Confusion in the camp of the enemy, Abba!! Agreed Regina. It is not as commonly referenced, but the content of Revelation 4&5 that you allude to is one of the stronger evidences imho of a ... And then there is this from Geoffrey Grider's "Now the End Begins" website on the same subject:
As of today, I am up to 150 job applications in just over four months of being unemployed. Smh. Have followed up on 99% of all leads that h... Thanks for the insight Arthur. I did not know that either. Kind of puts a damper on his future stuff for me, but I prefer truth. It makes me wonder... Praying for the grace and favor of the Lord to pave your path according to His will. Perhaps a preview of where Fauci and his ilk would like to take us. Laugh or cry... Had not yet seen Dana C's latest dream video about what he believes the Lord showed him is coming in September before I authored the original post on ... Sun went down in Jerusalem today at 1137 AM CDT, marking the beginning of the 9th of Av as I understand it. Kind of feel like we should be holding ou... Just saw this. Blake, I am so sorry to hear of the wickedness perpetrated against you. Thankful to hear that it was not as bad as you first thought... @ Leaving Soon Your comment about possibly 1-2 billion people being removed from the earth at the harpazo initially struck me as being optimistically... "'Will you walk into my parlour,' said the spider to the fly..." With friends like Vlad, who needs enemies? Seems like somebody might want to pay a ... I vote we should all take the vacation...to visit JD in Hawaii! Oh wait, we decided it was vaccination, not vacation. Never mind. Lol. ? TR. I actually wrote in Jesus yesterday for my state representative because there was no one I could support in good conscience. Hi Dan. Hoping to hear something by the end of the week, but you know how these things can drag out, especially in the current Covid environment. In...