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Explanation of "time, times and half time" = 1300 days

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From my previous thread titled Daniel's 2300 days or 1300 days, I have stated that "a time, times and half time" equals to 1300 days. It only works for certain years. Here's the explanation.

A time, times and half time is basically 42 biblical months. If we take Tishri 15 2019 as "the time" the AOD is set up, then the illustration of time, times and half time is below.

a time Tishri 15 2020

times Tishri 15 2021 Tishri 15 2022

half time Nisan 15 2023 ( half way between Tishri 15 2022 and Tishri 15 2023 )

A lunar month consists of 29.53 days. 42 lunar months has 42 X 29.53 days or 1240 days. The reason of 1240 days becomes 1300 days is because there are two Adar months added during these 3.5 biblical years period. 2 Adar = 60 days. When we add these 60 days to 1240 days, we got 1300 days.

Let's look at my timeline of "time, times and half time". AOD begins on Kislev 21 Dec 4 2023. This is also remembered by God as "the time". Adding time, times and half time, we come to Sivan 21 June 26 2027 as the end of it. The reason there are 1300 days between these 42 biblical months ( Kislev 21 2023 to Sivan 21 2027 ) is because there are extra Adar added in 2024, and 2027.

Having said this, this pattern only works for certain years. 2019 to 2026 doesn't work. But 2020 to 2027 works.

Posted : October 2, 2019 9:29 pm