timing question
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timing question

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Ok I've got a question. I know the answers will be opinions but I still feel like my view keeps flopping back and forth about it.

The rapture is definitely pretrib. My question is "Do you think there will be a gap before the trib, or will God wait till the last nano second so that none should perish"

I have been in the last nano second camp for a while. But it seems logical that a period of time to develop the need for the ac to rise is really starting to make sense. Not just a few weeks or months, but even a year or more, for the world to implode after the rapture.

Part 2 of the question is based off that. Aren't there prophecies that need to happen to lead up to the start of the trib? (Besides the rapture)


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David W. Roche
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The rapture is definitely pretrib. My question is “Do you think there will be a gap before the trib, or will God wait till the last nano second so that none should perish”

I don't think there will be a gap, though I won't insist upon it dogmatically.  My chief problem with embracing it is that following the rapture is the Judgment Seat of Christ, where the Church is given their crowns and what is wood, hay or stubble versus precious metal will be evaluated.  What then is the status of those who are not taken up, and the relationship of the Holy Spirit to the world?

God will still call sinners to repent of their sins, but the Tribulation itself would be placed on hold.  Remember that the time for the final "hour of temptation that shall come upon the whole world" is 2,520 days in total.  It does not start until the "covenant with the many" is confirmed.

We are already in a gap between the 69th and 70th weeks, and have been since Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  The cross took place outside the 69th week, as did the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.  I suppose it could be argued that the rapture happening weeks or months before day one of the covenant is not absolutely ruled out, although that doesn't sound very much like "sudden destruction" coming to pass.

There is also the issue of the two witnesses, who prophesy in Jerusalem for 1,260 days and then lie dead in the streets for 3 1/2 days before rising.  Where does the timing of those 3 1/2 days fit in with the events going on?  I tend to think of their ministry being during the first half of the 70th week, but would that place their appearance before the covenant is signed?  Or do they show up afterward and their being taken up happens after the Abomination of Desolation?  I'm not quite sure on that point.  I do think their presence is what prevents the desecration of the Temple from taking place, as they appear to be a major obstacle to his plans being carried out.

As for the need for preparatory time, I suspect there are a number of things we don't know about going on already which will lead into the Tribulation.  They could be on hold until the flag drops and then implemented rather quickly with our absence and the lack of the Holy Spirit's restraint.  Don't underestimate how suddenly barriers can be overcome which currently appear beyond resolution.

Part 2 of the question is based off that. Aren’t there prophecies that need to happen to lead up to the start of the trib? (Besides the rapture)

I really can't think of any that are prerequisites.  We are given general signs in Matthew 24, but those are pretty much an intensification and continuance of things which have been going on forever.  Jesus says, "the end is not yet," which he defines as the Abomination of Desolation at the mid-point of the 70th week.

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After Jesus was "cut off", ending the 69th week in Daniel 9:24-27, there was a gap before the Church age started.  3 days until the Feast of First Fruits and then another 50 to Pentecost.

Perhaps there is another gap before the 70th week starts?  All I know is we'll be with our Saviour then.  Smile




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I also believe there might be a small gap.  But for us who have already been Raptured, it won't make much difference.  Or so it seems to me.


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I don't believe in a gap theory. Right after rapture, 2520 days begins. Confirmation of covenant is part of the events happen in the first half of tribulation. We need to remember that the covenant AC shall confirm is not a peace treaty. There are many covenants God has made with the Jews and human. Examples are Noahdic covenant, Mosaic covenant, Abrahamic covenant, Davidic coevnant,.....The covenant AC shall confirm with Israel is Abrahamic's covenant. After Gog/Magog, the world has witnessed God's intervention on behalf of Israel. They shall be afraid and pay respect to God of Israel, and realize Israel is the rightful heir to the promised land. This is what Abrahamc's covenant is all about. God gives the promised land to the descendants from Jacob which is Israel. The world shall acknowledge this arrangement. This confirmation of covenant cannot have a time frame attached to it, ie, AC can't place a 7 years expiry date to it. Either they acknowledge Israel is the rightful heir to the land, or they don't.

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In the end, only those who do acknowledge Israel's land rights and their God will inhabit this planet.

It has been said that a day is like a thousand years.  I'm believing that a thousand years is now more like a day.  We in "God time" can be minutes away from our departure!  That said, I say we use Heavenly time rather than Earth time.

I think that perspective will serve us well.



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As of right now I believe the rapture will happen in the spring and the 2nd Advent in the fall so I would have to say that there will be a gap of at least a few months.

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I don’t hold to a gap theory. When you look at the Jewish wedding tradition, the Bridegroom calls for the Bride and the wedding feast begins and goes for 7 days. When Christ, who is the Bridegroom comes for the Bride, the rapture, the wedding feast begins, the tribulation begins (7 years), my opinion. :prayer-hands:

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I'd love to be able to get up on my proverbial "soap box" and pontificate in dogmatic terms the definitive truth on this subject.  Unfortunately, I don't know what it is.  :mdrmdr:  So, instead, I will "settle" on being thankful and content that by the grace of God, and only by the grace of God, we will not have to be here to find out.  :good:  Thank you, Abba!!!

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I’m leaning there might not be a gap period ... I think the dominoes will fall into place quickly.

We can gauge how late the hour is by looking at Israel.  They are longing to have that 3rd temple built ASAP.  I heard they can have it built fairly quickly.  Just a few weeks ago we saw the unveiling of the peace deal so its on the table ...  just waiting for the man of the hour to step right in and approve/confirm/to make greater.

Damascus’ destruction and G/M war are over-with fairly quickly - one is overnight and the other is 1 day or less. After that happens ... not a peep of protest will come out of any muslim as approval is given to reconstruct the 3rd Temple.

The enslavement tools are in place and ready to be used ... worlds fastest computer and chip implant program.  Then you have the A.I. Technology ... forget holograms ... the capability to place the likeness of the AC’s face on the image of a talking robot is amazing how far they come with their knowledge.  For all we know perhaps the elite have plans to place a talking AC robot inside every household globally to not only spy on them but this could be how they will cause all to bow down to it every day - morning and night?

I feel this coronavirus is a trial run ... to condition the world for the next act.  The headline news today said “The Worst-Case Estimate for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths – 200,000 to 1.7 million people could die” ... what about the stats for the rest of the world?  Then add to potential death toll ... once the rapture happens ... more are suddenly missing off the scene.  The world will be in such confusion and total collapse from the stock market, businesses going under and the rise of the cashless society.  During the confusion that could be all that is needed for the G/M forces to do their quick sneak attack.   Oh we now have Putin and Erdogan are best buddies once again .... :whistle:

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I’m a firm believer something is going to happen to the oil fields in Syria ... perhaps a mega earthquake from the rapture event will drain the oil back over on to the Israeli side. :mdrmdr:

I read that a few commercial pilots have tested positive for the  coronavirus.  Could it be from lack of pilots that have either died or were raptured out, this is the reason America will not be able to come to Israel’s aid with the G/M attack ? :unsure:
