Unbelievable, how weak is the US that we inform other governments before an attack. The time and expense to build these missiles is just wasted. The... @geri9 The way I learned it was that the "main harvest" is the church age believers, who are under the gospel of grace. Church age believers are rap... These verses came from Aaron at God a Minute. They show peace and safety in verse 23 and then not so much in verse 24. (Possibly parallel to the yea... God A Minute?- Take a look at the videos online. It's very good and he talks a lot about why 2024 is the year I do think Charles is the AC. And the coinage made for a king. Luke 20:24 talks about a coin. Notice the numbers 2024 (the year we are in). This is the Wales Flag
Charles was the prince of Wales @blue Charles was the prince of Wales. The Wales flag is a red dragon @blue , Yes it was very good Wow, I hadn't seen that coin. Very interesting. I have seen some videos online making a case for King Charles as the AC. The main thing is that in ... Excellent video. I also have seen a few online videos explaining why king Charles is the AC. @blue, Yes, I like Feb 10th and just put up a new post about why I like it. The red dragon sign of Rev. 12 could a timing clue. The lunar new year is February 10, 2024 and it will start the year of the dragon in China. The d... Feb 10 is not a high profile day. Very very few people are talking about it February 10, 2024 is the only other date that I come up with. It is 2331 days after the pregnant woman sign of Sep. 23, 2017. 2331= 777x3 and 2331... In January, I like the 19th/20th. Jan 19/20 is 2310 days after the pregnant woman sign. 2310= 77x30, also = 70x33. All significant numbers in the B... No on Dec 23rd. The woman is 75 months pregnant. I don't think the woman will get to 76 months pregnant, which is January 23/24, 2024, but who knows... The red dragon sign could have been covid 19. Covid 19 is/was a "significant event", as stated in Revelation 12. It is/was deadly and it came from a b... December 23, 2023 is exactly 75 months after the pregnant woman sign of September 23, 2017. Israel is at war since October 7th. A peace treaty with ... Revelation 12, 1. Pregnant woman sign, 2. Red dragon sign, and then 3. Birth/Rapture. The pregnant woman sign was in 2017, but I don't think we have... I like November 19, 2023 as a rapture high watch date. 11/19/23 is very similar to Lisa's Vision of 11192 In my opinion, Rapture high watch date for November 19, 2023. This date matches well with Lisa's vision of 11192
Nov. 22, 2022. Gives that 22, two times, and 11 is half of 22 Possible. 2520 is 360x7 or 7 years. The only thing is that in the dream the angels are crying. So I am thinking that they are crying because the 7... Lisa's Vision (11192) Day Coming up, 11/19/22 Yes, and the wedding celebration lasts for 7 years I like June 29, 2022; however, churchgal and many others have said, dates come and go. I agree. I am not making any big plans, just paying some bill...
Last seen: March 3, 2025 4:34 am