September is here.....
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September is here..v.2

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Carry on!

Previous thread here.

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Listen from around 5.5 min to 10 min.  There is a new age conference Sept 24.

-Fair Use-

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Very interesting!  Thanks for sharing, Blue.

I was curious who are the guest speakers …

The news release article … has Atlanta, GA  which doesn’t surprise me since the Georgia Guidestones (before they were dismantled) are not that far away.

The conference starts at 11:00 am EST on Sept 24th

The contact info heading up the conferences is

Alicia Topper, Creative Society USA

when I googled her name and corporation I saw her facebook page and she is promoting …. Donald Trump … hmmm … so is he the guest speaker? :wacko:

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Happy Anniversary!

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I like how my friend, Janna says it:   "Swirling! That’s the only word I can use to describe my thoughts right now for this month! When one tries to take in all the prophetic “contractions” happening so fast and furiously, it makes your brain swirl!

I’ve heard different dates from several different prophecy watchers, pertaining to the coming Feast of Trumpets. No wonder it has been called the appointed Day that “no one knows the day or hour”.
I’ve heard that it could begin as early as Saturday evening, the 24th in Israel, and ending the 26th.

I’ve also heard that it starts the evening of the 26th and ends the 29th. So basically, the 26th through the 29th, is a high watch time for me.

Truth be told, every day is a high watch time for me, because my Blessed Hope is always on my mind. The Lord wrote His appointment book, before He created the world, and unfortunately, He hasn’t allowed me a glimpse of it.

This morning I read about how the big stores, like Walmart, and Target, have cancelled billions of dollars worth of inventory right here before the holidays. It has to make one ask the question, “Do y’all know something we don’t know?”

Actually, only those, who don’t follow Bible prophecy, would ever ask that question. But the curious thing to me is that things have gotten so bad, even the secular world is taking notice.
This leads me back to:

“And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.

Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.” (Luke‬ ‭17:26-29‬)

Beloved saints, we have to be going Home soon, or there won’t be anything left on the store shelves to buy or sell!


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Violence is being overspread as like in. Noah’s day!  I also agree that last day of Summer also holds promise!


Nann Zinn
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Eyes on only place of trust and peace at this juncture in time.

What she said in the video about something appearing on every TV, screen and device, reminded me of  a vision/dream by David Daughtrey from 1996, that I believe I initially read on RITA years ago.  It is now posted on 5 Doves, and can be found by 'googling' as well.

In David Daughtrey's vision, he saw a huge, riveted metal orb/spaceship of sorts appear in the sky and on every 'screen,' worldwide.  He said when it appears, we will have 1 to 24 hours to stock up on water and necessities, because a twin astroid will hit the sun on it's far side, sending an huge coronal flare to earth that will wipe out every energy grid.  1 to 3 weeks later, he saw the rapture of the church occur.

I am a firm believer in staying in peace, while we walk in wisdom.  If his vision is from God, it is worth keeping in mind.  We are living in sensational times.

Isaiah 30:15 "For thus says the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: “In returning and rest you shall be saved; In quietness and confidence shall be your strength.” But you would not,"

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Idk, how to put this but first I want to emphasize, this is a feeling or something that I'm tossing around in my head.

With all the heads of state in London today I believe there is waaay more going on than the Queen's funeral. Someone is bound to take advantage of this.

I know that Trump and Obama(former U.S. presidents) were invited by Charles to London Wednesday under the guise of paying respects to queen.

Idk, but I 'feel'  a heaviness and darkness lurking

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LOL, I'm sorry but I've just gotta say something else. The queen's health went down a fairly rapid deterioration. Really no details as to how/why she died.

In my research I found something that was revealed in 1986 that has bothered me.

Elizabeth II's grandfather King George V was euthanized by his physician in 1936 with a fatal dose of morphine and cocaine, so that his death would appear ''in the morning papers rather than the less appropriate evening journals.''

I wonder if Charles had his mother euthanized because he wanted  the re-set fully implemented with all heads of state in London invited by no one other than himself. :wacko:

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Hey Susan … I’ve been pondering the same thoughts all week too since they announced her death.  I found it very odd and the timing was just to perfect … granted she was 96 yrs old … but she seemed to be in good health and longevity is in her family with her mom passing at 101.  And then learning prince Charles is the mastermind behind the Build Back Better  WEF. and not Klaus Schwab … I just got this feeling something sinister might have occurred …

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