Certainly we can't entirely rule out one nation from being part of the coalition but we can read the text from Ezekiel 38 and clearly see that it has ... Here's an informative video that goes against the standard escatological narrative, which is thankfully changing. 🙂
THE RUSSO-UKRAINIAN war has prom... Here is a good article talking about how Russia has absolutely nothing to do with Gog and Magog:
In December of 2017, the state-run Turkish newspaper... That seems reasonable. Thanks, Greg. I definitely respect Andy Woods and his teachings so I'll check it out. :good: No need to be sarcastic, thanks. 😉
Those are all well respected bible scholars who love the Lord and have solid doctrine.
However, in this one are... It's a horrible mangling of the text that started in England when Russia was competing with England for Central Asia in the Great Game. Framing Russi... We'll see how it all plays out. I could very easily see the USA, for example, betray Israel and join up with Turkey.
The destruction of the USA woul... You are not going to let me down again, are you Dan? 😉 If I get too uppity, Dan will take me off my high horse. 😉 – It’s true I’m not posting much, however I lurk! The shadow knows!!!!
A lurking Dan? I promise to be on my best behaviour. 😉
Genesis 49:17
New Ki... I believe with glorified minds, we'll have the correct perspective on everything.
Plus, I think there will be perfect communication with each other a... I have often thought that after the Rapture, there will be a big simultaneous face palm of believers with everyone saying, "Of course!" Lol.
I do bel... Luke 22:15-16
New King James Version
15 Then He said to them, “With fervent desire I have desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 ... Should Christians celebrate Passover?
The celebration of Passover is in remembrance of the time in Israel’s history when the Lord moved through Egypt... No, I am not saying you are standing in judgement of me. Neither am I in judgement of you.
We have freedom in Christ to celebrate the feasts. If you ... Because they honour God? It also helps point unsaved Jewish people to Jesus. I find it is a very effective witnessing tool.
Why do we take communion?... Good grief. OCD kicking in. :wacko: I do rather dislike this 5 minute limit to edit posts. :negative:
Some of termed it the “perfect genocide.” In o... Sorry, that should read The New York Times reported on an Armenian Holocaust taking place in 1895.
Unfortunately,much of the American media still thi... I do sincerely believe that it'll be Turkey that leads the Gog Magog invasion. Not because I think I'm so smart (newsflash: I'm not. ? ?) or a desire ... I believe they are fixed now. :thankyou
? ? ? :yahoo: ⬆️ :flyup: ☁️ ? Well, for sure there are extra elements added to the Seder that are definitely not Biblical. The roasted egg, for example. That is definitely Babyloni... Certainly we need to be cautious. Things written for the select few is exactly what Gnosticism is all about. For gnostics, gaining that secret knowled... Thanks. Will look into it. I don't know anything about this particular calendar. Russian oligarchs are evading sanctions by parking their yachts and money in Turkey. Turkey is bankrupt and desperate for the cash infusion. $250,000 ... It would have been right after the Sabbath was over. Right after sundown on Saturday.
BTW, I like your enthusiasm and sticktoitiveness. Yes, your sce... Doesn't take anything away from what you said, of course. 🙂
Happy Resurrection Day! He is risen!
These are high watch days. ^^
Shavuot/Pentecost i... I should also note that the unsaved Jewish community is watching. When they see Gentiles celebrating the Feasts of the Lord, it does make at least som... There is nothing wrong with celebrating the Feasts of the Lord. We have that freedom in Messiah to do so. If you choose to do so, great. If you choose... He is risen!
One little niggle. Yeshua/Jesus technically rose from the dead on a Saturday. It was after sundown on Saturday which is the first day of... Wait and see...
Remember...we have a bet. ?