Five Doves January 9th, 2022 Letters. Paul N. F. is doubling down on the works based heresy. :negative: http://www.fivedoves.com/letters/jan2022/pnf19.htm Obedience is not the very essense of salvation. Jesus Christ, the Son of God is. If obedience was the very essense of salvation, we'd all be headed for the Lake of Fire. After we are reconciled to God, we certainly should desire to serve and please Him. Sadly, this heresy puts the cart before the horse and should therefore be rejected. Paul N.F. is quoting Andrew Murray teachings. I wasn’t sure if this was the same dude from The Shepherds Chapel but that is Arnold Murray. Perhaps bloodline related? :unsure: Andrew Murray was a Freemason and there are warnings about him having taught AC false dogma so not surprising his “doctrine” is off. And Shepherds Chapel, “Pastor” Arnold Murray is also a looney. A few years ago I was buying plants at a K-Mart Garden Center and this couple wanted to know more about the plants I was purchasing. So we got into a discussion and then since they were so kind I wanted to give them a Bible Tract and tell them about Jesus. The husband then walked away and the wife started snarling at me and said “what Jesus are you talking about?” That question surprised me and I said “the One and Only One … the Son of God … who took on human form and suffered and died for our sins that we might have eternal life … if we place our trust solely in what He has done on the cross.” She said … oh we don’t believe in that Jesus. We have our own and mentioned listening to only Arnold Murray from Shepherd’s Chapel. And walked away. They want us to rebel and overthrow the old world order. I found this post called, "Christ stood down" to be insightful. This is a fascinating article. (Operation Omicron - The disclosure.) It explains why they chose certain Greek letters Alpha, Delta, Omicron, etc. It is all rooted in the occult. Yes, Arthur. Thanks. Fascinating indeed! :scratch: :yes: :popcorn I did wonder why they picked the Greek letters they did and why they skipped some. This is the best explanation yet, IMHO. They definitely are trying to usher in the new age Antichrist kingdom and this is part of their plan. It's like an initiation ritual. Combined with the masks and the 6 foot distance. (Definitely a satanic ritual.) Good thing that we have no interest in joining their kingdom. As ambassadors of Heaven, we can't have dual citizenship. 😉