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Maese Rete
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What is your date?

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I like the livestream churches because now I can check out other churches without attending. Here is one example of what I was talking about.  Start about 18 min and he mentions that James and Hebrews is for the Jews during the tribulation.  Not that we can't learn from them, but they aren't written to the church.  Is this correct?  I have a friend that was recently saved out of the Catholic church and she asks me lots of questions. Many are about works. I don't want to tell her anything wrong. Geri, do you know if Catholic girls still wear those necklaces?

-Fair Use-

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I posted this on the wrong thread!  Oh well, hopefully you are following me.

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Wow Arthur,  very intriguing thought with that timeline of possibly leaving in June / with tribulation perhaps starting then and having the mid trib landing on Christmas 2024 and with the lighting of the Hanukkah candles holiday also coinciding on the 25th  for the AC to take over and then the electrical grid goes down and its lights out.  :mdrmdr:

I just google … anything important for June in Jewish history …

We got the 6th day war from June 5th - 11th and its with the same old players that is giving Israel trouble right now … Gaza Strip, Syria, Lebanon …

And June 30th was when Jerusalem was reunified.   Hmmm … we know they are going to divide Jerusalem …  if June 30th 2028 coincides with the 2nd Coming … and Jesus places His feet on the Mount of Olives … a mega earthquake takes place and rearranges (reunifies) the city of Jerusalem? 😉




5 June
Six-Day War: The Israeli air force destroyed the Egyptian air force on the ground over a period of three hours.

11 June
Six-Day War: Israel signed a ceasefire with its enemies Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Iraq. It remained in control of the formerly Egyptian Gaza Strip and Sinai Peninsula, the Syrian Golan Heights and the Jordanian West Bank and East Jerusalem.

30 June
Mayor Teddy Kollek of Jerusalem announced that the city had been fully reunified.

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I was about to press the thumbs up button until I read

"Perhaps the tribulation will start on Halloween day?"

So Ready

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Well I still expect the rapture to happen earlier (May June or … Sept. FOT) than Halloween Day … was just thinking of a little gap period from rapture to starting of trib

But I like Arthur’s theory with the June rapture and June trib occurring around the same time … so it lines up with mid point being at Christmas time. :yes:

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Though we believe in imminency translated as any minute!  This is surely true.

But it also speaks of the right moment in time that God has already ordained!

Again following all the clues we have already been given, it is certainly near!

But that does not exclude God supplying any further clues!



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I can’t believe that the Book of James and Hebrews are written to Jews only! I listen to the Book of Hebrews a lot and I feel so spoken to about many things! What a liberating Book Hebrews is! James is awesome too! No way they are not for us as well!

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I would strongly advise not to follow Robert Breaker. He is a discipline of Peter Ruckman. Beware of their bad theology and reject it. Same goes for NTEB and Watchwoman65. They may have interesting prophecy updates but they have extremely unbiblical theology.

Basically, among many other errors, they believe that people are saved  in different ways in different dispensations. This is absolutely contrary to the Word of God. It has always been Salvation by Grace through Faith.

Ruckmanites believe that people in the Tribulation will be saved by faith + works and people in the Millennium will be saved by works alone.

No one has ever deserved salvation so it has always been by the grace of God. No one has ever earned their salvation so it has always been by faith. This will never change as no one ever will deserve salvation or ever will be able to earn their salvation.

Sorry for the rant.

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