2020 Off to a Roari...
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2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

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Wow only day 5 of the new year and we have this brewing ...

According to Geoffrey Grider @ Now The End Begins

Iran announces they will pay $80 million to the person who kills President Trump, and they will immediately start enriching uranium for nuclear.

And the British are sending in 2 warships and mobilizes SAS troops to Persian Gulf as UK prepares for revenge from Iran in Middle East after rocket attack today.

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Doesn’t it sound like Jeremiah 49:34-39 could be soon?   :prayer-hands: for a hedge of protection  surrounding Trump/Pence and the White House as well as the US troops, British forces and IDF and that the angels foil any evil plot planned against them.


Hi Tammie ... I didn’t see your post until after I posted this ... thinking alike! :good:

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Wow.  My original post on this thread was Friday morning, on Jan 3rd.  Now reading the latest posts on Sunday evening, the 5th, it is a bit mind-boggling all of the additional things that have taken place and we are still not even a full week into the new year.  Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Your Name.  Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on this chaotic, insane earth as it is in heaven.  Our eyes are upon You, O Lord.  I know for myself, I am not even sure how to pray at this point...other than to pray that Your will would be done and people would be drawn into Your Kingdom before they are left behind to face Daniel's 70th week.  In wrath, Lord God, we ask that You remember mercy.  We claim the imputed righteousness of Christ as the only basis for our right-standing with You.  Even as Abraham taught us, far be it from You to destroy the righteous with wicked.  Our prays are lifted to You, Abba, in the matchless Name of Your Only Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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Though things can go south at any moment, yet it certainly seems that daily news reports only reinforce the idea of our departure soon.  Yes 2020 is seemingly a more likely candidate than not!


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Buckle up ? How about look up : )

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The optimist says “look ahead.”

The pesimist says “look out!”

But GOD says “Look up!”

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How about last call, before our bottoms go up!


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Geri7, USA and New York cannot be the Babylon.

Daniel 8:9 And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land

If USA and New York is where the little horn comes from, there is a big problem.

"toward the east" of Unites Sates is Atlantic ocean, while "toward the south" is Mexico.  What does the little horn try to accomplish by attacking Atlantic ocean and Mexico?

And from Daniel 9:26 the people of the prince to come, the prince shall come from Rome. Rome is to the north of middle east."toward the south" makes sense when the little horns makes his move against middle east countries. "toward the east" because he shall move to Shinar, builds a house there and sets there as his own base (Zechariah 5:5-11).

There are a lot of people suggesting New York is the mystery Babylon. They didn't realize that mystery Babylon points to a false, apostate religion, rather than a city. The little horn shall attempt a world wide rebellion against God in Babel, by uniting all the religion and faith together. He can do so because Satan gives his seat, power and authority to him. Shinar shall be his religious hub. And God shall destroy this city Babylon nearing the end of tribulation. Babylon is fallen!!fallen!!!

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2nd Coming,

This is my own view and I’m not dogmatic about it.  But I’m leaning towards it might unfold this way ...the AC will rise up out of the United Nations.  The kings of the earth will give him that authoritative power but he has many offices around the globe ... so he will not be just staying put in NYC.  He will also work out of the parliament building in Brussels.  The building is shaped like the Tower of Babel and I believe he will sit in seat 666.  Outside that building interestingly has the statue of a women riding the beast.

I wouldn’t be shocked if he also has an office in Rome @ the Vatican as well as in Saudi Arabia.  Then at the mid point of the tribulation I lean towards he will make his final office spot in Jerusalem and will literally place his desk/computer inside the Holy of Holies room all because satan wants to be like God and that is the closest he can do.  As he indwells the AC like he did Judas Iscariot and sets his throne in the Holy of Holies room and pretends as he rules the world for a short season.

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$80 Million bounty reported on President Trump.  May God surround him with a hedge of angelic protection, to accomplish His plans and purposes.

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Amen to that!  I'd consider that a done deal.

It is still God that sets men up or brings them down.  Why God tolerates evil men for as long as He does is still beyond me.  It's not like there's a shortage of them.

That's O.K. God still hasn't asked for my advice, just my heart!


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