Possible Timeline o...
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Possible Timeline of Sequential Events for Next 5 Months

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Long day at work and I am worn out...but I feel like the Lord wants me to post this.  Steve Monette put out a video recently talking about a pattern of timing related to the rebuilding of the Temple, a pattern that seems to be repeating itself before our eyes.  I am going to try to link the video here (don't know how to embed it where the picture and video show up in the post, but I think I can link it.)

Steve Monette Video on Pattern of Rebuilding Temple

I took Steve's research and analysis one step further in attempting to conclude when we might expect the start of the rebuilding of the 3rd Temple.  From Ezra 3, it appears the Temple altar was dedicated in the 7th month of the first year that the exiles returned to Jerusalem,  Then, 7 months later, in the 2nd month of the 2nd year that the exiles were back in the land, restoration of the Temple began.  So, if this pattern is going to hold true, the Temple rebuilding should begin sometime this July, 7 months after the altar was dedicated last December.

One other assumption before I share my speculative timeline.  I am going to assume that the Temple will be part of the confirmation (expanding, making bigger) by the AC of Trump's Deal of the Century.  With that understanding, here are my thoughts of a possible sequence of events.  Speculative?  Yes, to be sure.  Based on a general framework and understanding of God's Word?  Yes.

1) Trump peace deal is announced shortly after the Israeli elections, maybe on Palm Sunday or Passover.

2) Trump peace deal is agreed to in some form or fashion, but does not yet include the Temple.

3) Sometime before 5/14/19, the Trumpet sounds and the Lord shouts as He calls His Bride home at the harpazo

4) The Ezekiel 38 war takes place on the heels of the rapture

5) The AC steps up to strengthen Trump's peace deal, adding among other things the ability to rebuild the Temple.  This will cause the Jews to declare him their messiah, even as our Jesus opens the first seal to reveal the Antichrist and kick off Daniel's 70th week.

6) The rebuilding of the Temple begins in July of 2019, while we are safely tucked away in the Bridal Chamber at Abba's house.

Just something to ponder as the momentous events of the coming weeks quickly approach.  Of course, plan B would be OK with me too.  Plan B is what one of Tim Henderson's baby grandchildren (thinking 2 or 3 years old) said today.  Jesus is coming Saturday.  Sounds good to me.  Maranatha!!!:flyup:


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Works for me brother! :yahoo: :yes:


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All very plausible as well as exciting!  Again, because there are so many options that the Lord could exercise it makes it difficult for any of us to be dogmatic!

Gladly, our hope is not built on dogma, rather a blessed hope!

I know that I looked forward to my own wedding and wedding night!  So why don't more Christians look forward to the Rapture.  Now that's a rhetorical question, cause the Lord already gave me the answer!  :heart: :flyup:


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As I keep an eye out on various prophetic events, I also keep an ear pointed towards Heaven.  Awaiting to hear either that Trump or His heads up! :mail: :bible


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Watchman35, my sequence of events are not too far off from yours except timing is different.

1/ By May a middle east war is erupted, probably due to Trump's peace plan which infuriates Palestinians and Arabs. Three shepherds are cut off by God in one month. This shall take us to June.

2/ June/July  Rapture God breaks the covenant with all the people ( Zechariah 11:10 ).

3/ Gog/Magog takes place immediately after the rapture. Since God intervenes, this war is short and ends up a decisive win by Israel.

4/ October/November Israel begins to cleanse their land, probably due to contamination by some nuclear explosion. According to Ezekiel 38/39, it takes them 7 months to bury the dead and cleanse the land.

5/  Hanukkah  December 22 Restoration and re-institution of the daily sacrifice. Israelis pick this date to commemorate the historical significance of Hanukkah during which God has saved their nation from the Syrians. This time God has saved them from the extinction of Gog's army. Hanukkah is also the beginning of 2300 days foretold in Daniel 8 concerning the fate of this daily sacrifice. My speculation is confirmation of covenant shall also be done on this day.

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Another reason I believe confirmation of covenant shall take place on Hanukkah because of Haggai 2:20-22.

Haggai 2:20 And again the word of the LORD came unto Haggai in the four and twentieth day of the month, saying, 21 Speak to Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, saying, I will shake the heavens and the earth; 22 And I will overthrow the throne of kingdoms, and I will destroy the strength of the kingdoms of the heathen; and I will overthrow the chariots, and those that ride in them; and the horses and their riders shall come down, every one by the sword of his brother.

"in the four and twentieth day of the month" points to Kislev 24 which is modern day Hanukkah. Through the prophet Haggai, God picked this date to show His displeasure on the nations. He also vowed that He would destroy the kingdoms of the heathen, and overthrow their chariots, and those who ride in them.  My guess is when AC comes forward to confirm God's covenant with Israel and many nations on Hanukkah, God is displeased by seeing His people Israel trust the nations and AC rather than trusting in Him. This is why He has forewarned His coming judgment on these nations.

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Out of the mouths of babes! I'll good with  Saturday :good:

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I am just now reading this book by Thomas Horn ~~  2019 ~  interesting timing and pattern as well ~ 

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Yohanan, Saturday ?! June 29 falls on Saturday !! :yahoo:
