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Is America in Bible Prophesy? by Terry James

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. . . " America isn’t mentioned by name in Bible prophecy.” But, it is always appropriate to follow up with: “However, America is certainly in prophecy in the sense of being among the nations foretold to influence the course of human history while the end of the age approaches and the Tribulation looms.” We can say that, because here we are, right in the mix of things moving the world toward the climax of human history.  And, are they ever moving!

With this nation at the black heart of all the satanically inspired rage, hatred, and determination to bring America down so globalist plans can proceed, I can’t accept that I’m being America-centric unnecessarily. This nation is in the middle of a war, an end-times war in which I believe the Lord Himself intervened miraculously in the 2016 presidential election.

I have no answers to the war’s outcome in the short term. We do know that the globalists will get their “New World Order” at some point. But for now, the battle rages, and the very fact that it does is most encouraging. God is still in the middle of the fight, and there is no better side to be on than that of the omnipotent Creator of all things.

America, A Golden Cup

Again, is the name “America” given anywhere in Scripture? Of course not. But, the influence this nation has exerted since coming to its full bloom as earth’s greatest superpower in history makes it a prophetic nation. The Creator of all things continues to use America in His mighty hand to accomplish two very distinctive, supernatural purposes. As a matter of fact, the United States, in my view, has an overwhelming presence in Bible prophecy.

Its place is at the very heart of the end times things we see developing—matters we see unfolding in daily, even hourly, news reports. In this sense, I believe God is speaking of America—in type, if not by name, when His Word tells us the following:

Babylon [hath been] a golden cup in the LORD’S hand, that made all the earth drunken: the nations have drunken of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. (Jeremiah 51:7).

Certainly, the United States of America has been a “golden cup” in the Lord’s hand. No other nation of modern vintage can come close to claiming that achievement.

Some nations of Europe were formative in bringing forth Christianity into the world, thus shedding a degree of gospel light into a world of sin-darkness. But it is America that, despite its great shortcomings and more recent degeneration, has been a shining beacon, reflecting from that golden cup in God’s hand.

Being the first nation in spreading to the whole world the gospel message that Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross makes possible the only way to redemption for lost mankind is a feat no other country can claim. This, ultimately, has been done not by the offices, or under the auspices of American ingenuity, but by the omniscience and the omnipotence of the One holding the “golden cup.”

It is God’s grace and mercy that has put America as a beacon of God’s light upon that mountain of gospel dissemination. God’s providence gave this nation the industrial and technological genius—a fact that is denied, or that is so taken for granted today.

Israel is the Real Target ~ ~  "

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I use to wonder if people who lived in ancient times like the flourishing Roman Empire realized, in real time as they were living it, that they were experiencing the destruction of their civilization as it incrementally took place right before their eyes?  I no longer wonder that.

Having been born here in America in 1960, my entire lifetime (and I suspect the majority of those who post on this board are in the same boat) has been characterized by the incremental destruction of the core foundational Judeo-Christian values of this country.  Of course, before becoming a believer in Jesus back in 1984, I did not pay much attention to it, have much understanding of it, or care much that it was happening.  However, after becoming indwelt with the Holy Spirit of the Living God, my spiritual discernment began to function and grow.  Spiritual things are not discerned by natural man.  It is now so painfully obvious to me that America is in the final stages of dying this  slow and agonizing death, which, it seems to me, started its final decent in earnest when we removed His Word from our educational system.

I don't believe this had to be inevitable from the standpoint that God programmed "robots" to make sure they would accomplish the destruction of the USA.  I believe what made it inevitable is that God knows the beginning from the end, and He knew in advance exactly how the wicked hearts of men would play things out after He gave them over to the reprobate, depraved minds of Romans 1 because they refused to retain God in their knowledge.

So, we will inevitably fall, as the final major obstacle of a one-world satanic government ultimately is removed.  Until that happens, I am going to pray for the grace and mercy of the Restrainer to hold things back until the final gentile believers are brought in to the Bride and we are harpazoed.

What I do not know is how bad the Lord will allow things to get for the USA and the world before He says, "ENOUGH...SON, GO GET YOUR BRIDE."   May He grant us the strength, courage, wisdom, grace, and mercy to finish well, whatever these final days may hold for us.  Maranatha!!!



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I agree!  Indeed inevitable.  But a new world shall take it's place, filled with only the sheep of His fold!

Letting go of the familiar is always difficult, let alone the only realm mankind has  known!

Trusting in faith that rewards also await us in that new realm is a huge stretch for man and creation alike!  But living here any longer is also not much of an option!

God's goodness in life and the creation He He gave us would have been much greater had we not fallen in the garde

That said, I also think that was also part of His plan!  Ergo He would not have suffered to let Satan into the garden in the first place, let alone be tested as we were.


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another interesting commentary:     by Jonathan Brentner  ~~ the entire article is a good read

. . "

As people turn away from Jesus and the truth He embodies, the more likely they come to look to government as the answer to their woes and grievances. And once the left and the media convince them that the United States does not have their best interests at heart, they become more vulnerable to the cries for a worldwide governing authority that falsely promises a utopian existence for them.

Such things as new laws, more government regulation, and a worldwide governing authority will only continue the downward spiral of this Christ-rejecting world into lawlessness and destruction. It saddens me to see so many people, even Christians, sucked into the prevailing mindset that we need more government control to combat social ills and disease.

The answer is found in the pages of Scripture. It’s Jesus and Him alone. The future of this world consists of unimaginable death and destruction. For those of us who know the Savior, we look forward to His soon return. . . "


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I believe that Trump will be this nation's last president ~  I think he will be caught up with us  ~ and then the world can finally indulge in their self seeking utopia led by the ac ~ ~

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I find it interesting that America is mentioned in the middle of the word ... Jerusalem.  Coincidence? :unsure:

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The UN says, “Let’s take our planet back.”

Sorry, Satanic UN and globalist elite, the planet is already in your master’s hands. You have it and your perverted, wicked world system runs it. You can’t take back what you already have.

Don’t worry, though. The real Master and True Ruler of this world, Jesus Christ, is coming back to take that was lost. Soon and very soon! :yahoo:


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Since so much symbolism is used to describe end times events and world empires, I still think the revived Roman Empire is America; both used an Eagle as the symbol of their people; not to mention the fact that the majority of Americans are descendants from Europeans.
