The ultimate test of course is whether or not to take the Mark of the Beast! Pass or Fail! Heaven or Hell! I find it curious that we are found to be in the position of a pop quiz. Will we be inoculated or chipped?! Hmm What then could be the purpose?! Other then highlighting the lack of time left. Recent world events were not in my opinion crucial for the Church to witness or experience. Or do they reinforce the witness of the sovereign and prophetic voice of God?! Or is this pre-test designed to reveal our hearts?! All I know is whatever the Lord does is always multi-faceted! What do you think? TR I think it will be a reminder for the unsaved as the proposed "vaccine tattoo" when it comes into being will link to the prophetic mark in Revelation. Even those that do not believe, have, or will hear about the mark which will be amplified more if we are Raptured before then. Just out today — two more reasons your theory is about to be tried TR —- trumpets please! :prayer-hands: Tammie here's another good one that just came out today from Mike Adams. I have November 6 - 8 2020 as possible Tribulation start dates on my calendar. It's getting darker by the day. Wow! Well, the darker it is, the brighter the Light of Jesus shines. Yes, TR. The Lord Himself, unlike so many other professing but unsaved Christians, does not grade on the curve. It is pass/fail and the required score is 100% perfection. So thankful for His imputed Robe of Righteousness that saves a wretch like me. Ditto! TR Wait a minute Watchman - no flatting of the curve ... disappointing — that is the new expectation now ... :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: :mdrmdr: Sad that all knew the questions on the test and still failed! That detention hall is gonna be full! TR And the better it's looking for us : )
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