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Patricia N.
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New Congress Convenes as Mike Johnson Fights for Gavel:

Rep. Hal Rogers (R-KY), the dean of the House of Representatives and first elected in 1980, administers the oath of office to Mike Johnson as Speaker of the House. Johnson proceeded to swear in all members of the House en masse. Shouts and handshakes erupt across the House chamber.

Johnson read Thomas Jefferson’s daily prayer to the assembled members of the House:

Almighty God, Who has given us this good land for our heritage; We humbly beseech Thee that we may always prove ourselves a people mindful of Thy favor and glad to do Thy will. Bless our land with honorable ministry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion, from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Defend our liberties, and fashion into one united people, the multitude brought hither out of many kindreds and tongues. Endow with Thy spirit of wisdom those whom in Thy name we entrust the authority of government, that there may be justice and peace at home, and that through obedience to Thy law, we may show forth Thy praise among the nations of the earth. In time of prosperity fill our hearts with thankfulness, and in the day of trouble, suffer not our trust in Thee to fail; all of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Johnson, in his acceptance speech, says “we will defend our nation’s borders. That’s the number one priority.” 


Patricia N.
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Mike Johnson Makes Three Promises to Earn Support as Speaker:

Johnson outlined his three initiatives on X before Friday’s House vote for Speaker:

1. Create a working group comprised of independent experts – not corrupted by lobbyists and special interests – to work with DOGE and our committees on implementing recommended government and spending reforms to protect the American taxpayer.

2. Task that working group with reviewing existing audits of federal agencies and entities created by Congress – and issuing a report to my office for public release.

3. Request House committees undertake aggressive authorizations and appropriations reviews, including providing additional resources where needed, to expose irresponsible or illegal practices and hold agencies/individuals accountable that have weaponized government against the American people.


Patricia N.
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Why We Cannot Trust the FBI:

It gives me no joy to write this, but it must be said — the FBI is a broken law enforcement institution and should be dismantled. I believe the same about the CIA, but that’s a topic for another day.

Based on the FBI’s conduct over the last eight years, I find no reason to trust anything that FBI officials say with respect to the recent attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. Yes, I think both acts qualify as terrorism, but I have little confidence that we are getting, or will get, the true story.

I worked closely with the FBI during my time in the Office of the Coordinator for Counter Terrorism at the Department of State (1989 -1993).

...The leadership of the FBI has become a gang of partisan, political hacks. What is the evidence?

Let’s start with the Russiagate investigation, which was the first big warning sign for me. The FBI, working with the CIA and the United Kingdom’s MI-6, carried out a deliberate operation to sabotage the campaign and subsequent Presidency of Donald Trump.

The FBI knowingly lied on multiple FISA warrants and suffered no consequences.

Even after Trump’s surprising victory, the FBI — conspiring with the Department of Justice — manufactured a crime to destroy Trump’s National Security Advisor, General Michael Flynn.

Mike committed no crime, but was saddled with criminal charges that bankrupted him financially and defamed his reputation.

Then there was the Hunter Biden laptop.  ....It was only in December 2017 that the FBI finally showed up and took possession.

But, instead of conducting an investigation of the ample evidence of criminal activity present on the hard drive, the FBI buried it.

The FBI turned into an American version of the Stasi in the events leading up to and surrounding January 6. There was a legion of FBI informants in the crowd who had one mission — create a riot and a predicate crime for arresting Trump supporters.

The subsequent persecution and prosecution of Trump supporters conjured up images of political purges associated with the reign of Joseph Stalin. The FBI, in my opinion, became adept at creating crimes rather than solving them.

All of my retired FBI buddies, guys and one gal (Coleen Rowley), are sickened by what has become of an organization they were once proud to be a part of.

I did my own video today discussing the latest news regarding the attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas.

Maybe these were nothing more than isolated incidents.

But I cannot rule out the possibility that these two attacks are part of something darker — a threat to our Republic hatched by insiders. Senator John Kennedy promises there will be an accounting. I hope he is right.


Patricia N.
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Biden to award highest civilian honor to George Soros, Hillary Clinton:

Who Biden chose to commemorate at the end of his term.

President Joe Biden named 19 recipients of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on Saturday, including former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and billionaire globalist George Soros.

The Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest civilian honor that is awarded to those who have made significant contributions to the "prosperity, values, or security of the United States, world peace, or other significant societal, public or private endeavors," according to the White House press release.

"President Biden believes great leaders keep the faith, give everyone a fair shot, and put decency above all else," the press release reads.

Biden praised Clinton for having "made history many times" and Soros for his "global initiatives" that he claims "strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice" around the world.

"Secretary Clinton made history many times over decades in public service, including as the first First Lady elected to the United States Senate." the press release reads. "After serving as Secretary of State, she became the first woman nominated for president by a major United States political party."

"George Soros is an investor, philanthropist, and founder of the Open Society Foundations," the press release reads. "Through his network of foundations, partners and projects in more than 120 countries, Soros has focused on global initiatives that strengthen democracy, human rights, education, and social justice."


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JUST IN: House Changes Rules, Makes It Harder to Oust Johnson From Speakership:

It will now take nine GOP lawmakers to force the vote to oust a sitting speaker.

“Now that he is elected, Johnson faces a tough legislating challenge with the narrowest House majority in nearly 100 years,” CNN reported.

“However, in a key victory for Johnson, the House made it harder to oust a speaker. Included as part of the sweeping package was a procedural change that will require a minimum of nine GOP lawmakers to force a vote to oust a speaker. Previously, it only required one member to force a vote,” CNN reported.


Patricia N.
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Rep. Pramila Jayapal celebrates massive minimum-wage hike in Seattle and gets nailed with seething backlash:

Businesses are already shutting down over the new law.

Democratic Rep. Pramila Jayapal of Washington state celebrated the passage of a massive minimum-wage hike in the city of Seattle, but many on social media responded with ridicule and mockery.

The far-left government in Seattle jacked up the minimum wage on all businesses beginning the first of January. Some businesses are already shutting down after calculating that the law would force them into insolvency.

"Yesterday, Seattle’s minimum wage officially rose to $20.76 per hour — one of the highest minimum wages in the country!" she wrote. "I’m so proud to represent a city that puts workers first, and I’ll keep fighting to ensure we finally pass a minimum wage increase nationwide."

Critics excoriated Jayapal and warned about the unintended consequences of such far-left policies.

"Congrats, Pramila. You’ve just guaranteed that small businesses in Seattle will be forced to close, jobs will be lost, and prices will skyrocket. Raising wages without understanding the economy isn’t helping workers, it’s hurting them," read one popular response.

California passed a similar minimum-wage law meant to increase wages for fast-food workers, but some businesses have responded by firing employees and others have shut down completely.


Patricia N.
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Congress Convenes in Snowstorm to Certify Donald Trump’s Historic Election:

Congress assembled Monday with snow and security personnel swirling around the Capitol to officially certify President-elect Donald Trump’s historic political comeback.

The counting of votes certified by each of the 50 states in December will make Trump’s 312 electoral vote romp official only two weeks before Inauguration Day.

The Capitol complex, almost empty due to a rare heavy snowstorm in Washington, is blocked off by barriers in a security perimeter extending for blocks. No crowds will assemble to cheer, and no protesters or even tourists will be allowed anywhere near the Capitol.

Harris’s ceremonial role in rubber stamping Trump’s victory, cementing her own loss, may be her lasting political legacy in a decades-long political career.


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Harris’s ceremonial role in rubber stamping Trump’s victory, cementing her own loss, may be her lasting political legacy in a decades-long political career.

A fitting end to Harris. 

Patricia N.
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CNN Data Analyst Shows How Little Voters Cared About January 6th as a Political Issue (VIDEO):

CNN’s data analyst Harry Enten recently looked at how much voters cared about January 6th as a political issue and the numbers were stunningly small.

Democrats and the media, including a lot of people at CNN, thought this was their ace in the hole in November but they chose poorly because voters did not care. People were much more concerned about the border, inflation, and other serious issues.

This is why people like Sunny Hostin of The View look especially foolish when they try to hype Jan 6th as some sort of historic tragedy.

The only tragedy is the people who have been withering in jail over this for years now.
“People, simply put, didn’t care as much about the attack on the Capitol,” Enten continued. “Look at this, ‘January 6th is your biggest memory of Trump’s first term.’ By the time of 2024, look at this. It was just 5%, just 5% of Americans, and among Republicans it was just 2%. 
Patricia N.
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Biden releases bin Laden bodyguards, other alleged terrorists at Guantanamo Bay to Oman:

Administration wants to close Gitmo prison permanently.

As his days in office draw to a close, President Joe Biden has released nearly a dozen Yemenis from the Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba as part of a larger goal of closing the facility permanently.

On Monday, the Department of Defense announced that 11 prisoners would be transferred to Oman....

Both al-Alwi and al Sharabi worked as bodyguards for the late Osama bin Laden, former leader of the terrorist group Al-Qaeda and organizer of the 9/11 attacks.

Al-Alwi, who was also allegedly a member of Al-Qaeda, served on bin Laden's security detail in Afghanistan. A 2016 intelligence file noted that he had been "pardoned" for a number of infractions at Gitmo since his capture and suggested that he may still have an "extremist mindset" based on some of his statements while in prison, the New York Post reported.

With the 11 detainees gone, Gitmo now has just 15 remaining prisoners, a tiny fraction of the number of prisoners held there at the peak of the War on Terror. In 2003, the facility housed 680 prisoners.


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