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One of the best blessing from Jesus is that we don't worry about the futute, no matter how bad the world gets. We share in the blessed hope of the soon to be rapture.

Patricia N.
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Ukraine Will Join NATO, Says Antony Blinken:

NATO is going to “build a bridge” towards Ukraine becoming a member state of the defensive alliance, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on the organization’s 75th birthday.

North Atlantic Treaty Organisation member states met in Brussels at the alliance’s headquarters on Thursday to toast the 75th anniversary of its founding, among them U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken who like others used the occasion to discuss renewed Russian aggression and the potential place of Ukraine among its members. He emphasized the view, already articulated multiple times by NATO leaders in recent years, that “Ukraine will become a member of NATO."

What he left unsaid, however, was the conditions that generally come with the statement, that this membership would be when Ukraine is in a fit state to join, including not being occupied by a foreign power.

While Ukraine may be a way off formally joining NATO, individual members are storming ahead with creating ‘NATO-lite’ arrangements with Ukraine, by signing 10-year treaties with Kyiv promising further funding, support, and promising military aid if Russia invades the state again for the duration of the agreement. The eighth such NATO-lite paper was signed just yesterday with Finland, following the United Kingdom in January, then Germany, France, Denmark, Canada, Italy, and the Netherlands.


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@patrician They keep poking the Russian Bear.

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March Jobs Report Reveals One Big Problem with Biden’s Economy:

The March jobs report released this week reveals one huge problem with Biden’s economy: Most of the jobs went to foreign-born workers – including illegal aliens.

The media this week boasted about the March jobs report after nonfarm payrolls increased 300,000.

“Job creation in March easily topped expectations in a sign of continued acceleration for what has been a bustling and resilient labor market,” CNBC reported.

“Nonfarm payrolls increased 303,000 for the month, well above the Dow Jones estimate for a rise of 200,000 and higher than the downwardly revised 270,000 gain in February, the Labor Department’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday.” the outlet reported.

There’s one big problem: Native-born Americans are being frozen out of the workforce. Foreign-born workers – including illegals – got the majority of the March jobs.

Furthermore, the 300,000 nonfarm payrolls added in March are all part-time!

It’s all smoke and mirrors.  Many Americans are working multiple jobs to make ends meet.

Last year it was reported month after month that foreign-born workers were taking all the jobs while native- born-Americans lost their jobs.  1.2 million native-born Americans lost their jobs in August.  771,000 foreign-born workers replaced them.


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Undercuts Democrats on January 6: ‘Little Evidence of a True Insurrection’:

Like many reasonable Americans, I am concerned about the possibility that political objectives motivated the vigor of the prosecution of the J6 defendants, their long sentences, and their harsh treatment. That would fit a disturbing pattern of the weaponization of government agencies — the DoJ, the IRS, the SEC, the FBI, etc. — against political opponents.

One can, as I do, oppose Donald Trump and all he stands for, and still be disturbed by the weaponization of government against him.

Instead of demonizing our opponents as apocalyptic threats to democracy, let’s focus on the issues and priorities of how they will govern, and defeat them at the ballot box rather than through legal maneuvers and dirty tricks.


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Paul R
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@patrician The voice of reason, for a change.

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Growing Anti-Biden ‘Uncommitted’ Movement Threatens President’s Reelection Chances, Reveals Democrats’ Rift with Young Voters:

The growing “uncommitted” vote movement, which has caught fire in Democratic presidential nominating contests and led to reportedly 500,000 votes being cast nationally against President Joe Biden, is becoming a significant liability threatening his reelection prospects.

Frustration with the Biden administration’s handling of Israel’s response to Hamas’s October terrorist attacks is mainly driving the “uncommitted” movement, and polling data reveals that there are substantial generational differences among American voters regarding the Israel-Hamas war and attitudes towards Palestinians and Israelis. Biden’s “uncommitted” problem is not just with Arab-American and Muslim-American voters, but with younger voters in general who are a critical component of the Democratic Party’s coalition.

The “uncommitted” movement gained much more steam than expected at its inception with the Listen to Michigan campaign. The highly effective campaign, which the New York Times reported launched a mere three weeks before the February 27 primary and had a very modest $250,00o budget, led to more than 100,000 voters checking the “uncommitted” box in protest of Biden’s handling of the war. The vote total for “uncommitted” obliterated its initial goal by more than 90,000 votes in Michigan, and it has spread like wildfire to other states – especially in the Rust Belt, which had a major hand in deciding the last two elections.

Now, the Nation’s John Nichols reports that upwards of 500,000 Democratic primary voters have protested Biden with their ballots.  The movement now has delegates, “at least 25” of them, according to Nichols, “and continues to organize in late-primary and caucus states.”

Listen to Michigan headed into the primary aiming to secure more than 10,000 votes, as NPR noted. The uncommitted turnout was ten-fold compared to the goal, as 101,430 Michigan Democrats (13.2 percent of primary voters) cast ballots for “uncommitted,” showing the sentiment is widely held.

In the city of Dearborn, where local Arab-American and Muslim leaders reportedly snubbed Biden campaign manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez in January in an apparent silent form of protest, Biden lost by double digits percentage-wise to the uncommitted option.


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Newt Gingrich: Bidenomics ‘Means You Get Less for More’:

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has suggested President Joe Biden’s “economic failure” may well be his downfall in November’s presidential election.

The long-run consequences of Bidenomics on inflation are “staggering,” Gingrich wrote Thursday, and the prices Americans are paying have “skyrocketed” from the time Joe Biden took office.

In just three-and-a-half years, “the price of eggs is up 49.3 percent, gasoline is up 47.5 percent, peanut butter is up 40 percent, butter and margarine are up 32 percent, electricity is up 28.3 percent, airfare is up 32.7 percent, used cars are up 20.9 percent – and the list continues,” Gingrich wrote in reference to this week’s bad economic news that inflation persists while jobs are decaying.

Inflation continues to build even after the Federal Reserve pushed interest rates to their highest point in 23 years, Gingrich noted, because the Fed’s restrictive private sector policies are being more than offset by “the Biden administration’s massive deficits.”

“While the Fed is trying to take liquidity out of the system and force a slowdown to lower inflation, the Biden administration keeps pumping borrowed money into the economy,” Gingrich added.

The American people “feel these price increases, and they are unhappy,” he argued, citing polls showing that most Americans rate the economy as poor, while only 38 percent believe the economy to be in good shape.

“So, Bidenomics means rising prices, fewer jobs, more part-time employment, and a desperate sense that things are just not working,” Gingrich summarized, and despite efforts by the mainstream media to sugarcoat the situation, everyday Americans know that “life has gotten harder under Biden.”

“Simply put: Bidenomics means you get less for more,” Gingrich concluded, and if this situation persists, “Bidenomics may be Biden’s downfall” come November.


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This is how members of Congress get rich while you stay poor:


We wonder why people like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi stay in office forever. Why leave? There’s too much money to be made — but not for the average American.

American families are struggling more today than they have in a very long time, but guess whose portfolios are not struggling? Members of Congress. Is that fair? Is that why we sent them to Washington?

The newest Blaze Originals documentary, “Bought and Paid For: How Politicians Get Filthy Rich,” debuted on Tuesday, and I am still shocked that we are the only ones addressing this topic head on. You should watch it. This is something that we need to fix because the soul of our country is being tainted. Our members of Congress have been compromised, and they are voting on policies that prefer their portfolios over their constituents.

Hillary Clinton campaigned on creating an “economy that works for everyone.” The country's largest progressive think tank, American Progress, has a policy plan for “building an economy for all.” Moreover, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) wants us all to know that “congressional Democrats will build an economy that works for everyone, not just the elites.”

But who are these elites they keep talking about? Every time this rhetoric has been used in the past, whether that be in Russia, China, Cuba, or Venezuela, the elites became the people writing the laws. They were the ones that got rich.

History has shown that the redistribution of wealth is a con. Money doesn’t flow from the billionaires to people in the middle and lower classes. It flows to the people writing the laws.

Members of Congress have gotten so good at picking stocks that people are now following their moves rather than hiring a professional stockbroker. You can find websites like this one that monitor Nancy Pelosi's purchases. Who needs a professional anymore? Just copy the financial genius of your local congressman.

It is no secret why members of Congress suddenly become financial whiz kids once they get elected. I'm not directly pointing the finger at anyone and saying they did anything illegal, but two words sum up all this behavior: insider trading.

ABC News in 2011 exposed how Visa attempted to bribe Nancy Pelosi as critical credit card legislation was being debated in Congress. It noted how Visa offered her an IPO while the bill was making its way through Congress.

None of this is a secret, even though both Republicans and Democrats try to downplay it in the public eye. What makes this even crazier is that if you or I did that we’d go to jail. But Congress has a loophole.

Is this how Congress is beating the market? Members know all the chess moves before anyone else does. They’ve read the other team's playbook before the game was played. But you and I are not allowed to.


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Paul R
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@patrician Yep. Socialism is actually the redistribution of poverty.

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@paulr ....and spreading the misery evenly.

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Exclusive: Biden Administration Leaves Hundreds of U.S. Troops ‘Hostage’ in Niger:

More than 1,000 U.S. troops are effectively being held “hostage” in Niger with medical supplies running low — stuck between the military junta-controlled government’s demands for them to leave and the Biden administration’s refusal to let them go home after the end of their deployments, according to a report prepared by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) and obtained exclusively by Breitbart News.

In addition, the report accuses Biden administration officials of trying to cover up the situation to lawmakers, as well as to troops deployed there and their families anxiously awaiting their return.

“Our troops are currently sitting on a powder keg caused by political indecision at the top of the Department of State and Department of Defense. With a military junta in charge — who detests our presence and considers us unserious and predatory — the situation seems to be setting the groundwork for catastrophic diplomatic collapse like we saw during the 2012 Benghazi attack. Additionally, these troops are already running short on necessary, life-saving supplies, such as blood and medications,” the report by Gaetz’s office said.

“They are, in effect, hostages of an indecisive Commander-in-Chief,” the report said.

Gaetz, during a recent congressional hearing, slammed the Biden administration for leaving U.S. forces in harm’s way.

Until the takeover by the junta, the base was a major hub for U.S. intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) against terrorist groups Al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in West Africa, Boko Haram, and Ansaru. It was also a hub for U.S. military advisers supporting Niger’s forces.

The U.S. troop presence became threatened after the military junta, known as the Conseil National pour la Sauvegarde de la Patrie (CNSP), or the National Council for the Safeguard of the Fatherland, declared it had taken over the country on July 26, 2023.

“This deterioration of diplomatic arrangements has led to our servicemembers being caught in the middle of a standoff between an inept Department of State and a U.S.-trained Nigerian coup-force.


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Biden apparently has a new favorite alternate history: His uncle was devoured by cannibals:

President Joe Biden has long had an issue disentangling fact from fiction — and when dealing with facts, the 81-year-old Democrat often gets them wrong.

This week, Biden claimed that his uncle, 2nd Lt. Ambrose J. Finnegan Jr., was eaten by cannibals. It is unclear whose story the geriatric president has appropriated on his uncle's behalf, but the U.S. government's official record does not support the story Biden has now elected to tell on at least two occasions.

Speaking to reporters a Wilkes-Barre Scranton International Airport in Avoca, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday, Biden said: "Ambrose Finnegan — we called him 'Uncle Bosie' — he — he was shot down. He was Army Air Corps before there was an Air Force. He flew single-engine planes, reconnaissance flights over New Guinea. He had volunteered because someone couldn't make it. He got shot down in an area where there were a lot of cannibals in New Guinea at the time."

"They never recovered his body," added Biden. "But the government went back, when I went down there, and they checked and found some parts of the plane and the like."

According to the Department of Defense's Prisoner of War/Missing In Action Accounting Agency, Biden's uncle was flying a two-engine Douglas A-20 Havoc medium bomber on May 14, 1944. Whereas the president suggested it had been shot down, the government record indicates the plane "was forced to ditch in the ocean off the north coast" for "unknown reasons."

The Associated Press reported that the U.S. government's record of missing service members "does not attribute Finnegan's death to hostile action or indicate cannibals were any factor."


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@patrician He is such a disgrace.

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@patrician Our world has sunk to a pathetic low. When an incompetent man is seated in the White House only bad things can come of it.

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@yohanan When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice; But when a wicked man rules, the people groan. (Prov. 29:2)

Patricia N.
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Yes, when I first read this article, I wondered if it was true.  But now I have seen the same thing in about three different places.  He probably really believes his uncle was eaten by cannibals.


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