The Morgan Freeman ...
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The Morgan Freeman Effect

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A few years ago, I watched a time-lapse video of an artist illustrating Morgan Freeman. He started off with a basic sketch, and quickly began filling in the features. Right away, you could tell it was Morgan Freeman, but the artist keep going. He continued on, until it was a pretty good match, and I am thinking "Wow, that looks just like him. What more can he add?" But the artist kept going. He added a little shadow here, and little highlight there, and on and on he went. And the drawing became more and more vivid by the second. Finally I though, "there is no way he can make this look more like Morgan Freeman.' I was wrong. He added some moles, and he was done :yes: When he was finished, the illustration was so perfect that it actually looked like a picture. So, I've thought about watching that video recently, and of course I think it's the perfect description of what we are all experiencing as we watch and wait for the coming of The Lord. We've seen this and recognized this, for a long time. The frame work, the outline, we've know from almost the outset, what this is. And, we've been confident several times, that nothing else needs to be added, only to look back and realize that, oh, they "eyes"weren't finished. Or hey, I thought the "hair" was done, but more texture had to be added. But, like that drawing, eventually it will be picture perfect. :flyup: As an artist, I believe The Lord used that to speak to me in a way I could clearly understand. I hope I articulated this to all of you, as well.  The Master illustrator is adding the final touches, folks! :yahoo:

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Todd Tomlinson
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Great analogy Brad -- as we watch it all unfold it should be even more evident to those who scoff at the Bible to open their eyes and see God's mighty hand in all of this.  How else could a group of old men write in such precise detail 2500 years ago the precise detail that is unfolding right before our eyes.

I can't remember who said it -- but I'm right there:   "I don't have enough faith to believe that the Bible isn't completely true."    Maybe it was Mark Lowry with the Gaither Vocal Band.

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Good post Brad !

With everything that is going on every Christian's faith should be more solid than ever and our longing to leave this world behind should be greater than ever.

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What an excellent analog! At times it makes you wonder if the rapture is ever going to happen or happen in our lifetime because we see all that is going on yet we’re still here. This brings everything into sharp focus. A few more lines and we’re out of here!

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Well said, dear brother!


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Again, come hell or high water. Keep looking up!

Cause Hell is coming down the road!


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Love this Brad!! I will keep that in my mind as each day passes with me whining "why are we still here?? everything seems ready to go!" but I will think there may be just a few more little lines or shadows to complete the picture...... and while I am not a fan of Hollywood people much, I love Morgan Freeman's movies and acting. I hope he is saved, and if not, I pray he gets that way.

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He is applying the final details of His sovereign and righteous plans!

All the while mindful of His beloved!

We wouldn’t want to rush the Lord’s heavenly work adding to His church, or separating the sheep and goats here on Earth!

