Canadian truckers plan on going on strike soon. Maybe this is what the Canadian government wants. They can then blame all food shortages on the truckers. This could get ugly quick. Let's pray it won't happen. Thanks for the heads up. Will do a little extra shopping ahead of time, just in case. The truckers in Australia went on strike over the Vaxx mandate a few months ago but it was very short-lived (less than a day) and achieved nothing. This situation in Canada, however, sounds a lot more serious. I also pray it won't happen because it will cause too much suffering and we know the PTB don't give a crap about that so they won't respond the way the truckers hope they will. Here's more info from W.P. who is in Canada I have to warn that Starting @ the 6:40 mark till the end of the video some guy named Lee does a lot of swearing. Dan said “only 86 more days - ‘til Nisan 10, T.R.” That would make it April 11th this year! :mail: Didn’t realize the history on THAT particular date … the Exodus and crossing over the Red Sea … then 1 year later Moses’ sister, Miriam, passed away at the age of 126. Then the 2 spies scouted the Promise Land 3 days prior (Nisan 7) and then Nisan 10 they crossed over the Jordan River to the Holy Land. Perhaps, Dan, you have pinpointed thee crossing over for the church to sweet Beulah Land? :whistle: And I wonder if something will happen 3 days prior … for T.R. to get his big 3 days notice? B-) My dad’s birthday was April 12th so it would be special for me to leave April 11th to get a head start with the reunion partea. Nisan 10 is the day after Palm Sunday … or do we leave midnight on Palm Sunday? :unsure: Sounds Good...at the latest! As of right now the crossing of the red sea is my second highest watch date. According to this page it was 25 days after Passover. https://www.bible.ca/archeology/bible-archeology-exodus-route-travel-times-distances-days.htm What’s your first? Mine is Easter Sunday B-) First is still Pentecost. Resurrection day would be my 3rd