One of my big considerations for a possible rapture date is the New Moon. A 'thief in the night' would be more hidden without the moon's light. Nov 13 and Dec 12 are on my calendar and the Dec New Moon is during Hanukkah. This world is getting more evil especially after Tues elections for abortions in many states. Hope to meet you all soon. :flyup: It sure seems that we are in the Rapture Waiting Room, and we are about to be delivered out of this chaotic world. One thing for certain, we are sure feeling like strangers here as things get more bizarre daily. This is not our home. The “world” won’t realize the stability and cohesiveness that the Church provided until we are gone. Then it’s ALL theirs. They can “Have at it.” As was mentioned in a recent Uptime video posted by Geri, in the meantime we must keep on the whole armor of God. And furthermore, in my opinion 😊, we must be engaging in prayer, praise, reading the Word, and fellowship when we can. Rita is one great place for that. Keep looking up! I wake up each day wondering if this will be the day, however then I remember the verse in Peter that says He is not slow in keeping His promise… He is patient not wanting anyone perish. As the world gets darker and darker I keep thinking this is the year! … especially because of the verse in Luke 17 that states people are eating and drinking and marrying right up to the day Noah entered the ark. Things will be somewhat normal when the rapture happens. Please Yeshua come quickly and help us occupy and love you and others well and tell others about You until you come! Please come on Saturday or Monday when the new moon happens! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: From Aaron Hidden In Daniel 9:26 2520 Days Mentioned Before Daniel's 70th Week Rapture Soon! - Fair Use - Short 2:22 clip from Makaio 666 already On Their foreheads and hands! Is THIS the Mark of the Beast? - Fair Use - Keep in mind the AC embraces the muslim/Jewish/catholic faith … aka “Chrislam” Thousands Line Up for the Chance to Get Elon Musk’s Neuralink Chip Installed in Their Brain: Thousands of people have reportedly shown interest in participating in the FDA-approved human trials of the brain-computer interface developed by Elon Musk’s Neuralink. Test participants will have a computer chip installed in their brain, and can only hope for better results than Musk’s test monkeys, many of which suffered a gruesome fate. Neuralink’s ambitious project aims to create a symbiosis between humans and machines, allowing for direct communication and control via thought. While the initial focus is on aiding individuals with neurological disorders, such as those with paralysis due to spinal cord injuries or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), the long-term vision extends to broader applications including message sending or game playing using only thoughts. The process involves a craniectomy — the removal of a portion of the skull — followed by the insertion of the brain chip and an ultra-thin array of about 64 threads by a robot. These threads, thinner than a strand of human hair, would then interface with the brain. The chip, designed to sit behind the ear, would replace the portion of the skull that is removed during the operation. Despite Musk’s interest in rushing into an era of brain chips for humans, major red flags have been raised throughout Neuralink’s animal testing. As Breitbart News previously reported: Ryan Merkley, the director of research advocacy for a medical ethics committee focusing on animal rights, has expressed grave concerns regarding the safety of Neuralink’s device. “Patients should have serious concerns about the safety of Neuralink’s device,” Merkley warns, highlighting well-documented reports of hasty and careless experiments conducted on animals. The committee, which boasts over 17,000 doctor members, has urged potential Neuralink volunteers to reconsider their applications seriously. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had previously echoed these concerns, denying Neuralink’s requests to commence human clinical trials. The concerns were primarily centered around the potential migration of the implant’s electrodes within the brain and complications arising from the removal of the device, potentially causing irreversible brain damage. Despite these initial reservations, FDA approval was eventually granted in May 2023. Yeah Patricia I heard about that.. Why would anybody cut off half their brain to insert anything in it?! That's so creepy!!