One of my big considerations for a possible rapture date is the New Moon.
A 'thief in the night' would be more hidden without the moon's light. Nov ... A choir friend shared today she had a dream/vision of Jesus calling her Home last night!
My rapture dates are 11/9, 11/11, and 11/13 for now. I hop... The next new moon is Nov 13th. If the year was to start after autumn, then we are a month off. So maybe we are gone in 2 weeks! But tomorrow sou... Thanks Yohanan, I couldn't think of it! Asssssss youuuuuu wishhhhh! I have allergies so no animals in the house. We had outside dogs over the years and even had a Mama cat that lived under the back porch when the kids ... Those cities are only about a 60 mile drive per google maps. Wow! OR Late.... all 7 of my kids waited, waited, until Dr induced them. LOL I read an article once about the most popular barter items. IIRC the top ones were booze, coffee/tea, chocolate, toothpaste, and medications. Geri, I once had a lock problem and put cooking oil on the key then inserted it. It worked. 7 min to sunset. Countdown time till darkness. Is everyone ready? See you soon! :flyup: Yes, but some of us would be counted twice. :wacko: Geri, I'm looking at Mon 9/25 at dark in Jerusalem, so about 7pm.
The end of Yom Kippur when they blow the last trump.
That's noontime east coast US... We were married for 6 years when I had some female surgery. My Irish Catholic Dr said it did not look good for me to have children. So we tried hard... OK, I DID IT!!!! It only took 8 tries, I'm not good with computers - give me a typewriter and some white out! LOL
This is a 1987 family Christma... Geri 2024 is tooooo far away!!!
9/11 or 9/15 are tops! Well, OK maybe I can wait till 9/29....
This world has gone too crazy to last much longer..... Thank you for your prayers! We had some downpours and 20mph winds but most of the storm went west of the coast up the middle of the state. We have ... Dear Friends, We are in the path of the hurricane here in Myrtle Beach. It's supposed to be a tropical storm when it arrives tonight. We are ready, ... I'm Yankee, my family has been in CT since 1700s. We are English, No. Irish, Dutch Welsh and according to Ancestry ?German. All very Protestant. ... Geri, I have a few more watch dates 8/27 and a bunch in Sept 9/3,7,8,11,13,15, 18.
Of course every day is a watch day for me!
:flyu... Wow, a lot of letters this week!
PS: With a bunch of new watch dates! Speaking of coffee, we all need to plan for a water supply and filters. In CT we had lots of winter power failures, the worse was 2 weeks during a ... Thanks friends! I was a scout and raised in a scouting family. Grandad started BSA in our CT town in the 1920's. Anyway we have a nice camping ba... Yohanan, I have that charger! LOL Right now I'm looking at getting a solar charger generator with a battery big enough to run a small mini fridge... Praise Jesus! Thank You All for the prayers. Today's visit - not sure if radiation was done. showed that the tumor is benign! 3/23 UPDATE: J was discharged from hosp yesterday after the drainage tube was removed. She was in pain and tired but today is more active with less p... 3/21 UPDATE: J was out of surgery at noon but is spending the night at the hospital. She texted that she is feeling OK. Great letters today, many with the rapture March 1-6
Last seen: March 31, 2025 5:03 pm