Now that I have brought up the midnight cry from Matthew 25, 10 years ago, I had a dream. In my dream, I saw 12:30 am in a pendulum clock. Here's the ... This preparation process also speaks of God's character. Before He descent on mount Sinai to meet His people, He told Moses to prepare His people for ... I have also mentioned this process before by quoting Luke 17:30-37. Verse 30 is the event rapture when the Son of man is revealed to the world.
Luke ... I did the calculation based on 1 Kings 6:1 and concluded Israelis left Egypt in 1445 BC.
1 Kings 6:1 And it came to pass in the four hundred and eigh... I guess everyone has his/her own reason of a high watch date. But even though it is gone, don't give up. Keep watching because this is what Jesus comm... I use 2021 to 2028 timeline, I just found a very interesting scenario. 2021 + 2028 = 4049
Now, from my recent post "Where are we now from Adam?", I h... Now I am thinking Israelis left Egypt in 1445 BC, not 1446 BC.
1 Kings 6:1 And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the child... "What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase:"
Moses has this concern, for not getting enough food in th... The interpretation of verse 20.
"And if ye shall say, What shall we eat the seventh year? behold, we shall not sow, nor gather in our increase: "
Af... I have a long debate with a member from RITAN facebook who seems having difficulty understand the jubilee cycles being 49 years. But good thing comes ... They left Egypt in 1446 BC. They spent 41 years in wilderness ( 1 year in mount Sinai, 40 years in wilderness). 41 years from 1446 BC comes to 1405 BC... Leviticus 25:1 And the LORD spake unto Moses in mount Sinai, saying, 2 Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye come into the lan... A correction. God only numbers the 49 years cycle from the first year they cultivated their land, not from the year they entered the promised land. Ho... Arthur,
with my illustration, you should understand 1404 BC is the first year of 70 jubilees cycles. It is because the cultivation of the land began ... I didn't start from 1446 BC, it is because they stayed in mount Sinai for one year after they left Egypt on the Passover. It was in the second month t... To make my thought simpler, the seventh angel sounds the trumpet, is to hallow the final year of jubilee, i.e, the 70th jubilee. According to God, thi... It is because after they arrived in mount Sinai in the third month of 1446 BC, they stayed in mount Sinai for one year. They did not depart for the jo... Or we can look at it this way. On the day of atonement in 2027, the seventh angel sounds the trumpet, to hallow the final year of jubilee which has ar... From what I understand scripture, and the identity of Anti Christ, where he comes from, it really doesn't matter who he is. It is his position and job... God calls him "foolish" shepherd in Zechariah 11:15. It is because God already foretold where the little horn comes from, and what post and position h... Humbly Irrelevant,
Like Jesus says, no one knows the day and hour. All I did is just speculation. Rapture can happen now, tomorrow, or months later. ... Jewish calendar shows this year as 5780. Why is there a discrepancy close to 200 years?
It is because they denied their Messiah has already come base... When I say this is my final conclusion, it is because I have posted few times re the 70 jubilees in this forum. First time I had 2026 as the 70th jubi... I have already replied to your question from my last post. I believe according to what Jesus says, rapture shall take place at the time of normalcy pe... I am not saying "thus said the Lord", rapture has to happen in spring 2021. I just did it with my calculation of 70 jubilees, and 430 years iniquity o...