapture time because it is the Lord passing over us for judgment by removing us from earth....but I am also just as happy with today, or even now :prayer-hands: :flyup: I like that April 12nd date! First day of Spring on Mar 20/21, and Apr 11th the last day of the Fig Tree generation of the 73rd year! TR Pentecost is usually my number 1 watch date but this year I'm going with Passover time. I found this chart I posted on one of TR's threads and I really like the way it lines up. Rapture during Passover of this year - 180 days later Trib starts - 1260 days after Trib starts is another Passover - 1260 days after that you have the second advent happening on a fall feast day. I thought Israels independence day was May 14th? :unsure: For some reason Israel celebrates their independence early, as they did last year! TR