@heidi if you are not accustomed to turning off google, you may be surprised by what is disabled. But, remember, google is watching and maybe the func... @heidi I agree, seeing google app requests popping up on my devices bothered me too. I sometimes use google maps when driving, but turn google off whe... @heidi I agree, don't trust google. Hi Vicki, it may have a lot to do with the application you are using to sign in. All of the browser companies are making change to the way they handle... @patrician there is an island half way between the point of Africa and the point of South America. It could be renamed to Demo Island. It would be a w... @terry and Kent, if your mouse does a double click, the thumb will be down. My mouse and computer are very old, just like me, and double clicks happen... @davedave Sunday morning is a pretty good day for the Church to rise too. @perhapstoday The first day of the Feast of Sukkot in 2031 is Oct 1. Subtracting 1260 days from Oct 1, brings you to Apr 19, 2028. That is the mid way... We shouldn't forget that following the Last Trump, the dead in Christ rise first. I don't think anyone knows how long that process will take. The ment... Here is a picture I got this morning of the full moon. I was looking for any article that would mention if the Apostle Paul did any teaching about the 7 Feasts. I found an article that talked about what Pa... @patrician I wish I already had my incorruptible body, because then Hillary Clinton wouldn't even be a thought. @terry The Feast of Trumpets: “The Day That No Man Knows!”. You can find an article about this saying and how it relates to this feast. I will put UR... If we're all in Heaven by end of day Oct 4, there is a really good chance we won't see electricity, ever. {ritan-emojis}:yes: @terry I'm glad you're in a safe place. I hope people in Georgia will be okay. If Jesus takes us home during the Feast of Trumpets we are only about a... @terry Do you live in the path of this latest hurricane? @terry I loved the chimney sweep dance he does at the end of his show. It was very entertaining. The number of ducks varies from day to day. I appreciated the prayers you all did for me after Roco passed away. He's just in my heart for now but I hope to see him soon after we meet Jesus in t... In the morning I put chicken scratch out for the ducks to feed. When they are done I put bird seed out for the doves and sparrows to feed. Everyone is... @heidi Lord, surround Heidi by your Angels to protect her. Cause work and distractions to fade from her view. Bring her friends along side her for sup... @yohanan thank you. The initial shock feels permanent, but as Kent said, we'll see them again soon. @erby thank you, and I agree with you that we'll see them soon. {ritan-emojis}:yes: @heidi thank you, fortunately for us God does provide our comfort. He is now and will forever, comfort us. @perhapstoday thank you for thinking about me and Roco. If we're out of here in a week, it will be a short loss. I'll need to find another picture for... This isn't really rapture news, but it was a concern I had about leaving this earth and what would happen to my pet Roco. Roco passed away this aftern... @blue I know that Tishri 1 begins when the 2 witnesses report the new moon. It marks the first year of a 7 year period that completes 6000 years of si... @patrician I suspect that the two witnesses that recognize the new moon in September will be none other than the two witnesses we've read about in Rev... The separation between jubilee years is either 49 or 50We have been told that jubilees are separated by 49 yearsWe've also been told that the jubilee ... @terry I think Dominion's home office was based in Venezuela.
Last seen: March 31, 2025 3:48 pm