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Joined: May 7, 2019 1:05 pm
Topics: 8 / Replies: 190
RE: Bon Appetite? What’s for dinner at your house?

I seriously need to expand on my menu! Just reading through these posts and I am just so not adventurous!

5 years ago
RE: Happy 2020!

Thank you both Yohanan and TR. Sometimes our situations seem so incredibly overwhelming. That verse about the Lord not giving us more than we can bear...

5 years ago
RE: 2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

Watchman, you raise such a good point! What a first week of 2020!?!?!!! :wacko: I am going to watch to see if there is a pattern on the amount of time...

5 years ago
RE: 2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

Oh, and in case you want to follow this story as it develops, Sean is updating his website in the comments section of this article:

5 years ago
RE: 2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that ballistic missile attacks targeting U.S. military and coalition forces in Iraq Wednes...

5 years ago
RE: 2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

So very ready to see this "Deal of the Century" and see the ripples from its release!

5 years ago
RE: I do wonder ~~

I definitely think America might be seen as a young eagle that is asking like Sheba and Dedan, "Are you coming to take Israel's spoil?" JD Farag and A...

5 years ago
RE: When the Fig Tree Sprouts

Others say the fig tree began to sprout when Israel was declared a state in one day May 15, 1948. Others say it was the Balfour declaration in Novembe...

5 years ago
RE: 2020 Off to a Roaring Start--Better Buckle Up

Been a bit quiet since the funeral of Soleimani. Didn't Ayatollah Khamenei say they were giving 72 hours of mourning in his honor... will be interesti...

5 years ago
RE: Elam: Iran’s Forgotten Prophecy "Provoking the Lords Wrath"

I have been watching this situation with Iran very closely. They just released a statement about no longer agreeing to any nuclear deal and we know th...

5 years ago
RE: Happy 2020!

Happy New Year to all my RITAN family! Our new year started out rather rough for our family so I have been lurking instead of posting. Please be in pr...

5 years ago
RE: Bon Appetite? What’s for dinner at your house?

Yep. We give her dry dog food. She just can stink up a room! 🙁 To be honest, I think it is an indicator that she needs a potty break - so I have ...

5 years ago
RE: A Little Dog Poop Can Cause a Soul to be Left Behind at the Harpazo

I have to agree here with David. While I cringe at the glass of water analogy and understand what you were getting at Watchman, I think there is an es...

5 years ago
RE: The feast God shall remember

Will keep watching these dates with hopeful anticipation. Thank you 2ndcoming for explaining all of that yet again!

5 years ago
RE: Looking More & More Look the Spoil is the Oil

Watchman, we also have this seemingly obscure article about a Turkish naval ship, in essence, bullying an Israeli research ship and escorting them out...

5 years ago
RE: Has the world lost its mind?

Seeking Illumination, I concur entirely with your shock. It is always a surprise - though it probably shouldn't be by now, when yet another "christian...

5 years ago
RE: The feast God shall remember

I'm kind of confused. The feast of Shavuot, or feast of weeks, didn't Jesus fulfill that during his first coming by sending the Holy Spirit on Penteco...

5 years ago
RE: The feast God shall remember

Good question Geri. How would those three feasts be fulfilled 2ndcoming, with your timeline?

5 years ago
RE: Has the world lost its mind?

Geri, that is very scary. He did so much damage to the culture during his presidency. I cannot imagine the damage he will continue to do through this ...

5 years ago
RE: The Devil’s Tower or God’s Mountain?

With all the constant barrage of media going back over and over again to aliens of some kind, I have no doubt that it will play a part in the end time...

5 years ago
RE: Bon Appetite? What’s for dinner at your house?

:mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Sounds like our dog too... and she only eats dog food - imagine how bad it would be if we fed her human food!

5 years ago
RE: Has the world lost its mind?

Yohanan, I am so sad to see this... looks like we may start to see a change in our ever predictable Hallmark movies soon if they are going to allow th...

5 years ago
RE: The feast God shall remember

Would this be a time of celebration when Jesus steps onto the Mount of Olives and restores order by building his millennial kingdom? I wondered if the...

5 years ago
RE: Joy Comes in the Morning--Waiting on the Sonrise

Something I was reminded of last night during our church's Christmas program: God's enormous ability to love. John 3:16 talks of God loving his creati...

5 years ago
RE: Hanukkah Rapture Watch

So I did not realize how many books Rabbi Cahn had written. I read The Harbinger years back. I am starting with The Mystery of the Shemitah and going ...

5 years ago
RE: 2026 Year of the Second Coming and Dates of Great Tribulation Events

This is a pre-tribulation rapture forum. The forum rules are right there for you to read as well as our statement of faith. I have to question why you...

5 years ago
RE: 2026 Year of the Second Coming and Dates of Great Tribulation Events

So I have to issue a RED ALERT about this link above - watch out! I read through all the links on the website. This Christian Gaviria does NOT believe...

5 years ago
RE: 2026 Year of the Second Coming and Dates of Great Tribulation Events

So I am going to have to take some time to look over everything on the website, but I see a lot of cool stuff just browsing through it. Maybe post thi...

5 years ago
RE: Hanukkah Rapture Watch

Yohanan, so Nisan 1 is sometime around the end of March and beginning of April depending on which hebrew calendar you check? I'll have to look into wh...

5 years ago
RE: Bon Appetite? What’s for dinner at your house?

Since we already have Lisa Leenie waiting up in heaven for us in our RITAN room where we can all get together and see each other face to face; which I...

5 years ago
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