Sean Osborne - Eschatology Today - April 22, 2022 at 5:46 AM At 04:00 Israel Time this morning the HAMAS islamic extremists began to riot and engage in violence against security forces there to keep the peace. The Islamists cried for jihad [war] against Israel. Both Jordan and the Arab League stood up and voiced direct support of the islamic jihadists objectives on Temple Mount. Israel's government has vowed to maintain the status quo on Temple Mount which forbids Jewish prayer anywhere on the main mount platform. Clearly, it will be an overt Act of God which will restore Israel's ability to worship, conduct services and establish the Lord's Sancturary on the Temple Mount. Keep watching. - Fair Use - Israeli PM Fires Back at ‘Hostile’ CNN Host: We Must ‘Act Tough’ Against Violence: CNN’s Christiane Amanpour was accused of “hostility” after a tense back-and-forth with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in which the anchor criticized the Jewish State’s response to recent violent Palestinian riots against Israeli police and Jewish worshippers, with the Israeli leader replying: “When faced with violence you have to act tough.” During an interview with Bennett on Wednesday, CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour appeared “hostile” toward the Israeli premiere, inquiring as to why he allowed the military to create “tension” by quelling violent riots that have taken place in and around the Al-Aqsa Mosque situated on the Temple Mount in the Israeli capital of Jerusalem. “When the world sees, and when Palestinians see, and when your region sees Israeli soldiers inside that mosque, it creates a lot of tension, a lot of unease,” she said before asking: “Why do you allow Israeli soldiers to go into that mosque?” The Israeli prime minister hit back against the charge that Israel was responsible for the “unease” by accusing Amanpour of presenting a misleading narrative. “Yeah, well, Christiane, there you go again starting the story in the middle,” he said. “But the actual fact is that last Friday at about five in the morning, roughly 300 Palestinian rioters entered [the] Temple Mount mosque with explosives [and] with stones.” “They began desecrating their own mosque; burning, throwing stones and preventing about 80,000 decent Muslims from going to pray,” he added. Bennett went on to explain his duty as the country’s leader, as well as the need to “act tough” in the face of violence. “Amanpour’s hostility, smugness and arrogance towards #Israel is just relentless,” wrote international human rights lawyer Arsen Ostrovsky. “But PM @naftalibennett did a great job here pushing back on the situation in #Jerusalem and Temple Mt. Per Amir’s Telegram A few minutes ago Hamas launched two rockets from Gaza towards Israel. The rockets landed within Gaza near a UN funded school and wounded a few Palestinians. And 6.0 magnitude earthquake hits Bosnia and Herzegovina - Fair Use - Israel Dumps The Dollar For China's Renminbi: Over the last 48 hours, China and Russia have taken big steps toward separating themselves from the monetary policy and economies of the west – and nobody has even noticed. Those who have been reading my blog for the last couple of weeks know that I have been predicting that China and Russia would grow far closer economically, creating, in essence, a second global monetary system where the US dollar is no longer the reserve currency. This shift is happening as a result of the United States and the rest of the western economies foolishly thinking that they’re going to be able to effectively sanction Russia economically, despite the fact that Russia is a massive producer of oil and the country seems prepared to back its currency, the ruble, with this productive capacity. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, we continue to run enormous deficits and have very little productive capacity, and even less to back our currency with. Our destiny seems to be to continue printing money regardless of the negative consequences. We’re nothing more than printing press junkies that won’t cease our inflationary addiction until we inevitably hit rock bottom. First, it was little noticed yesterday when Bloomberg reported that “Israel’s central bank has made the biggest changes to its allocation of reserves in over a decade, adding the Chinese yuan alongside three other currencies to a stockpile that last year exceeded $200 billion for the first time ever.” The report read: Starting this year, the currency mix will expand from the trio of the U.S. dollar, the euro and the British pound to include the Canadian and Australian dollars as well as the yen and the yuan, which is also known as the renminbi. The additions mark a change in the Bank of Israel’s “whole investment guidelines and philosophy,” Deputy Governor Andrew Abir said in an interview. To accommodate the changes, the euro’s share will fall to 20% -- the lowest in at least a decade -- from just over 30%, while the dollar will account for 61%, down from 66.5%. In other words, Israel is reducing its exposure to the dollar and to the Euro to add exposure to the Renminbi. And so perhaps isn’t just little old me here chipping away at my blog daily that has noticed that China and Russia could be on the verge of effecting meaningful change to the global monetary landscape. It sure seems like Israel is catching on. I expect other countries to follow suit. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/israel-dumps-dollar-chinas-renminbi - Fair Use - Someone in the comment section said … Anonymous - April 26, 2022 at 6:51 PM Sean Osborne - April 26, 2022 at 8:27 PM Targets were weapons systems being transferred to Hezbollah. Targets destroyed. - Fair Use - Is the Temple Mount Becoming a Haven for the Homeless?: A picture of a tent city erected on the Temple Mount has gone viral on social media in Israel. The image, caught by Israel365 News‘ Josh Wander, shows a tent city adjacent to the Al-Aksa Mosque on the holy site. The mosque has been used as a headquarters for hundreds of Arab rioters who have attacked Israeli police since the beginning of Ramadan earlier this month. It appears as though the tent city is being used to house the rioters during Ramadan, giving easy access to the mosque that they have essentially transformed into a makeshift fortress. Earlier in April, Israel365 News reported that Arab rioters in the Al-Aksa Mosque desecrated the mosque by using it as a fortress for rioting, leaving their shoes on and playing soccer inside the structure. The video enraged many in the Arab world. https://www.israel365news.com/268718/is-the-temple-mount-becoming-a-haven-for-the-homeless/ “Allah Brought Jews to Palestine So We Could Finish Them Off” – Shocking Message from Islamist: Senior Islamic Jihad official, Muhammad Shalah shared a couple of days ago that the Jihad against the Jews is led by the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as Hizbullah and Syria, Yemen, and Iraq. He claimed to take pride that these are the same groups that stood against “criminal America” which planted Israel in Palestine. Muhammad Shalah claimed that Iran provided them with rockets and they were congratulated for their strikes on Tel Aviv. Another election coming in Israel? https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/politics-and-diplomacy/article-705667 -Fair Use-
”Russia could maybe use this as an excuse to station troops in Israel under the guise that they're protecting their land that the church is on.”
Just heard Israel hit Damascus with missiles... is this legit?
Not Damascus per se, but Hezbollah and Iran sites in Qudsayya and the area around the international airport. 3rd set of IAF strikes this month in Syria.