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I am ready to go.....

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9:08 - 14:10 Advertisement

Govt Prepares Illegals to Takeover Empty Homes of Departed Christians! The 41 Parallel Warning!

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They can have mine, I have been getting it ready for them. But I think once they are not paying the HOA dues, they will be out pretty quick.

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I have waited for a long time watching for Jesus to save my granddaughter and oldest daughter, now I can say my entire family has decided to live for Jesus. Yesturday, my granddaughter was baptized and my daughter asked Jesus into her heart and asked to be baptized. What a day it was, wait for Jesus, He will answer in His timing thru our Father in Heaven, I've been going thru a lot of pain & sorrow in the last 3 years but I see why now. I see with all the things happening, God is soon making the day He's told us about 3000 ago, REAL & coming. Jesus Come Soon, are lamps are full to see you face. Prayer  

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How lovely, Vicky!  I’m so happy for you … how Blessed it is to see your entire family saved and now ready for the rapture! Yahoo  

Most of my family are believers, still praying for 6 more in my family to get saved, if they aren’t already and just backslidden? Unsure    Only the Lord can read the hearts and convict them.  

Yes, the power of prayer and having faith to believe and not giving up! Yes  

Matt 7:7-8 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

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@flyaway-com I am so very happy for you and especailly for them.

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Here is what God says to us, a promise to believe when we get saved.Acts 16:31-34 So they said, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Then they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house.

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8:18 - 13:03 Advertisement

How the Celestial Signs Today Lay Out the First Half of the Tribulation from 2024!

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3:53 minute clip 

10 Connections For This Rapture Season

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Israel accused of deadly strike on Iranian consulate in Syria



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Patricia N.
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@heidi On TV they said it was the building next to the consulate, but some officers were killed.

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Former Cold-Case Homicide Detective: Christ’s Victory Over Death Is Indisputable:

Rome’s early governing strategy was simple: allow each conquered people group to retain their gods so long as these deities were assimilated into the pantheon of Roman gods.

Yet this man—Jesus of Nazareth—changed history, introduced a whole new calendaring system, and forever transformed the most important and revered aspects of human culture. He is still worshiped today, while the vast majority of first-century gods are long forgotten. How is this possible? What differentiated Jesus from all the other gods worshiped in the Roman Empire? It’s simple: Jesus rose from the grave and was observed by eyewitnesses following His resurrection.

The resurrection of Jesus is true. It can be confirmed by direct evidence: the testimony of eyewitnesses.  Those who observed the resurrection of Jesus... testified about Jesus based on their own firsthand observations. More than 100 of His followers gathered following His ascension. On another occasion, He appeared to more than 500 at one time, most of whom were still available to the readers of Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (1 Corinthians 15:6).

Was the story about Jesus true? I decided to test the Gospel authors by asking the same four questions I would typically ask of any eyewitness in a criminal investigation. 

  • Were these authors really present to see what they said they saw? 
  • Could their claims be corroborated in some way? 
  • Were they consistent, or did their story about Jesus change over time? 
  • Were they motivated to lie?

For the next six to eight months, I investigated the death and resurrection of Jesus like the many cold cases I’ve solved over the years.

I also discovered that the Gospel accounts could be corroborated in several ways, including archaeology. Historical figures such as Pontius Pilate (Matthews 27:2); Erastus (Romans 16:23); Sergius Paulus (Acts 13); and many more have been verified and confirmed by archaeological discoveries. The Gospel authors also accurately described the cities and geography of the region, the popular names for men and women at the time, and the correct governmental processes and procedures employed by the Jews and the Romans. The authors even documented these truths using a form of Greek that was popular in the region in the first century.

As I examined the ancient letters of these Church Fathers, I discovered that the truth about Jesus could be reconstructed from their letters to one another and to local congregations. The facts about Jesus were never altered along the way.

Finally, I investigated the motives of the Gospel authors. My experience investigating homicides taught me that there are only three reasons why anyone commits a murder, and these are the same three reasons why people lie: financial greed, sexual desire and the pursuit of power. As I examined the lives of the Gospel authors, I found that none of them had anything to gain in any of these areas. Christians in the first three centuries (prior to the Roman Edict of Milan), suffered for their commitment to Jesus. Christians were persecuted during this time. Many lost their possessions, their standing within their family and community, even their lives. If the claims related to Jesus were untrue, they would have been the most dangerous and consequential untruths anyone could utter.

The Gospel authors passed the four-part test I typically applied to eyewitnesses in my criminal cases. Their written accounts reliably and accurately described the resurrection of Jesus without ulterior motive. When I realized this was the case, everything changed for me.

 I reread the words of Jesus from a new perspective, and once I realized the New Testament was telling the truth about Him, I started to pay close attention to what it was saying about my predicament. It accurately described Jesus as God incarnate with the power to forgive sins and shoulder the cost of human rebellion. It accurately described me as a fallen, defiant sinner in need of that kind of Savior. 

Jesus still answers that need today. Our sinful imperfection separates us from a perfect and Holy God, but our remedy can be found only in Jesus, if we profess Him as Savior and Lord. Jesus is the uniquely sinless, perfect Man who proved His deity, confirmed His authority and changed human history by rising from the grave. He’s changed the eternal fate of millions of lives along the way. If you’re ready to surrender your life to Christ, He can change yours as well.


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Why Are Pulpits Silent Regarding Our Future Resurrection?

  1. Why do pastors refuse to mention the wonders of our “blessed hope?”

In most cases, unbiblical beliefs regarding Bible prophecy account for the silence regarding the New Testament promise of resurrected bodies for the saints. The most popular teachings regarding the end times focus our hope on the church as either the current kingdom of God or as the vehicle to bring in the millennial kingdom minus our Savior.

Some teach that the fulfillment of 1 Corinthians 15:50-55 happens at the time of our regeneration, while others point believers to an end-of-the-age wrap-up of human history with no mention of the saints receiving glorified bodies. The most popular teachings in churches today deny the Rapture and leave the saints with no expectation of their resurrection.

Other pastors claim to believe in a pre-Tribulation Rapture but refuse to mention anything that relates to it so as not to offend those with other beliefs or the unsaved.

  1. Why does it matter?

The New Testament fixes our hope solely on Jesus and His imminent appearing to take us home. Such an eternal perspective is essential not only for our encouragement in these perilous times but also for our growth toward spiritual maturity. I say this because such a focus:

  • Motivates us toward purity in our lives (1 John 3:1-3).
  • Teaches us to value eternal realities over temporal things (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).
  • Calms our souls with the certainty that Jesus will intervene in our world, bringing “sudden destruction” on the wicked (1 Thessalonians 5:1-11).

Jesus’ death in our place upon the cross, His burial, and His resurrection three days later are essential to the proclamation of the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-11). However, the Apostle Paul does not stop there but continues to explain that our receipt of immortal resurrected bodies is a direct outcome of our faith, without which it would be useless (1 Corinthians 15:12-58).

One of Satan’s big lies is that we now enjoy all the benefits of God’s promised kingdom in our flesh and blood bodies with a raptureless future devoid of glorified bodies. Though extremely popular in churches that claim to believe in the inerrancy of Scripture, it’s most definitely not what the Bible teaches, and it contradicts most of what the Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15.

This is why we defend the Rapture with so much passion. Pastors that deny it or refuse to talk about it deprive those under their care of sorely needed comfort for the day in which we live.


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