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To keep us on the edge of our seats, Dr. Barry and Mr. Bones.  Any time during the month of Elul, now till Oct. 15.  No specific date suggested, more a teaching about the month of Elul and Psalm 27.  Worth watching anyway, and short, 12:48.

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Interesting connections for September 26 this year.

September 26, 2024 is Elul 23 on the Chabad calendar.  September 11, 2001 was also Elul 23 on the Chabad calendar.  Could this be a "9th of AV" repeat moment for the USA?  Destruction?

According to one website, the feast of oil is 7 days before the Feast of Trumpets or Elul 23.  I have often wondered how/if Jesus might fulfill the Feast of Oil.

The UN "Summit of the Future" event ends on 9-23 ... 3 days later is 9-26.

There are 170 days between April 8 eclipse and September 26 (Personally, I prefer 153 days after which is this Saturday, 9-7)

Just random thoughts I found interesting.

Patricia N.
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Pope Francis Kisses Hand of Muslim Imam, Declares All Religions ‘Have a Role to Play’:

Pope Francis is embarking upon a 12-day trip through four nations in Southeast Asia and Oceania.

His intent with the voyage is to pledge the Catholic Church will combat religious violence while inspiring stronger ties to other religions.

On Thursday, the Associated Press reported the Pope made his first stop in Jakarta, Indonesia, home to the largest Muslim population in the world.

A notable moment came when the Pope — in a wheelchair — appeared next to Indonesia’s grand imam, Nasaruddin Umar, at the entrance to the “Tunnel of Friendship” which connects Istiqlal Mosque to the nearby Catholic Cathedral, Our Lady of the Assumption.

It was here that the Pope received a kiss on the head from the Imam while kissing his hand in response.

The AP reported the Pope made comments that same day, saying religions “have a role to play in helping everyone pass through the tunnels of life with our eyes turned towards the light.”

The Pope stressed a message of unity between Catholics and Muslims in further remarks.

While he does not say it outright, the implication is that there are multiple ways to God.

In John 14:6, “Jesus said to him, ‘I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'”

While the Pope should not be openly hostile to a people who welcome him, he should pay heed to the Bible’s message in constructing his own greeting.  When we cultivate our own spirituality through something other than Jesus Christ, we are not following his word.

...the Pope should never say or imply that there are any other paths than Christ.
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@patrician He is correct, all religions have a role to play and they are playing it out perfectly according to God's Plan. May Gods Will be done now and forever.

Patricia N.
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UpTime Community Church: 

[Starts at the 1 minute 25 second mark. Lasts 2 hours.]

We Can Hardly Wait for His Return!

Rick Jones
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This isn't really rapture news, but it was a concern I had about leaving this earth and what would happen to my pet Roco. Roco passed away this afternoon at 5:30. He'd been suffering for several months with a bad heart. When he passed it was peaceful, his heart stopped and he went to be with our other pest waiting at Rainbow Bridge. Hopefully it won't be long until we are all in Heaven together.

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@rickjones427 So sorry for your loss Rick.

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@perhapstoday thank you for thinking about me and Roco. If we're out of here in a week, it will be a short loss. I'll need to find another picture for my profile but that could take long time.

(@Anonymous 394)
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@rickjones427 We sure love ours dogs.  I’ve lost a number of dogs through the years, and it is so hard. I am praying for you Rick. Our pets are God’s gifts, and we will see them soon.

Rick Jones
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@erby thank you, and I agree with you that we'll see them soon. Yes

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@rickjones427 I'm sorry for your loss, Rick. Losing a beloved pet is always very difficult. 😔

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@yohanan thank you. The initial shock feels permanent, but as Kent said, we'll see them again soon.

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I am so sorry to hear that Rick. Praying for God's comfort. 

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Rick Jones
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@heidi thank you, fortunately for us God does provide our comfort. He is now and will forever, comfort us.

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JOHN 8:44
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.
As we watch all the signs showing us soon, Jesus will come, satan tries to fool us everyday and he says, keep living for this world, NO, we won't. Now with God's word, and God's Spirit in us, satan can't fool us, he is so stupid. We know speaking God's word, is God Himself speaking thru us, Jesus crushed satan's head at the cross. Satan can't hurt us, or kill us without God's permission, or without a reason. God loves us so much, the devil tries to lie to us and say we are not loved anymore, really, we don't listen to him anymore.  We are hearing all the lies in the world satan is saying, OUR ears are closed, the Spirit tells us what's true or not. Thank you, Jesus for your Spirit, we will see Jesus come when God says it's time, be ready, even if we died before it. Never look back as we go on, it will be Heavenly with Jesus as our King, our future is secure, God is not a liar. See you soon in the air!
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Patricia N.
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The Kinsman Redeemer: A Prophecy Fulfilled in Christ:


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I'm voting for the rapture to be on Feast of Trumpets or before. I saw this interesting comment over on Facebook Ritan by Nathan Cowen, but I didn't do the math to check it:
If the 7 year tribulation were to start on Day of Atonement this October (11th/12th), and we then go ahead 42 months from that point, we basically come to April 16th 2028 which is Resurrection Sunday on both the Western and Orthodox calendars (which I guess is pretty unusual when they line up on the same date).
What's interesting about that is, the anti-Christ would be desecrating the temple on "Resurrection Sunday" 2028.
You can't make that up.
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@blue I'm rooting for Before.  Aaron (God A Minute) is broadcasting live.  The title is "When they say peace and security then sudden destruction BUT first the rapture."  The picture on my subscription page shows the Summit of the Future, September 22-23.  He's live this evening.  We'll wait for him to finish and post the recording, and watch tomorrow.

Paul R
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@terry I find it interesting that September 22 is a Sunday. A UN Summit starting on a Sunday? Hmm. It is also the last day of exactly seven years after the Rev 12 sign on September 23, 2017 (which the Bible calls a great sign).

A sign always points to something, right?

Feast of Trumpets would also be great, of course, but the appearance of this sign in 2017 put us right into the book of Revelation. And seven years after would be like the door of Noah's ark, which Father God kept open for seven days, before He closed it and flooded the earth.

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@paulr Wow, good thinking!  (Thank God for you analytical types, and that you freely share with the rest of us.)  And with so much 923 predictive programming, I would expect something big to happen on the 23rd.

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