Isn’t it comforting to know all things must one day bow to God’s will
our journey soon done on earth
in this weary world , we are feeling tired of... turn up your speakers . . so beautifully sung ~~ "Israel’s northern front with Lebanon is intensifying by the hour. Today, Israeli forces eliminated seven more Hezbollah members, bringing the overall... I sense Matthew Perry is saved, as he was seeking the Truth . . and yes, I believe our God of Salvation is gracious to a soul seriously seeking the Tr... Wow . . Pastor Jack Hibbs insight . . I thought we'd be at the throne of God via the Rapture BEFORE we saw the world get this bad!
I do know this. Our heavenly Father has a purpose for our... Greg Laurie explains it well ~~
"Pay Careful Attention
Now, the irony of all this is that the United States of America through the Biden administrati... “It’s so incredibly shocking how silent it is in America, my friends don’t even know what’s going on here, and when (hopefully) Israel attacks back an... Yes, Kent . . . and our pResident's 'advise'? . . Israel should not respond. . . the fallen realm keeps moving in global unity of insane fier... Little tiny Israel the real estate our God claims and very much observed by our God is so prophetic as a stand alone these days,in the midst of surrou... I remember my excitement as a watcher waaaaaaaaaaay back when Hal Lindsay's prophesy books came out (in late 70's) with some signs we thought were in... What a sweet reminder of our Lisaleenie. I picture her smiling, and expressing her heavenly thoughts of love and knowledge and adoration for her Lor... Yep . . the 'set apart' ones both in America and the U.K. is becoming blatantly obvious . . the great Spiritual divide is becoming obvious, and on p... Oh, blessed is our God and His Loving Compassion, through Jesus. Our Lord very much stirring our spirits for the catching away . . may it be today th... I so agree with you, Kolleen re: Trump . . as well, I 'see' Trump sheltered and kept fearless at the moment in Christ's Protection . . . . Seemin... Talk about an A.I. invasion . . scary . . Our Lord IS giving us insight of this hour we're in, isn't He? . .
.. . I believe watchers are 'seeing' the reality of this moment in time as the Bat... The 'timing' IS interesting as the World 'seeks' peace and safety Oh, Jesus . . how much longer til Your Righteous Reign.
Your children, Father are feeling tired . . and so . . to venture in the embracing powerfu...
Last seen: January 21, 2024 10:32 am