God's goodness is from everlasting to everlasting! And when I see the goodness of the Lord in whatever fashion, all I can do is praise and thank Him! Truly, the Lord is always good. But I'm sure He appreciates any that would say Thank You, Father! Even God likes being appreciated. TR Amen! Goes right along with Heb 13:15 By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name. Thank You, Lord, for your mercy, grace, kindness and goodness. Thank You that every single promise found in Your Word is yes and amen in Jesus. Longing to be in Your presence where every vestige of sin in me and around us is banished, as Light consumes darkness. Maranatha!!! How does the Lord know we love Him?! Cause God can see a sincere heart! Those needing proof of love are never satisfied. TR Oh, amen ~ In this season of near rapture ‘knowing’ . . . yes, yes, yes! ~ ~ ~~ We exalt You, Mighty God . even now, in spirit, we embrace You, with our hearts in deep praise ~ ~~ ~ can’t wait to show fully, our grateful hearts at the Throne of our God with adoration unto our Lord ~~ . . stir us ever deeper, by the Holy Spirit, the reality of Your return, glorious Jesus ~ . , .. oh, how we desire to gaze on You, Abba Father ~~ ~~ Heavenly Groom, Your Bride is breathlessly waiting to experience fully, Your Glorious Heavenly Smile ~ ~~~ In this final hour of saving Grace, , to forever adore our King of kings . . to be in the presence so near Your Majesty, Mighty God of Exquisite Glory, Splendor and Beauty,~ hold us in the realms of such Heavenly state before You ~ Unto You, the One Who created us, Lord God . take us to the Heavenly Light of our Risen Lord Jesus, to the One drawing us ‘neath the Majesty of our Father’s Wing of Splendor and Power! ~~ Draw Your Bride ~ ~ yes, where You are, Jesus, at the Throne of God . . held in Heaven forever in Christ’s keeping . . From Glory to Glory everlastingly never ending ~ Almost there dear watchers experiencing our Lord’s rapturous call . . John 14:3 ~~ " I am going away to prepare a place for you ~ ~And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and welcome you into My presence, so that you also may be where I am. ~ ~ You know the way to the place where I am going.”… John 14:3 has always been one of my favorite verses :heart: And its a rapture verse :good: For years I just thought of it as a pleasant promise but it never dawned on me until a few years ago when Dr. Renny Showers used that verse showing the difference between the rapture event vs the 2nd coming on the John Ankerberg Program. Knowing the Lord, his love and goodness the way that we do, how can anyone reject Him?! And they think we're crazy for loving Him! Lord even now, what man has known your full glory and goodness? Imagine all the more reasons we will have to praise You and give You thanks once we enter into Your Heavenly realm! And seeing you face to face, will only give us all the more reason as we stand in awe! How do we love thee? Who can count the ways?! Perhaps it will be only then that we might understand the rage of Satan, who was overlooked by God. Rather to be in an intimate relationship with Him, than simply just servants as like the angels are! For all that He hath done, for all that He hath given and for all that He is, it is truly indeed all about Him! TR I truly can't imagine nor have I ever possessed imagination enough to encompass what Heaven will be like! Even in glory as like now, I will be hesitant to call Him Abba, daddy! Given His glory outshines the sun! First and foremost He will always be to me, Creator and Almighty God! I will by no means forsake any intimate relationship that we will share. But who can stand in His presence and not be overwhelmed?! Indeed, what is man that thou art mindful of him?! Surely His glory and presence will be most intimidating. But how wonderful it will be to see His face. hear his voice and feel His heart towards me! Oh, to be loved by Him. So completely, so wonderfully, and with such purity. How fortunate shall I be knowing that He chose me! No doubt relating to the saints and angels of Heaven will be a breeze. But how can man relate with God?! Perhaps this is why His Son was given to man. Christ then is our bridge to the Father. There is none like Him, therefore He alone is God! My mind can barely apprehend the concept of God and his existence, or His majesty and greatness! Let alone His glory and love! Let it be said that eternity exists and is given to men that we could attempt to know God! TR