So we are just a couple days into 2020, but if the first two days are any indication of what lies ahead, we had better buckle up. Since the start of the new year and decade, here are some things that have already taken place: 1) Netanyahu asks Knesset for immunity from prosecution in a risky bid to better position himself to stay in power in the coming third election in March. 2) Jordan confirmed that they have started receiving natural gas from Israel. 3) Deliveries of natural gas were supposed to begin from Israel to Egypt on Jan 1 4) Netanyahu went to Greece to sign a natural gas deal on Thursday between Israel, Cyprus and Greece to build an underwater Mediterranean pipeline, which is sure to make Erdogan and Putin just giddy. Can you say hook? 5) The US assassinated Iran's top military general, Qassem Soleimani, greatly increasing the volatility of an already volatile Middle East powder keg. Quite an eventful couple of days, don't you think? It’s truly amazing, the times we live in. I remember back a few decades ago when any one event seemed so significant and now it seems we read daily of significant events taking place. IIRC, Jordan and Egypt are not involved in the War of Gog and Magog. Interesting that they are getting natural gas from Israel and likely at a pretty reasonable price. Definitely can see the potential pipeline being thr hook in the jaws. Rocket lands near U.S. embassy in Baghdad as Soleimani funeral kicks off "According to Lebanese news channel al-Mayadeen, Iraqi Kataib Hezbollah Brigades warned the Iraqi security forces to be at least 1,000 meters (3,280 feet) away from all American bases starting Sunday evening." Looks like Iraq is the battleground between US and Iran for now. They have launched attack on US bases in Iraq. I wonder how shall this conflict lead to the three shepherds war in Zechariah 11? Per Sean Osborne at Eschatology Today ... here is his take on what’s happening and where he thinks its leading to ... :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn Why did Soleimani and his entourage fly into Iraq last night? A) To lead a coup d'etat against the pro-American government of Iraq. B) To double down on the attempt to seize the US Embassy. C) US Diplomats and Embassy security forces were to be taken and held as hostages until all US military forces were withdrawn. D) Kata'ib Hezbollah was to be the lead coup d'etat and Embassy siege force. This plan was discovered by Israeli intel. US military force ended it swiftly. January 3, 2020 at 10:52 AM We are watching the intro to Jeremiah 49:34-39 on our TV screens in real-time. Jeremiah prophesied saying the Lord would send the sword after them. Is the US that sword, or is a coalition of nations the sword? How about the Iranian people being that sword? Taking out Khamenei is not what our objective is or should be. That's for God to determine. Someone asked His response - Fair Use - Curious thought. If indeed the Garden was placed somewhere in Iraq, where the original battle against mankind took place. It stands to reason that Iraq would again be prominent in end time battling! Or so it seems to me. Any thoughts? TR Satan shall attempt another global rebel against God from Babel. This is why God prophesies the downfall of Babylon in Revelation 18. Babylon is fallen!!fallen!!! I can see Babylon Iraq region being a battle war zone because the Euphrates river will dry up and the Kings of the East will be traveling through ... but I don’t believe Babylon Iraq is “Mystery Babylon”. Here is why ... if you Google “60 Reasons America is Mystery Babylon (Not Iraq) by Rick Coombes ... you will see a website that list the reasons in great detail so you don’t have to buy his book. 😉 I learned more compelling info today from that article. Here are the last 5 points they are eye opening ... #56. Its national symbol Rev 17. Robed woman with a cup-like container in one hand that smells like natural gas odors inside the container…and the woman is connected to water and immigration…and is considered to be a mother-figure of spiritual prostitution…a.k.a. Ishtar, the mother of ‘literal’ and ‘physical’ prostitutes within religious worship centers. That is what the Babylonian goddess Ishtar was--the promoter of physical prostitution… salvation by sex… have sex with a temple priest or priestess and you are purified from sin. And of course, you pay a ‘gift offering’ for this salvation activity. Ishtar was never a physical ‘mother’… but rather a ‘madam’ over the priestesses. Ishtar was never married and never had a child but she was called "mother" of the temple priestesses. Now having said all of this… I am referring to the Statue of Liberty. In my book, "America, The Babylon" Vol. 1, I explain the meticulous research involved that shows that the Statue of Liberty is, in fact, the brainchild of the sculptor Bartholdi. Later in Volume 2, you will find even more data on this subject. I would like to note at this point that it was Bartholdi's idea to create the image of the goddess Liberty of Rome. You will see later on in Volume 2 just how the Romans had in fact borrowed the Babylonian goddess. Babylonians first worshiped Ishtar the goddess of Babylon and the Romans also adopted her but they changed the name to Libertas in Latin, (Liberty, in English). So that, the Statue of Liberty is actually a pagan idol image of Ishtar--the woman pictured in Revelation 17. If you don’t believe it…look at Revelation 17: 4 & 5. Note the word for abomination. The word used here is "bdelugma" and its root word is "bdeoh." Strong’s Code # 946 … " A foul thing, detestable, usually of idols … the root word means to "break wind", or to "pass gas"… indicating the odor smells like natural gas. Speaking of natural gas …did you know that the torch-cup of the Statue of Liberty burns an eternal flame…fueled by smelly natural gas? Also of course, the Statue is referred to as the Mother of Exiles … an immigrant connection…just as the woman of Rev. 17: 1, 15 is also connected to immigrants. So too was Ishtar. She was the goddess of personal freedom … and an encouragement to immigrants. “In the original planning, the Statue of Liberty was designed in the initial stages to be in color. She was to be wearing the royal robes of scarlet and purple. It became obvious that for reasons of monetary purposes the statue must be made from copper. The use of copper precluded the use of any color schemes. Thus the original plans for scarlet and purple robes were abandoned. However, the original models were in color and match the Revelation 17: 4 description.” #57 Iraq is radioactive Iraq is now extremely "radioactive" because of America's use of ammunition that uses depleted uranium, the same basic component used for nuclear weapons, only in lesser strength in and of itself. Rifle bullets and artillery shells were packed with small amounts of radioactive, depleted uranium. Once fired, the shells and bullets spread small doses of radio-activity throughout much of Iraq and especially in hot spots like ancient Babylon. Each bullet or shell, was thought to be seemingly harmless in terms of radioactivity. What was not anticipated was the voluminous use of such radioactive materials scattered across the battlefields of Iraq. Such voluminous use has created large quantities of low-level radioactivity that in volume has created a dangerous atmosphere and environment for virtually all of Iraq. The radioactive dust has found its way into the soil and water supplies, contaminating every-thing it comes into contact with. The radioactivity levels are high enough that Iraq is experiencing contamination levels much like that of a "nuclear dirty-bomb" in terms of the after-effects. Not only are Iraqi's dying from exposure but so are US and allied soldiers. Depleted Uranium has a half-life of 4.5 BILLION YEARS! Radiation levels in Iraq are between 1,000 and 1,900 times above normal. That's 1,000x to 1,900x more than normal. Would you want to build the world's capital city on top of that kind of radiation rating with a half life of 4.5 Billion years of radioactivity? We think not. So does the Illuminati. "Terry Jemison at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs stated in August 2004 that over 518,000 Gulf-era veterans (14-year period) are now on medical disability, and that 7,039 were wounded on the battlefield in that same period. Over 500,000 U.S. veterans are homeless." * In some studies of soldiers who had normal babies before the war, 67 percent of the post-war babies are born with severe birth defects - missing brains, eyes, organs, legs and arms, and blood diseases. * In southern Iraq, scientists are reporting five times higher levels of gamma radiation in the air, which increases the radioactive body burden daily of inhabitants. In fact, Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan are uninhabitable. From Gulf War 1 usage of depleted uranium, the Babylon region had one of the highest ratings of radioactivity levels as late as 1997. #58 The Messianic Covenant To Abraham Included Babylonia and Babylon The promises made to Abraham regarding a Promised Land were for Abraham and his descendants and the lands were far more extensive than ever used by Israel up until this point in time. Often overlooked by many Bible Prophecy “experts” are the prophecies concerning the future borders of Israel when Jesus Christ returns and establishes new borders for Israel’s Millennial Kingdom that will finally fulfill the promises made to Abraham and his descendants. Israel’s future borders will be extended eastward to encompass much of what today is called Iraq. The area will include all of the old Hittite and Chaldean Empire. Joshua 1:4 notes that it will include “ALL” of the land, which means the ancient site of Babylon and all of Babylonia are to be part of the new Messianic Israel. Scholars now believe that the Chaldeans originally were the Hittites. Not only is the promise made to Abraham in Genesis 15:18-20 [and the Hittite empire is mentioned (which included Babylon) ] but again in Deuteronomy 1:7 to Moses and again to Joshua in Deuteronomy 11:24. These Messianic prophecies come into direct conflict with the identity theory, which proposes that Iraq or ancient Babylon is the Mystery Babylon of Bible Prophecy. The conflict arises because the Babylon prophecies indicate that the land of Babylon and all of her cities and the land will remain uninhabited forever. It should also be noted that there are some anthropologists who have strong linguistic and archaeological evidence to support their claims that the Hittites were in fact the Chaldeans with Hititites begin just a different linguistic name for the same people. Such information again, only underscores the assertion that Babylon and Babylonia of Mesopotamia are to be a part of Jesus Christ's Messianic Kingdom and not buried underwater forever as the Mystery Babylon prophecies of Jeremiah and Revelation 18 indicate because those prophecies refer to a different, end-time super-power that exists outside of the Middle East. We simply can't have the Millenial Kingdom of Christ and the Israeli boundaries including the lands of Mystery Babylon which are to remain uninhabited forever and under water. Keep in mind that all of the millennial kingdom will be inhabited and prosperous. Clearly, we can not have a destroyed Mystery Babylon being part of Christ's Millennial Kingdom. #59 America Conquered Iraq and Babylon in 2003 and retains strategic control of that land and will retain that control most likely until America, the Babylon is destroyed in Divine Judgment as the Mystery Babylon. #60. A Populated city named Babylon on a Deepwater Port entryway to New York City Revelation 17:18; & 18: 11-19… Did you know that when ships coming in to the harbor facilities of New York City make their final approach to the Harbor channel shipping lanes…they have to come in from the south… heading due North straight for a spot on Long Island called … BABYLON !!! That is right. The city of Babylon, New York features a tall water tower that ship captains use to navigate directly into the harbor channel. They come within view of Babylon before turning west to head into the ports of New York City. It is from this vantage point that I believe Revelation 18: 17-19 takes place. From this vantage point…on the deck of a ship…one could quite easily read the letters of the name Babylon on the city water tower! This is something that theorists who promote the Iraq = Babylon idea can’t match, because ancient Babylon is not a deepwater seaport. It's so far away from the ocean that it can not possibly fit the description of Revelation 18: 17-19… in no way. But the USA can… and especially its chief city… a seaport named NYC/Babylon. Also, Babylon on Long Island derived its name because immigrant Jews founded it in 1872. The group’s rabbis chose the name almost prophetically, because they believed it would be home to a new diaspora. … Early rabbinical writers commented on this well before the time of Christ. They made note that the "mystical woman of Babylon" had moved out of the Babylonian Empire and had been taken westward beyond the ancient boundaries of Babylonia. Those most westward boundaries were considered to be Egypt and Ethiopia. The woman was taken west of those two countries. They noted that the woman would not be found in its old location of Mesopotamia for the fulfillment of the final prophecies, which would be fulfilled at the coming of Messiah. These rabbinical commentators believed that a future Babylon that was prophesied by Isaiah and Jeremiah would be located west of Egypt and Ethiopia. They believed the woman of Zechariah 5 was headed west of those boundaries and hence out of uttermost regions of Babylonia/Shinar/Chaldea. Yes, they believed she was being taken west of Egypt and Ethiopia in that basket. Why? Note that the observer's vantage point was already in the land of Shinar. Shinar is yet another term for the ancient nation of Babylonia or Chaldea. Therefore we must pay attention to that scriptural direction and realize that it must be a new nation that carries the old Babylonian character traits. You'll note that the verse is indicating it is a different Shinar than the Chaldean or Babylonian land called Shinar. How do we know that? Isaiah 18:1-2 tells us from the observer's vantage point of Jerusalem that the phrase beyond the rivers of Ethiopia is an ancient idiomatic reference to the farthest borders of Babylon at the time of Cush, father of Nimrod. Nimrod inherited that land from his father and so that Egypt and Ethiopia were the extreme western border of Babylonia or Shinar or Chaldea. Now, Isaiah is telling us that a future Babylon would exist at the time of the coming of Messiah and it would be located beyond the old Babylonian Empirical boundaries of Egypt and Ethiopia, which was the Cush empire that Nimrod inherited. It too was Shinar. Zechariah is then referencing that the woman is being flown out of Babylonia/Chaldea/Shinar to a new land of Shinar. This confirms what the prophet Isaiah had written earlier concerning a future Babylon being located west of the old Babylon. There is reportedly a team of archaeological experts preparing to publish the results of many years of work in which they claim to have documentation that the Babylonians occupied North America and Mexico as colonies as early as around 3,000 BC. -Fair Use- ————— The harlot is drunk with the blood of the saints... perhaps this is in reference to legalized abortions and the death of all the innocent babies? Of the fortune 500 companies ten are pharmaceutical companies, those ten companies make more profit than all the other four hundred ninety companies combined”, no wonder the Lord calls them “thy merchants were the great men of the earth.” Interesting also to note. Many of the old cults of long ago were centered around the worship and sexual idolization of women. When we look at the porn industry spearheaded by America and then the women's liberation movement, women's rights activists and abortion we can well see the seeds of the cultic worship of feminine based religions. As opposed to the Son of Father God. Whether under the guise of abortion and choice, many adherents to those old cultic religions was the right to offer children as sacrifices to the Gods! Indeed many similar lines of thought can easily be added and woven into such arguments. So too, the church has often outgrown the dictates of a religious father figure. God being the Father, Christ as the Son and the church characterized in feminine tones. As such, the church in many instances has taken it upon themselves to re-write much of scripture. And rather highlighting it's own importance! Self idolization rather than self denial. Ergo, any religious entity which presumes to do the same, simply become religious cults as opposed to the true church! IMHO. TR So it is really getting exciting, per Sean Osborne of eschatology today UPDATE 5 January 2020: It's about 9:30 PM in Israel, 10:30 in Baghdad and Tehran. Iranian proxies just announced they will commence retaliation tonight. If Iran attacks the US directly, the NATO common defense charter will be invoked. The UK has its nuclear-powered subs in the region and prepared to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles into Iran. Here, my brothers and sister, is the "coalition of nations" often referred to here regarding Jeremiah 40:34-39. Cruise missiles can be programmed to fly to their targets from every direction on the compass (confuses defenders). blog response:1/5 at 1231 am President Trump has repeated his warning to Iran moment ago: "The United States just spent Two Trillion Dollars on Military Equipment. We are the biggest and by far the BEST in the World! If Iran attacks an American Base, or any American, we will be sending some of that brand new beautiful equipment their way...and without hesitation!" second blog 12 hours later 1/5 at 1229 pm The "52 sites" are known in US military jargon as an "order of battle." Now, considering Jeremiah 49:35 and Iran cannot launch the formost of their might... what if the fallback position from this is to launch Syrian ballistic missiles with WMD warheads enmasse at Israel. Suppose some do get through the IDFs air defenses on shore and at sea. Sound like a good scenario for Isaiah 17 Jeremiah 49:24-27 to come to fulfillment? I think so. :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :popcorn :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :prayer-hands: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: :flyup: fair use per Eschatology Today
Sean, do you think we might see an IDF strike on the Bushehr Nuclear Plant?
Preemptive strikes are all but certain on Iran's underground nuclear weapons sites IMHO. However, the same effect is possible via major earthquakes in the ancient Elamite region of Iran. The same is true for the Iranian underground missile complexes.
In March of 2003, The United States of America launched an invasion and military conquest of Iraq. America captured the ancient archaeological site of Babylon. America retains strategic control of that region as well as the actual nation of Iraq which was the originally Babylonia of Nebuchadnezzar's day. Iraq and the ancient ruins of Babylon are under the strategic control of American military forces with a puppet government that appears to be splitting Iraq into three separate regions.
Why would they think this? Because rabbinical opinions had held that ancient Babylon’s power would be moved
Zechariah 5: 5-11… and Isaiah 18:1 tells us what direction it would be moving. Isaiah 18:1 says that the spirit of Babylon would move west of the most outermost boundaries of ancient Babylon’s western-most border, beyond the rivers of Ethiopia and Egypt. [That is what is meant by the KJV term "Ethiopia"] By virtue of Isaiah’s point of observation being from Jerusalem…then the direction of movement was westward from Jerusalem…beyond the most outer of Babylon’s oldest boundaries… meaning… the occultic power that fueled Babylon would move and take up residence elsewhere in the end times.
Interesting comments ...
America the Babylon is taken out because it is the superpower in the way of the Antichrist conquering and ruling the world. This is why the harlot is pictured riding the beast and the beast’s ten horns hating the woman and eating her flesh. This sets the beast free.