Our five senses in portrait of Christ A portrait of the living Christ Close your eyes and come with me Sense Jesus' touch he is near Oh taste and see that the Lord is good Smell His fragrance Christ is here Listen you have never heard sound so sweet Feel His touch take his hand RitaMay 1996 That is beautiful, RitaMay! Thank you for sharing it with us How comforting, thank you RitaMay for that inner picture of our Lord! :bible :rose: beautiful, RitaMay . . God sees our heart and these beautiful words about him came from your heart . Truly you have a heart for him . :heart: :bible Thank you all for your kind comments. :rose:
not a picture in a frame
but his beauty on a spiritual plane
with your five senses you will see
a portrait of Christ in all His majesty
casting out all your fear
mending healing restoring you
just as he said he would do
replacing pain and despair
with His tender loving care
His word is spirit truth and life
food that comes from paradise
no other food could ever bring
the abundant life of Christ within
no earthy fragrance can compare
it captures the soul and floods the mind
takes us to the realm of the divine
as Christ's whisper when He speaks
Neither harp nor violin
nor if a thousand angels sing
could ever match the sweetest sound
of Christ's whisper to the soul of man
Go with Him to the fragrant land
Eat the bread of life its free
Hear His voice whisper it's Me
Now look in the mirror and you will see
a portrait of Christ He's in you and He's in me.