Oops, it doesn't go to the right place. After you go to the link, you have to click on the Feb 12 Getting Ready Service At about the 55min mark they say the Red Heifer ceremony will take place Passover 2025. Listen for about 5 min for the update on the Temple and Red He... I have a praise. My mother has been an atheist all her life and was into new age for a while. She doesn't seem to have much longer to live, but some... Great news that he is doing better. Still praying they will find the cause, and for his salvation. I'm still praying. How is he doing? I've only watched the Youtube part so far. I usually watch everything at 2x speed. It is hard to get through the rest at regular speed. Does anyone ... @terry Works for me. Jan 17 (Reuters) - The U.S. government has awarded Moderna
, opens new tab $590 million to advance the development of its bird flu vaccine, as the c... This man believes the blood moons tell us when Jesus was crucified...32AD./p>
-Fair use- This whole video was very informative. Someone in the Turkish legislature has said...If the fall of Damascus has happened, then the fall of Jerusalem... If we are still here after Steve Fletcher's date above, I've got my eyes on the full moon December 15. I went looking for something about the sun bei... Craig Bong update:
-Fair Use- I saw these interesting comments on Youtube:
November 29, 2024 is the 77th anniversary of Israel being voted in as a nation by the UN on Novembe... I propose a new high rapture watch date for the upcoming new moon November 30-December 2 beginning the month of Kislev. I remembered a Craig Bong inte... Craig Bong is watching another agreement of which there are about 7 years left.....From Craig Bong's Facebook November 9, 2024:
UK-Isr... From Craig Bong's Facebook November 20, 2024:
Britain moves into an active position in relation to the Abraham Accords.
With the current ... From Craig Bong's Facebook 11/25/2024:
In just a matter of days, peace and safety will be declared as much of the wor... Another thing in the works by the end of the year is a US-Saudi Defence Pact which Andy Woods talks about starting around the 50min mark:/p>
-Fair U... No, on Torah calendar 9/24 is Wednesday, the day before Thanksgiving. Maybe we should have our pie a little earlier in the week just in case. {ritan-... It would fit for the day you think not because it isn't one of the traditional 7 moedim. It would give a settling down period before the spring feas... If we are still here this afternoon, I wonder if the 9/24 date that keeps coming up in movies is pointing to the Jewish Calendar and Haggai's prophesy... Lots of folks have had dreams of two moons at the time of the rapture. The extra moon is supposed to be around until November 25. On Richard Garcia'... Kimberly has this new video, and in it she references this other video below by Youtube channel RISE talking about the 3rd Temple that will unite the ... Latest Craig Bong interview.
-Fair Use- Money talk starts @3:40 mark
-Fair Use- UFO talk starts @ 3 min mark.
-Fair Use- @davedave I saw the new moon was spotted the evening of the 3rd, so that would make the 3rd evening to 4th evening the first day of the new month? So... Wackadoodle is excited about this meeting coming up on November 28:
-Fair Use-
I have seen others talking about a meeting on November 11 also: ... -Fair Use- -Fair Use-
Last seen: February 19, 2025 8:12 am