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ISRAEL: WHAT’S Happening v.4

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Never been explained to me why Allah always needs help from Muslim extremists???

Is he that weak???


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The Biden Administration Tells Israel They Have No Right To The Temple Mount And Warns That Jews Praying There Is ‘Provocative’ And Must Stop

Biden warns Israel against ‘freedom of worship’ on Temple Mount

FROM JEWISH NEWS SYNDICATE: The Biden administration has announced that its titular head will be visiting Israel within a few months. Biden’s last high-profile visit to the Jewish State in 2010 ended with him staging a diplomatic incident and refusing to leave his hotel room for an hour to attend an event with Benjamin Netanyahu. The Israelis have little reason to be optimistic about this Biden expedition.

After Muslim rioters disrupted Passover by engaging in violence at the Temple Mount, the holiest site in Judaism, the administration urged “all sides to exercise restraint, avoid provocative actions and rhetoric and preserve the historic status quo on the Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount.” The “provocation action” in this case is Jewish prayer.

It’s 2022 and the White House is warning Jews that their prayers are “provocative.”
The “historic status quo” Biden demands that Jews comply with exists only because Muslim conquest deprived non-Muslim minorities, especially Jews, of the right to pray at their holy sites. That’s like telling black people riding in the back of buses in Alabama to accept the “historic status quo,” or urging Ukraine to accept a “historic status quo” in which it is ruled by Moscow.

Or suggesting that Washington, D.C., should take orders from Queen Elizabeth.
Behind the scenes, the Biden administration and its officials have been warning the Israeli government to stop talking about “freedom of worship” and defer to Islamic supremacism. As one reporter described, “cognizant of how talk of ‘freedom of worship’ can be interpreted, US officials have sought to push Israel to avoid using the phrase and instead focus solely on affirming their commitment to the status quo at Jerusalem’s holy sites.”

Freedom of worship doesn’t require any interpretation. But here it means that the Israelis allow Muslims to control the Temple Mount despite the fact that they illegally seized the site during the brutal invasion and ethnic cleansing of Israel, and that occasionally Jews are also allowed to enter the holiest site in Judaism and visit it—not to pray publicly, but merely to set foot on it. Imagine if Islamic invaders had seized the Vatican, turned St. Peter’s Basilica into a mosque, and after the reconquest, the Italian government let the Muslims keep the Basilica, but occasionally allowed a handful of Catholics to visit it, without praying, only to be met with riots. And with international condemnation of the “provocative” action of allowing non-Muslim visitors.

That’s the situation in Jerusalem, and what Biden is saying is that it doesn’t go far enough.

In Istanbul, the end of Islamist rule meant the transformation of the Hagia Sophia into the neutral status of a museum, until Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s brutal Islamist regime decided to begin reverting it back to a mosque. Neutrality on the Temple Mount is not even on the table. Israel is not demanding the return of the Temple Mount. All it’s saying is that everyone should be able to go there. Not just the descendants of the invaders and colonizers who now rule over it.

Jewish visitors to the Temple Mount are not allowed to pray there. That privilege is reserved for the Islamic colonists who control it. No Jewish prayer books may be brought to the site and no one non-Muslim may pray out loud there. In a recent expansion of “religious freedom,” a judge ruled that a Jewish man had the religious freedom to pray quietly there, as long as there was no outward sign of it.  Read More


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I know you just added an article link.

Let me get this straight.

Administration means it is legit.

However, Biden's is not, so better be called regime insead.

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Well, I agree, but unfortunately, I can't change the given headline. 😉


Patricia N.
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Amir Tsarfati:

Remember I wrote here yesterday that Russia isn’t anymore seeing Israel as a friendly country? Well, guess what? Hamas in Gaza saw this opportunity and arranged for its seniors an official visit to Moscow to discuss…. Jerusalem!

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Oh the ties that bind … so Hamas is seeking Moscow’s help.   LOVE IT.   And if Putin doesn’t survive … he gave Vladimir Kolokoltse temporary power to oversee everything.  Can you see this dude feeling the pressure to do something in honor of “Mother Russia” and will make a rash costly decision to invade Israel to become some type of “hero” in his countrymen eyes?   The plot thickens …

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Chad thinks there will be major clashes on the Temple Mount tomorrow:

-Fair Use-

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Patricia N.
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International Bible Contest winner marries runner-up:

Ezriel Shilat and Oriah Cohen competed head-to-head in 2018 - an event that led to their marriage.

Ezriel Shilat and Oriah Cohen married Sunday night, a year and a half after they competed head-to-head in the finals on Independence day 2018.

During the International Bible Contest, both of them answered the 12 questions in the finals correctly, and moved up to the "golden question." At that stage, Shilat answered one question more than Cohen, which won him first place in the contest.

At the time of the contest, Shilat and Cohen were students.  The two kept in touch after the contest, and announced their engagement a few months ago.

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Hopefully it is a spiritual union rather rather than academic!


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