Hello Arthur C, my brother in Christ..... the complete opposite of the atheist Arthur C (Clarke) Yes, while neither my name nor I are perfect, I know that I have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb. I will also receive a new name one day. :yahoo: Shame about Arthur C. Clarke or Gene Roddenberry. They have boldly gone where many have gone before. 🙁 Sorry. I have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb. (not lamb) A song we sang at camp I've Been Redeemed. I've been redeemed (I've been redeemed) It has a zillion of verses and it's a tune that'll stay with me all day lol :thankyou Seriously........if not this year......then when? Everything has lined up perfectly and we are on the cusp of WWIII. If Israel goes beyond 80 then a whole lot of paradigms need to be revisited. Something HAS to give and soon. We are so close. Thanks! Whit Indeed! If the mystery of the Rapture has been revealed, why not it's timing????? TR If the mystery of the Rapture has been revealed, why not it’s timing????? God’s Secret Wisdom, Being a student of prophecy, He knows at least as much as we do about the End Times. (Please remember this. It isn’t that Satan doesn’t know God’s plan, it’s that he believes he can defeat God’s plan.) He knows the rapture will precede the End Times judgments, will take place when the church reaches its full number, and that only God knows the number. But that’s about it, so his only hope is to prevent the Church from reaching that number for as long as possible. Because he doesn’t know what the number is, he’s effectively kept off balance. If he knew when the church was leaving, he could plan some a counter attack. But since he doesn’t, he’s forced to remain reactive, unable to relax, never knowing when the whistle will blow and the game will be over. I think that’s God’s real purpose in keeping the rapture secret. https://gracethrufaith.com/end-times-prophecy/the-hidden-doctrine-of-the-rapture/ If we are watching … I think we are going to know the very hour of the rapture! Revelation 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. I respectfully disagree! Satan has always been ready to be sure, over ions of time! But he also being a student of prophecy is keenly aware that this is indeed the last generation! As such, if he could know exactly when the Rapture would take place, how would his plans change?! Would he be able to subvert the plans of God?! I think not, as we don,t give God or the restraining power of God the credit it deserved!!! I have heard men state for years that Satan can’t know! I don’t know where or how this misconception started and why it continues to be perpetuated as I believe it to be a false flag of our understanding of God’s power! TR
by the blood of the Lamb. (by the blood of the Lamb.)
I've been redeemed (I've been redeemed)
by the blood of the Lamb,
I've been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb,
saved and sanctified I am.
All my sins are washed away,
I've been redeemed.
The second facet of God’s secret wisdom will be the way the Church is taken out of the world. At a time no one will be able to determine in advance, and without any prior warning, the Church will simply disappear off the face of the Earth forever, leaving the unbelieving world in utter chaos. Because the birth of the Church took Satan by surprise, the details surrounding the Church’s departure have to be even more obscure. He’s a quick study, after all, and has had 2000 years to review what little the Bible has to say about the Rapture. He wouldn’t be so easily taken by surprise a second time.
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