Hello all, New member here. I’m Arthur. I lurked for a number of years and was sad to see the original RITAN site go to Facebook only. I was surprised to see the website up again so I have finally joined. I saw this website that counts the earth’s population and the number of births and death, total population growth every day and year to date. I am not sure how accurate it is, of course, but I have been watching it. https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/ According to this population counter, there are 7,722,616,000 or so people when I posted. Population growth per day (Births minus deaths) seems to be about 223,000 per day. So, at this rate, there will be 7,777,777,777 people on the earth in: (7,777,777,777 - 7,722,616,000 = 55,161,777) (55,161,777 / 223,000 = 247.36) 247.36 days. So, August 5th, 2019 + 247 days = April 8, 2020. Adding in the .36 of a day would bring it to April 9, 2020. I believe Passover 2020 starts April 9, 2020, IIRC. Anyway, food for thought. Let me know what you think. Arthur Hello Arthur! Welcome! I too am a long time lurker and have just come out of my shell. Your calculation sounds very interesting; however, I am not a numbers person, but surely someone will provide good feedback. Just wanted to say hello and welcome you! Hello Seeking Illumination, Thank you for your welcome, my fellow soldier in the LORD. :bye: Arthur, Welcome. The 7,777,777,777 is an intriguing number. I always thought some type of 7 combination number would make up the church age saints before :flyup: I got my eyes glued to next month as possibly the rapture but in case ... we are still here and ringing in the 2020 year ... I will certainly be adding April 9, 2020 to my calendar. :mail: Hello Geri, Thank you for your welcome. The rapture being next month would be wonderful. ^^ The number 7 is the number of completion. Perhaps it will be the Fullness of the Gentiles and the completion of the Church Age? I suppose if we don’t count the Jewish people, there could be 7,777,777,777 Gentiles in the world roughly 2 months later which would be around the time of Pentecost. Whatever the case, Yeshua/Jesus will come at the perfect time. 40.8 million people to go. Inching ever closer ... thanks for the update! :good: P.S. hey Arthur ... your email name sounds so familiar ... by any chance were you active on RF back in 2014-2015? If so, I recall playing a hilarious letter “P” word game with you about pope Francis. We ran out of P words to describe him. :yes: Indeed welcome! There are indeed many truths we can glean in our study of the Word. I would't be so bold as to say this singular event is what the Lord has based His choice for the Rapture's timing. Though I've always been curious as to what that indeed might be based upon?! Also it seems to me that God is really into a "convergence" of a multitude of clues to give us a general time reference or marker with regards to His glorious appearance and timing of the Rapture. Whenever it does occur I can rest assured that it will be the perfect time! Often when we set the date of our own Earthly marriage it seems to be quite arbitrary for the most part. But the Lord is far from being arbitrary. I at first though was stuck on a world population of 7 billion. In any event, we will all have only indescribable good and glorious things to look forward to! It's kind a like Christmas time. We see presents being place under the tree and might even be able to handle them. In some instances we might even know what a gift might be. But until we are released to unwrap them, anticipation continues to grow. So it is with the things of God! We stand under the tree of Calvary waiting until we are released from this realm and with mounting anticipation we can only speculate about the glories that are in waiting for us, from our Heavenly Father! TR The day we celebrate Christ's birth may also be an option. Hannukah in particular for those who can't wait for 2020. Again, who know's what the Lord will honor most?! But as we continue to glean and count the days before us, time is truly on our side! The dwindling of days favors our soon departure! Whether we count the number of day yet within our sight, or the number of souls being born, our count will usher in an eternity of days! TR I seem to recall Israel has plans to have their 3rd Temple ready by Hanukkah ...but since everything seems to have gone in limbo - haven’t formed their government and the peace deal announcement put on hold. On a positive note they can build it fairly quickly so it should be interesting if they can they get it all together and still make it happen in 2019 or will it be 2020? :unsure: Indeed the fervor and intensity for the building of the Temple does fit in nicely with prophesy, but from a spiritual standpoint I view this as a "golden calf" moment! Short of accepting a true saviour, they still seem to settle for the distraction of a shadow rather than what the shadow is pointing towards! A huge lack of insight to say the least. Religion, religion, religion, not relationship. Indeed there are many sincere and spiritual Jews in the world, and many that simply wear Judaism as a badge. Just as conquering African tribes introduced Africans into slavery, so too the sins of Israel introduced them also into slavery! As all sin does! Fact is that mistreatment, enslavement and genocide has long been around from the Garden's first generation! And there is no "reparation" which can take away the stain of sin or of man's injustice to man! Nothing but the blood of Jesus can wash away sin once and for all, or usher the divine principle of forgiveness into the hearts of men! Simply stated, religion is but a mere band aide treating only symptoms, while politely ignoring the source of sin. A temple will only revive the covering of sins one year at a time! But everything covered or hidden will be brought to light, not having been totally expunged! The Temple's existence is integral for the days ahead, but more importantly is a marker of the dwindling of days. It has been said that you cannot legislate love, so true. But as Paul pointed out, the Law was a temporary teaching tool. Sadly, few gained the insight of administering the tool (Law) into illuminating it's deeper truths. Good habits are great, bad habits are bad, but a clean heart before the Lord is more precious than life! TR Hello Geri. Yeah, same person. :good: The Frankenpope seems to be the same too, or even worse. :negative: Anyway, yeah, keeping my eye on things. Thanks, Tenderreed. It’s just something I have always had in the back of my mind. I don’t claim any special knowledge or anything. 😛 Our Lord Jesus Christ will come at the perfect time. Over 7,755,000,000 today. Less than 23 million to go. :mail: Wow ... now this is what I call stunning progress! :good: From Oct 14th count of 40.8 million to go to Jan 3rd count of less than 23 million to go?!!! Woohoo! :yahoo: Still on pace for right around Passover 2020. :whistle: Should reach 7,777,777,777 in about 101 days. Less than 20 million to go! In about a half hour, it’ll be less than 16 million to go. I’m amazed how quickly we are reaching the 7,777,777,777 marker point. I wonder when the conovarius plague reaches its peak ... will it slow the numbers down? 10,200,000 to go! When the ship is full, the ship will sail. Less than 7.5 million to go. Almost there. Hey Arthur, Did you see Bob Ware’s article this week on 5 Doves? He’s been watching the population count as well ... and said “World population could reach 7,777,777,777 on Good Friday, April 9th!” :yahoo: No, I didn’t. I will check it out. Good article. Thanks for the heads up. Here is the link for anyone who is interested: 5.7 million to go. Only 3 weeks or so until 7,777,777,777. :yahoo: Given the exactness of this number I wonder how it adds up with all those that have already gone to be with the Lord. And then add the number of those that are added after the Tribulation. That begs the question, what exact number of people will inhabit Heaven?! Is that a fixed or predetermined number? Also the population number at the time of the Rapture doesn't number just the believers. Why then would we need to know that number? As opposed to any other clue the Lord might give us?! And if it is indeed a clue as to the timing of the Rapture, how curious it is that it should include 10 sevens and then stop there?! Is it important for us to even know an exact number of those alive at the time, as opposed to the number that fills out Heaven?! The rationale for basis the timing of the Rapture on this specific number eludes me, quite honestly. TR Not saying it is when the Rapture will happen but just watching it. Considering that the number 7,777,777,777 will arrive right at the start of Passover is interesting to me. Some people think that the Rapture has to happen on a Feast day. IMHO, I think it is a number issue. God has a certain number that will be fulfilled and then the Rapture will happen. Hence, the fullness of the Gentiles. This is not to say that certain number won’t happen on a Feast day, of course. :good: Here is an answer by Jack Kelley on the possible meaning of the Fullness of Gentiles: Q) For a while now I’ve been pondering “the fullness of the Gentiles”. You have spoken on the differences between believers (the Body of Christ/the Church) as distinct from Jewish people and Gentile people who trust in Christ during the Tribulation. Since there will still be those two groups of people during this time, why do the Gentiles not figure into “the fullness” right through the Tribulation? Would not those Gentiles be counted as well in that “fullness”? And, the Rapture would then have nothing to do with this count? A). The fullness of the Gentiles is from Romans 11:25, part of a passage by Paul about the end times redemption of Israel. It says. “I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery, brothers, so that you may not be conceited: Israel has experienced a hardening in part until the full number of the Gentiles has come in.” It’s only one verse but it contains several important components. The partial hardening of Israel is also called blindness and refers to a diminished capacity for mental discernment, or a dulled perception. This is the condition Jesus pronounced upon Israel when they failed to recognize Him as their Messiah (Luke 19:41-44). The phrase full number (or fullness) refers to a specific number of gentiles who will “come in” before the partial hardening of Israel is removed. To “come in” means to arrive at a scheduled destination, as in “what time does your flight come in?” The removal of this blindness begins when the people in Israel officially renew their Old Testament relationship with God and need a Temple again. This will mark the beginning of Daniel’s 70th Week and according to Paul will happen after the fullness of the Gentiles has come in. I think the battle foretold in Ezekiel 38-39will prompt this. Ezekiel 39:22 tells us, “From that day forward the House of Israel will know that I am the Lord their God.” That tells us the phrase fullness (full number) of the Gentiles doesn’t mean each and every Gentile, but only those who are part of a group that will arrive at its scheduled destination before the blindness is lifted. This is a reference to the rapture of the Church, which will contain a specific number of members. When that full number has been reached, we’ll be taken from earth to our place in “my Father’s house” to be with the Lord (John 14:1-3). After the Church is gone, Israel’s spiritual eyes will begin to open, at first only so far as to bring them back into their Old Covenant relationship. That’s why they’ll need a Temple. Then toward the end of Daniel’s 70th Week the Lord will pour out His Spirit of grace and supplication and they’ll finally recognize their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10). In Acts 15:13-18 we see the same sequence of events. First the Lord will take (carry away) from the Gentiles a people for Himself (the Church). Then David’s fallen tabernacle (the Temple) will be rebuilt. Then the remnant of men, both Jew and Gentile, will have one last chance to seek Him. https://gracethrufaith.com/ask-a-bible-teacher/the-fullness-of-the-gentiles-2/ When the ship is full, the ship will sail. I think that the number 7,777,777,777 is significant. No one but God knows when that number will happen but we are very close. I think it lets us know that we are in the season. Just a hair over 4 million to go. Things are heating up in this ol' world. If the Rapture is going to happen, I expect the next two weeks to be fast and furious, especially the last ten days. Russia is hurting big time from the dramatic drop in oil prices. Iran, too. Perhaps they'll follow through on their evil plan. <p style="text-align: left;">About 2.5 million to go. The number should be reached by Resurrection Dunday. That would be a good day to meet Jesus. ^^</p> Good plan, Arthur. The day we're Dun. :yahoo: Resurrection Dunday!
Anyway, I have always had an idea that maybe the Rapture will happen when the earth’s population reaches 7,777,777,777.
Shalom and God bless,
Just my musings. I am excited about his coming for the saints. <p style="text-align: left;">I believe in great things for these forums.</p>
It does not work well on my phone, however. 😛
6.64 million to go. :mail: