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Tammie, you described it oh so well!  You really summed it up. This “new normal” is so disturbing to me. There’s a light at the end of the tunnel, but for them, it’s a train.  For us, it’s the Lord Jesus coming to get us.

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I try to warn people, but I just get “the look.”  And silence.

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If and when there is a reply, it’s the usual responses we all have heard; I’ll spare you. Hopefully seeds have been planted.

Paul R
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Yes, the world is in chaos, but "In Him we live and move and have our being..." (Acts 17:44)

The Lord has been dealing with me about this. We have to stir up the gift of God in us. For me it means praising and thanking Him before my feet hit the ground when I get out of bed. Praying in the spirit and quietly singing worship songs at every available moment. That ignites the Light in us that wards off the darkness. Carrying His presence and His power with me wherever I go. Asking Him to see people the way He sees them and to have His compassion to the best of my little ability. Even if they are arrogant and wicked and critical and judgemental and offensive and deluded. It's all about Him. Christ Jesus is the only answer to every problem on earth.

I don't try to warn people any more -- unless the Holy Spirit creates the opportunity and prompts me to do it. I just try to keep my mind on Him as much as I can -- and some days it's hard -- and things just kind of fall into place.

This is the time for us to shine! Gross darkness covers the earth. Switch on the light! It's no use shouting at the darkness. If this resonates with your heart, then please do it. I highly recommend it.

The joy of the Lord is our strength. Rejoice in Him always. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

The Lord will put an infectious smile on your dial if you let Him. You can be a force for good wherever you go -- even if you don't say a word. He will keep you in perfect peace if you put Him front and centre in your mind. And that peace will affect everything and everyone around you.

It's the heart, afraid of dying, that never learns to live... Rise up son and daughter of God! If you are tired and weak and hurting, look to Him. Take one step forward and watch the Lord give you the desire and the power to run.


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"Kent says, As I have mentioned before, I do believe our presence here on Earth is holding back the Tribulation; I am sure the Devil is chomping at the bit."

HA! We are ALL chomping at the bit, but we have the same reasons, but different one from the devil! Smile

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Great encouragement Paul. Thanks!

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Truth spoken Paul!

Occupy till He comes. :bible


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I want to share an experience I had today. My hubby and I have been searching for a church home for 6 months. We found a church and watched on tv and then have attended three times. (Summer was hectic, so not consistently). Today was number three service — they are about to begin teaching on Revelation. During the pre revelation sermon today, the way it rolled out, I whispered to my hubby — “that is the second coming”. So I looked up their statements on the website again and the section that talks about what they believe about the Rapture or tribulation was worded very general and did not mention pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib. It did not mention the rapture of the Bride….. I must have missed that and so to me being the curious one, decided I had to ask a question of the head elder after church.

I went up to him and said “I have a question and I am not sure how to ask this without sounding rude, so here goes” …. Does the church hold to a pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib view? — his response — “neither” — ok so you could probably see my brain going crazy and I just said — excuse me?????

His following explanation was laborious so I will not bore you but basically his statement was many people have studied these views and they all can prove their points so we don’t hold to any one of them.  At this point I thought maybe I didn’t ask the question right … so I said, you all are about to start teaching on revelation and in it there are many bowls and seals of judgement that are poured out on the earth. The 7 year tribulation is for God to judge the Jewish nation and the earth, the Bride of Christ is not subject to God’s wrath, so the rapture of the church must happen before the wrath begins. I believe the church is the bride of Christ and not subject to God’s wrath and the rapture of the church must occur. He said “I kinda believe that, but we do not push this view, as many are right and can give the rational of the views”.

Ok- so at this point my brain is doing cartwheels and I am understanding this is not the church for us. How in the world can you “kinda” believe that??? You either do or you don’t.

I had to finish my thought, so I said, the “time is very short … God is so perfect and has given us understanding. Just like the Maji of old who followed the star to the King of King’s birth, the heavens declare His glory and His story of time….the beast system is in place, the earth is in the final stages of the birth pains and the Bride is about to exit upward.” He said —- Yes there are some who think that way … I said thank you and found my hubby and we left…. Never to return! WOW! If they are about to teach revelation, they will have to start in chapter 19 because after the admonition to the 7 churches, chapter 4 the Bride is taken out and the church is not mentioned again. Then the wrath is poured out via bowls and seals …. Just WOW! I have no words. I have heard Jan say that folks ask her the help find a church but I did not think to experience this for myself…. Well next week, if we are still here, we will try yet another one, but the question will be asked up front. I have looked at their site but I will ask…. Come Lord Jesus! :prayer-hands:

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I mentioned this to a brother just today that there has to be a pre-trib rapture because God does NOT change! If God were to spare Sodom and Gomorrah for the sake of one righteous man then how could He pour out His judgement on the world while millions who stand in the righteousness of HIS SON are still here? The problem with the church today is that it is so compromised with the world. People can argue that Thessalonians 4:15-17 and others rapture verses are misinterpreted but you cannot misinterpret that God does NOT change!

Todd Tomlinson
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Amen Yohanan! :amen:

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